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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. I don't disagree with OP for making these threads. There are valid discussions to be had on issues such as these. The problem is there aren't discussions and exchanges of opinions and ideas taking place. What's happening is people trying to be clever and play games. There's no desire for vichaar between brothers and sisters; it's typical Internet posturing and promotion of certain ways hidden by agendas and doublespeak.
  2. Can we remain on-topic instead of turning this thread into another crapfest destined for closure?
  3. Their political leaders and their intelligentsia.
  4. Whites have been conditioned to become so apathetic that it's quite alarming how much they're willing to tolerate for a peaceful existence. There'll come a tipping point, but we're not quite there.
  5. I'm glad someone's noticed that this has the potential to be the beginning of quite a concerning issue. I won't say much more because coming from a male it seems like I'm being negative about an innocuous gathering of female Sikhs. It's probably nothing. I do think the gradual creep of a certain contemporary western ideology into some Sikh circles, is an interesting development.
  6. I wonder what criteria he uses to decide which of his thread titles deserves to be posted in all capital letters as opposed to lower case. Tomorrow will probably see a thread called, "SIKH WOMEN LEAVE MAI BHAGO RETREAT" followed by a final thread on Monday, "SOME SIKH WOMEN GET LOST ON THE WAY HOME FROM MAI BHAGO RETREAT."
  7. Anyone else notice where these emergent trends will end?
  8. Gosh, how long do you have, lol? Don't look at the symptoms in isolation (terror attacks) but try to trace how we've entered a situation where these things are occuring, and what political and social reasons are in play that allow such events to happen.
  9. Don't agree to it, then. Beyond the age and height issues, what's she like as a person? What's her family dynamic like? Is the father the one who wears the trousers in the household, or does the mother? Siblings and their habits? What's your intuition telling you? These are all essential factors that are just as important as age and height.
  10. I knew someone would mention hipsters, but this phenomenon is beyond the posing of that particular group. Yeah, some of it is a cyclical, fashion thing, but not all of it. There's white men who can't express any of their inner aggression in any meaningful way, and they see these images and videos of bearded men killing and destroying things, and the timid amongst them are stirred to emulate that particular image, because they know there's no other way they can hope to project an image of masculinity beyond their appearance. Sportsmen, actors, students, they're all doing it. And it's the long, unrestricted Asian type beards, not the uber-styled types in fashion magazines.
  11. Why do i feel you're being strong armed into this rishta?
  12. Anyone else noticed the unconscious cultural and social effect of the masculine and dominant image of Islam having an impact on the cultural milieu in the West, the most noticeable sign being the adoption of facial hair - beards - by whites across various social and class divisions? I'm no psychologist, but i think it's hilarious to notice how whites have been subconsciously influenced by various media of apparently hyper-masculine Islamists over the past 15 or so years, doing all sorts of things that westerners are conditioned to eschew as brutal and backwards, yet over this period of time beards have become this fashionable accessory amongst males in the west, almost as if a beard by itself is enough to paper over the lack of inner masculinity that's being wrung out of western males by an increasingly feminised culture and society. They're adopting the appearance of the very people they ostensibly would never identify with, and they can't even see they're doing it, lmao. That's the power that culture has over a person. Fascinating.
  13. Again, it's not about pinning blame, or going after certain groups. It's just a case of reminding people that as Sikhs we need to look out for each other. I'm not blaming Amritdharis for the woes of the world, lol. I just think we should be at the forefront of certain issues that I wouldn't expect others to bother with. But that's not happening for some reason, or at least not in a noticeable manner.
  14. Exactly. Yet there's traitors like Sunny Hundal who try to paint these genuinely decent souls as extremists because they dare to speak up for Sikhs when nobody else gives a flying you-know-what. Every sub-demographic in the Sikh community has its fair share of individuals who let the side down. It's not about passing judgement on people, or elevating oneself by criticising others, but we shouldn't be afraid of shedding light on these issues by drawing from our personal experiences, because you just don't know when something any of us throws out into the ether might come in handy for someone reading our words. There are some Sikhs out there who feel completely disenfranchised from the mainstream, be it the religious orthodox mainstream, or the middle class, professional types. They don't fit in any of the boxes through no fault of their own. Those are the people who need to be reminded they have a place in our community, because if we don't, then there's going to be opportunists ready to swoop in and turn them against the rest.
  15. We acknowledge our issues, people like you, I, and others on this site. We don't live in denial and say we wuz kangz, even though Sikhs did have a kingdom once upon a time, lmao.
  16. I agree. That branch of people you've identified will go from cradle to grave without an iota of understanding what life truly is. Sure, they'll THINK they know the secrets of the universe through whatever religious sect they'll latch onto, but they'll spend their entire lives in a bubble. Yet, at least their heart will be in the right place, even if they are wildly wide of the target in every sense. My personal bugbear is with the frauds who hide behind Sikhi bhes whilst doing the absolute worst things one could ever imagine.
  17. They see Cassius Clay convert to Islam, and later Mike Tyson, and black people fall over themselves trying to emulate their icons. Black people, as bold and direct as they are as a people, aren't as smart as they think they are. They have the potential to be great, but there's something that holds them back from making the right choices in my opinion. They're very poor at playing the game. No wonder they're so easily manipulated.
  18. That's the blackest "Asian man" I've ever seen in my life.
  19. Once you start falling down that rabbit hole, you'll struggle to comprehend even the most straightforward events occurring before your eyes. Not everything is a conspiracy. The question you should be asking is "How did this all begin, and why?" not "Is what I'm seeing real?" You're missing the point entirely if that's how you're approaching this situation.
  20. Possible title ideas for Jagsaw's new thread: - Hum Jagsaw Hai - Mahajagsaw - Long Walk To Southhall - My Left Chappal - Mein Kam... no, sorry, that's been used. Anything but 'Some Home Truths.' So pretentious, lol.
  21. But.. but it's like a car crash. One can't resist the temptation. I'm kidding, Jagsaw. Don't get salty.
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