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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. A question that needs to be asked: how does suffering from mental illness manifest itself in tearing up holy scriptures? Why would that be the first thing a mentally ill person does? Sounds like the old RDX argument. When in doubt, blame RDX, or in this case, mental illness.
  2. Anywhere there's a content and prosperous middle class (or a wide-reaching prosperous majority that relies on the status quo to remain undisturbed) is susceptible to such tactics, be it through religion or politics. Thatcher started it and Blair normalised it. Our middle classes are sheep that follow the white herd.
  3. I meant fear of the society and the mentality that's been allowed to flourish for the past 50 years. They've got too much to lose by making a stand. Middle class Whites, and westerners in general, have a developed an incredibly selfish demeanour, whereby there's very little social responsibility felt beyond their immediate kin. This lack of engagement with anything beyond their own four walls will be their undoing.
  4. Approach them in a conciliatory manner like a brother, and it's, "Who the f*** are you to tell me how to live my life when my dad doesn't dare tell me what to do." Or you go all hardcore, and it's, "Punjabi patriachy! We're being oppressed!! This backwards culture is killing us!" Lol, what's the point? The unspoken and erroneous belief that Punjabi culture is antiquaited and irrelevant is at the root of this problem; that it must be rebelled against or discarded. The negative aspects of our culture like its excessive promotion of materialism; the notion of image trumping reality at the expense of what is true and just; and a general mental complacency and intellectual malaise (marketing / business / computer science degrees don't mean you're smart or educated, lol), compounded by the subvertive affects of living in a Western society - issues that are faced by non-Sikhs too - means it's an uphill, near impossible struggle to raise well-adjusted and decent kids that respect the positive ways of their culture as non-negotiable norms , as well as being confident in their ability to function in a modern, first-world society. It's a fine juggling act that only a few, if any, can execute successfully.
  5. My personal belief is that the biggest deception played on westerners in a post-modern society (in terms of after WW2) is the aforementioned weakening and, in most cases, destruction of the masculine mentality. I'm not referring to the drunken, boorish fools who'd beat their wives and kids after work, but a general and concerted effort to undermine strong male ideals. The reason? Who'll hold our so-called betters to account for their misdemeanours when the very people who would've risen up in protest in previous times have now been emasculated and cowed into submission? Along with the various "encouragements" given to females to spurn the family unit, the promotion of promiscuity, and delaying motherhood it all leads to the complete subversion and eventual dismantling of the values that are the cornerstones of a successful and strong society.
  6. Reading the thoughts of the average internet-dwelling American, one would assume there's a Muslim around every corner in the States, lol. They really do lay it on thick some of them. As is to be expected, any backlash against Muslims will gradually encompass non-Muslim, visible minorities, because let's not kid ourselves, some whites are itching to be given a reason to bash some brownies. The minds are blowing in that direction.
  7. Far be it from me to dilute the genuinely harmful efforts of certain Muslims who engage in these activities, but let's not kid ourselves, some of our females are hardly retreating wallflowers. When it's served up to these guys - or any guy enthral to his base motivations - nobody is going to turn it down. All too often in discussions on this subject, we refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room that some Sikh girls don't need to be groomed, tricked, ensnared, or whatever else in order to get involved in these shenanigans. Maybe facing up to that fact should be a prerequisite when discussing this issue. Some girls just want to have fun.
  8. The question is how much are the natives of places like France and Germany willing to tolerate before they bite back? How many dead: 100, 500, 1000, 5000? What will the tipping point be? Personally, I think vast swathes of western society has been conditioned into docility. The fight or flight reaction will only kick in when the wolves are directly outside the potential victim's door. Anything occurring at a distance can be dismissed as, "Well, at least I'm safe." It's this complacency that will ultimately prove to be the undoing of western Europeans.The question is how much are the natives of places like France and Germany willing to tolerate before they bite back? How many dead: 100, 500, 1000, 5000? What will the tipping point be? Personally, I think vast swathes of western society has been conditioned into docility. The fight or flight reaction will only re-activate and kick in when the wolves are directly outside the potential victim's door. Anything occurring at a distance can be dismissed as, "Well, at least I'm safe." It's this complacency that will ultimately prove to be the undoing of western Europeans. Moral, intellectual, and religious / spiritual laziness has caused this situation from a societal perspective. Whites despise religion in modern times, with understandable reason on some occasions, but they've completely delegated their existence to other powers, and this is what happens when life is undertaken like a sleepwalk.
