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Everything posted by Truth5

  1. Truth5

    Being A Rich Sikh

    Listen, I said there will be a time- and u are right, the Time is Always Now. But there will be another time- Guru gobind Singh Ji writes of it in Dasam granth ji and I take his word as Law. I haven't made much money yet n I still give to the poor. The Rich sikhs have the same option. Youve educated them but cannot force them- ultimately the choice is theirs. But u can show sikhs by example- by practicing what u preach. I wrote that Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave his man body n wealth to sikhi. Gurbani Is so we become like the Gurus in realisation that We are the Lord and He is us- we are One. The entire Gurbani is teaching us to merge back into Truth/God. Obviously the 10 Gurus were Beautiful and incredibly evolved, but real bhagats are of the same- the purity of the heart can reach perfection. We take the way the Gurus chose to live their lives as an example. Giving up mind body and wealth to Him is key as they belong to Him already- not Us/Ego.
  2. When did I say that I think only 3HO Sikh have naam etc? I go to the gurdwarra and used to go almost daily for ages. (Also, colour doesnt mean anything to me, we are all Gods kids n i'm not racist.) I am saying that I have physically seen so many of these sikhs go into such a deep and beautiful samadhi that I really have no words to describe it. I have yet to see even a few sikhs do the same in the gurdwarra. Instead of the sikh youth their 20's etc, I have witnessed most times ive been there, gangs of amritdhari boys and even gyanis, slandering girls/ women and other people. In front of the Guru. And as Sukhmani states what the Slanderers are, this to me is complete beadbi and unacceptable. Ive also heard of sikhs giving other sects with families death threats etc, and this isn't right. What ive written is purely based what on what I have witnessed and felt. U can feel free to argue against it, its just based on my experience. 3ho Sikhs excercise and look after the temple we've been given(Body) excellently, and this is shown by how youthful they look. This is part of the reason they go into such deep samadhi, the energy in the temple flows better and easier when u excercise and yoga is a miracle excercise. Alot of them do ritualistic crap and the Gurus spoke against this but thats why Im not a 3HO- just a Sikh. I just feel that people who educate other sects on beadbis should be spiritually and morally right. I hear gyanis Bi*tching and staring rudely at women in the gurdwarra. This isnt gurmat. I've been told of alot of corruption within Gurdwarras and the committees. So I feel that my feelings of mistrust are warranted. The Khalsa is of the internally pure and if someone feels they truly are by God then they should be the ones to step up, not posers. I wrote about many of the 3HO sikhs having the core of sikhi down because when u focus on the silence of Nothing/Truth your experiencing reality away from the imagery of the khel- ur going so deep and realising that everything around u is just a dream, an illusion. If the panj pyare are going to educate 3HO then I just hope they are spiritually well enough to do so with a balanced mind and heart.
  3. I'd say that the conditions of Kalyug are pretty much what Dasam Granth ji says they will be- maybe a tiny but better but we're definitely getting there. Media ensures that many youngsters and even misguided adults buy into the widespread CHAV (Drake casual s*x, Beyonce harlot, Jayz Swag, Nicki minaj, kim kardashian, Towie etc ill behaved, bitchy, vice ridden culture. Hence the Uk esp is full of dum* Chav Sheep. In short, the culture being promoted is PRIMITIVE, Not Civilised. So people are not evolving spiritually even near to the extent that everyone could be. The lead singer of a famous band once said that Music is divine because it can be used to soften someones heart enough for the sinģer to be able to whisper into the listeners ear and influence their thought(brainwashing). Same goes for television(in brainwashing). Gurbani kirtan is amazing and