  9. I think enough non-Jews have bought into that particular way of thinking that'll allow them to continue those ways indefinitely. Some people's livelihoods depend on such things IMO.
  10. I've never really known how to respond to the "Jewish issue" when it comes to understanding how the world works in terms of globalist power structures and related matters. It seems any criticism or even acknowledgement that Jewish individuals have a disproportionate level of say in the running of the world is immediately seized upon as anti-Semitism or verging on hysterical conspiracy theories. Funnily enough, it's a tactic the Left is trying to employ with the label of Islamophobia, as in any justified criticism of Muslims and their ideology is framed as hate speech, which is quite concerning.
  11. On that we can agree. I'm not disparaging your unique experiences with whatever you've faced in life, I just genuinely believe it will come down to a situation where Sikhs will have to stand alone. The Islamic apocalypse is an inevitability. I have no stake in the future, but that doesn't mean I want to see my fellow Man burn. And, yes, I'm a firm believer in karma. Empires built on the bones of the innocent will eventually crumble, and the piper will have to be paid; that means us all. But as a Sikh I dont want my end to come at the hands of the demonic ideology of those who follow Islam. We've been there before, but it seems the passage of time has dulled our memories of how much that Satanic religion has cost us. I'm not afraid, just very, very angry. I apologise for my pointed tone. It was inappropriate.
  12. I wonder what could've motivated the shooting, because politically and socially, Germans have been nothing but forthcoming with their response in welcoming migrants into their country: I mean, what kind of human beings - and I use the term in the flimsiest sense - would then reward such warmth and acceptance with: And: I suppose the Germans were asking for it. Yes, that's it, they must have done something wrong to upset these peace-loving, tolerant, pure-hearted individuals. Case closed, job done, let's go home.
  13. Sikhi was started... it has been manipulated by the corrupt and depraved who sit in its highest seats. Ban Sikhi for the future generations? Seriously, I can appreciate the logic of your argument. Our people do have a habit of deviating towards the most inappropriate and outright incorrect ways even when the most logical and objectively best route is available. That's the stupidity of human nature. Censorship is not the answer.
  14. It's just a light-hearted way of expressing that a person wholeheartedly agrees with the opinion quoted, almost as if it were a sermon in a church or something. Like this:
  15. Funny how much difference a few days makes. Now even the MSM is entertaining the idea that the "coup" was Erdogan's equivalent of the Night of the Long Knives, i.e. an intricate plan to purge the military and the judiciary of moderates. I'm surprised they're running with this narrative instead of sticking to the tone of triumph they adopted when Erdogan supporters took to the streets. That list of 6000 traitors Erdogan compiled mere hours after the attempt was a sweet bit of work; so efficient, lol.
  16. Be careful of exposing your devices to viruses / rootkits / malware by clicking on links to untrusted Google Doc files.
  17. That's exactly the reason the Japanese are under threat from any outside group that bears overt masculine qualities, and funnily enough it's those attributes that attracts the female. It's a similar issue in the West, particularly in places like Britain, where masculinity is frowned upon, and generations of young men are being raised to have feminine behavioural and personality traits. I suspect it's easier to strike fear into a weak, feminised male population than it would be if they were strong, fighter-types with very little fear of authority. Who benefits from this insidious weakening of the male population? Well, I know who'll take advantage of it, and that's the hordes of Middle-Eastern, battle-hardened (in some cases) men of fighting age being imported into Europe whose existence is underpinned by a religious and political ideology that implores conquest of the other.
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