does so much more than many sikhs even think it does- so listen to and understand it. The illuminati's agenda includes getting youngsters to indulge in vices and same for adults. I'd urge parents to teach their kids lessons of Gurbani. I know a youngster who goes to the Gurdwarra more than their parents, who seems like theyre into maya- but closes their eyes and meditates in the gurdwarra and has been blessed because of this. U can tell this person has not been as influenced by bulls*t society as much as their friends. I was similar when I was younger- and could have turned whatever way as my entire family and friends except for one, were fools. Practicing Gurbani and kirtan truly saved me. Teaching youngsters up to their 20's about sikhi is a huge seva as they are so easily swept up and taken by society-when really society is just a big Gimmick and popular society is cunningly designed by the elite to turn people and kids away from god and into fools, Asbos and slanderers(jealousy, bred from an insecure culture fearful of what others think of them) who worship celebrities and people who are Not up to the Truth Frequency and indulge in the vices. The thing is that Sangat includes the people u think about. So if ur constantly thinking about celebrities who drink n promote crap and vices, thats your sangat. If u think about ur friends or cousins who get sh*tfaced many nights, indulge in the vices/nindya, all the time, then thats ur sangat. If u think about the Guru/Gurbani/Truth constantly, then ur a bhagat, and I bow at your feet. The world needs for people to Teach and help others learn and understand gurbani to help Satyug to come into being. Satyug comes when the majority of the earths inhabitants practice Truth/Gurbani. But u can start by practicing Truth/Gurbani and living heaven on earth and lighting up the world. If you've truly experienced and applied Gyan, then teach it to those willing to listen. Do amritvela naam simran from 12:30/1am onward for at least 2 n a half hrs and benefit from living the Truth Frequency/spirituality/Silence in your daily life. Stay grounded in it. The world just needs a few beacons of light. Satnaam
  4. No akali u are not getting my point.A whole lot of 3HO Sikhs have Sikhi down in ways that most Sikhs don't. 1) I have personally seen so many 3HO Sikhs go into deep deep Samadhi that i have yet to see even a handful of actual Sikhs do. Going into such a Samadhi- is going into the Sunn- the Silence from which we originate. Many of these Sikhs have the core-the Deepest Truth of Sikhi down. That we are NOTHING-we are the Silence. No image no Nothing- just the Truth. I see so many sikhs walk into the gurdwarra not even attenpting to silence their minds- someone with esp can sense the senseless chatter, the mind ticking at 100 miles per hr. The aim of Sikhi is to Silence the mind while Alive- and hence Silence the 5 theives which thrive in the mind and Are the ego/mind. When u silence ur mind, then u simply FEEL WITHIN YOUR BEING. And u begin to Truly understand the reality of the world around us. Nothing is as it seems at all- its one huge illusion that has been given to us to live and discover Truth on earth. Truth=Nothing. Everything with an image=illusion. The point I was making is that I wouldnt trust most Sikhs to deal with a 3HO beadbi because most live to such a huge extent in slavery to the mind and hence the 5 theives, and not the heart/the balance- that feels and contemplates Truth. When someone is not balanced- u can't trust their decisions. Guru Gobind Ji was Miri and Piri, He had spirituality down to a T- we need more Sikhs who have actual Spirituality and a balanced heart to be able to make spiritually morally correct decisions and actions.
  5. I think most sikhs don't have the balanced mindset to deal with any type of beadbi properly. They go in all guns blazing when they can't even see the beadbi being done daily by so called amritdharis who openly do nindya in the gurdwarras, talk about bullsh*t and are generally full of crap and the 5 theives and dont make much effort to suppress/Kill them and yet still have the Nerve to call themselves Sikh. I would not trust such sikhs to carry themselves properly and decently whilst dealing with beadbi. I wouldn't trust such sikhs fullstop. So I would ask for Actual Sikhs who do Proper Rehat- meaning silencing of the mind/ killing of the 5 theives, not Slandering and Gossiping like gossipy busybody women even for a Second, and living truthful lives not hurting others- to deal with these beadbis, not the false so called sikhs who are actually Wolves in Sheeps Clothing. Such True sikhs would be well eqiupped spiritually to deal with beadbi, not the false type. When sikhs stop focusing on the outer garb and thinking that sikh dress alone is enough, and begin to purify their souls and hearts, that's when this age will improve to bring on the Satyug.
  6. Also, I don't think God would have brought Jesus back from the dead if he was a fool. I do not understand how a person who gave up their lives for Truth, who was Nailed Alive on a Cross for standing up against tyranny, evil and ritualistic practices of jews, satanic practices and teaching people to be Good- teaching that the kingdom of heaven is already here(people r just too blind to see it)- can be dismissed so quickly as false.
  7. Jesus did teach Truth tennents, so did prophet mohammed as per dasam granth ji until he became corrupted. Give me the quote in gurbani that says that Jesus was full of of it please. Christianity Has become corrupted over time but not by Jesus. He taught the acceptance of Karam and shaheedi and to do good deeds, his great teaching are too many for me to count+ I dont doubt for a second that he doesnt reside with the other great Gurus and Bhagats of the ages. I recognise a great soul when I see one.
  8. Hi Just checked this out and it looks great, thanks. I had been wondering if I needed to join a childrens class as I am a beginner, it would have been so embarrassing! lol.
  9. Some of these sikhs go into such Deep samadhi as instructed by Guru Granth sahib Ji. Theres a woman in London who isn't brown skinned indian who does Kundalini yoga(a miracle in helping keep the body temple healthy and youthful along with other complimentary excercises) and is one of the only people my relative has seen meditiating so deeply and truly in a Gurdwarra. Yeh rituals are B/S thats the Truth, but samadhi/learning gyan to be brought forward and practiced in daily life-is not. Excercise/looking after the body is paramount in Respecting the Body temple of God in this janam- along with spirituality. Yeh some of these 3ho sikhs are missguided and you could do ardas that they see the light, but so are a shedloads of Sikhs and singhs and dumb disrespectful gyanis in Gurdwarras who walk around slandering girls and others in front of the guru-Slander being a Huge crime in Dargah- as per Sukhmani sahib. There are idiotic corrupt 'sikhs' everywhere, but then it's kalyug and Guru Nank gave us the gyan that the world is full of fools so its no suprise.
  10. Hi, is the Havlock Rd meeting really open to all, or just Gurdwarra representatives?
  11. Hi I would be really interested in viewing the online classes to learn to write punjabi again.
  12. Hi TashaBeing a Sikh is just being a student of Truth. The Gurus aaid that religions had become corrupt over time and the core principles had become twisted. Jesus taught Truth, he was a Beautiful soul and many of the principles he taught are found in Guru Granth Sahib Ji- the Guru/Teacher of Truth. The teachings are the teacher himself- the Guru. There is no conversion needed, only the application of the Everpresent and eternal Truth. Truth is His name(Satnaam). I would begin by reading through Guru Granth Sahib Ji- online english translations can be found here: http://www.srigranth.org/servlet/gurbani.gurbani?Action=Page&Param=1 That's what I did. Also, google the lives of the Gurus they taught by example- everything they taught- they also applied to their daily lives. God Bless you.
  13. Lots of Non Brown Skinned indians are sikh around the world esp in America. Doesn't matter if ur brown skinned or white skinned- a practioner of Truth is a practitioner of Truth- a Bhagat- Gods beloveds.
  14. Truth5

    Depression, Help

    What they said^^^^^^ Be happy, don't be depressed, go to the Gurdwarra at least once a week, that really helped me when I had anxiety. When u are there, realise that Guru Nanak Dev Ji himself sits behind Guru Granth Sahib ji watching us in every single Gurdwarra in the world. Read Gurbani and apply it to your every day life and you will find peace. Satnaam.
  15. Truth5

    Depression, Help

    Hi Make a vow before God himself(Who is you and u are Him) never to drink again. When u make a vow before God not to do something, u would hope that your ego isn't big enough that u think u are higher than the vow u make and therefore God to make the same mistake again. Honour your vow. Live Clean- dont drink, smoke, and very importantly- excercise and eat healthily. Honour the temple of God that u have been given in this janam which is your Body temple by not poisoning it with alcohol. Live Miri and Piri- Be good, never lie, Live a Good spiritual Life, and enjoy life-but be Good. Live Gurbani. Spirituality isn't difficult- it's all about finding peace in the moment and seeing God/ Truth in everything, and just Being Good because it's the right thing to do. Real bhagats live simple and practice Truth in Sehaj- its living Maya- reacting in Maya that is complicated. God Bless you
  16. Truth5

    Naam Dhirr

    Hi, Just wanted to add that the aim of this Janam is to Live- because thats why we're born- but to live Truthfully. To see God in Everything. In every little particle in this khel, in every stone, every flower, every cell, exists the Whole- the nothingness. It really is All in one, one in All. Use every bit of dukh youre gifted with to detach back into the balance of truth- This is True Love- to see Truth in all, in the good and the bad- its all just Him- recognise Him. Use the illusion to your advantage, to play the game He/you have created through ur heart, never let it play you. Satnaam
  17. Wow, what a great mindset to have. Amritdharis who Slander are not sikhs, they are total manmukhs.I have heard amritdharis say similar things about women INSIDE the Gurdwarra while Guru Nanak watches. But I'm sure thats fine in your books aswell. Hsingh, as I said it is not Feminist, it is common Courtesy. How would you all like it if I said you look like an ugly girl? I won't post back to anyone here about this now, because if u guys can't see whats wrong here then there is really no hope. ps I wonder if anyone here thinks we would ever have caught our beloved Gurus making such catty comments.
  18. Truth5

    Naam Dhirr

    Namm simran is most effective when u understand what it is. Naam is Truth- its the frequnecy of balanced gyan that lives to discover while detached from the discoveries of highs n lows, pleasure and pain, heaven and hells. Truth is everything, everyone, everywhere. The trees whipser Naam/Truth, everyone lives in karam of it. When u do Naam Simran, u are connecting with the entire Universe and embracing it. In this khel in this janam-our body is the temple of Truth- of Him- of All because He Is All. Hence when we do naam simran we embrace all as coming from within us- just being projected from within our own hearts as part of the khel. Your Mum, Dad, Siblings, Beyonce, the trees, the spiders, Guru Nanak, the devil, the angels the gods n goddesses and heavenly and hell realms are all within us and Are us and we are them. There is only One. But people dont realise it and so we are cruel to others, jealous of others, not realising that really, we are the same. We are all born of the silence- of the Nothingness- that is our origin- thats the truth. Everything is just a projection of the Nothingness, of the truth-its just an illusion. Satnaam
  19. Truth5

    Being A Rich Sikh

    Yes you can buy nice things and luxuries, go on holidays etc, thats all a part of living. But remain detached from the ego and pride of wealth. Don't brag- I see so many wealthy people brag, I see people bragging about having wealthy friends, even though they claim to be humble. Humilty isn't meant to be a show- ur not meant to Act humble- ur just meant to Be humble- whether others see it or not. Give to those in countries where there are not job prospects for the poor and hungry to be able to feed themselves. Give clothes that u never or may rarely wear, do seva at the gurdwarra. Jesus said its harder to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven so remember that life is a test and we come alone n empty handed and leave the same way. Just live and be good- live Gurbani.
  20. I agree with Jkvlondon. I have a cousin who has said they think that it's okay to wear a kara and to adorn themself with symbols of Truth but still goes out and gets drunk, has relations etc, while wearing it. They said that its okay to drink. My reply to them was, could u imagine the Gurus sitting around getting drunk- and they had nothing to say to that lol. I would say that the sikh scriptures Gurbani and sikh websites as well as visiting a Gurdwarra and meditating and serving others there are great ways to learn about Truth. Good Clean simple living is the way to go and to read and apply the truth in Gurbani to your every day life. Truth is what Jesus also taught and other masters have taught but the ten Gurus put straight the truth which had been twisted over time by other religions. The knowledge that the Gurus teach in Guru Granth sahib ji-the divine scriptures- is incredibly deep and is what they learned from God himself. There is One Truth and Gurbani tells it straight. http://www.srigranth.org/servlet/gurbani.gurbani?S=y
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