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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. That's actually very interesting. It seems there's a hierarchy of perceived status even within the same religious and / or ethnic immigrant groups. That's actually the argument that's on the verge of being seized upon by hurting Remainers, particularly those of university age in the Asian community, who are basically churning out the arguments they've been brainwashed into believing by their Regressive educational estsblishments, I.e. the "pulling up the ladder" argument designed to shame long-term arrivals who voted Leave. I despair at how many of our own - the young, so-called educated - are being cucked into defending an ideology that will not return the favour when the tables have been turned. I've long suspected that modern educational attainment is no longer a sign of possessing inherent wisdom or intelligence. Even fools can get degrees it seems, and pass themselves off as educated.
  2. Labour have turned their backs on the working class bases they were created to represent. Now they're just Tory-lite. Even the so-called People's Champion, Corbyn, had to tow the EU / globalist line as evidenced when campaigning for Remain. Lmao, I though that too. But there's tonnes of Romanians, Bulgarians, and Syrians out in force on most days where I live, but hardly a dickie bird yesterday.
  3. I think I'm not imagining it, but since the vote for Leave came through I've noticed the area that I live in (it's been hit by most category of migrant for the past few years) are almost hesitant to venture outside. Yesterday was a gloriously sunny day, and on such a day they'd be out in droves, loitering around the front of Asian businesses all day, drinking boisterously, or just generally marching up and down the pavements for no discernible reason. But I went out for a few hours yesterday and there was none of that. The few I did see seemed to shuffle past without the usual brazen stares. It seems this vote may have relayed to them that these whites aren't as toothless as they assumed them to be.
  4. They have as much right to be here as any other immigrant group (I presume you're referring to the arrivals of the 50's and 60's?). It's the behaviour of some of them as the years go by that's cause for concern. As Sikhs in the UK we should be concerned not only of what's happening on the streets, but the Islamic influence on British parliament. Our lot are going backwards (are there any Sikh MPs?), whilst they're getting plum government and opposition psts. That surely can't be good for our future.
  5. I think we'll be fine, unless it'll be a Baba Deep Singh Ji situation of emerging from scholastic retirement for one final battle, hehe. In that case I hope I'll have kept up the training. It's the 4th and 5th generation Sikhs (those who haven't completely become coconuts by then) who'll get the brunt of it.
  6. I haven't got the luxury of mummy and daddy to help me out of tight situations, lol (not saying that you do, btw), but most of our lot have that cushion of being taken care of by parents and family, etc, when crap hits the fan. It's tough to get gainful employment with a record. But obviously I'd never go looking for trouble; I can't afford that in any sense, yet in a tense self-defence situation I wont sit back and take shittar. In that situation I suppose I'll leave the consequences of that action to the big guy upstairs.
  7. Some goreh have lost the plot. Check this out in particular the reply. I just can't understand where this brainwashing has sprung from.
  8. Anything to excess is considered to be undesirable. Human nature errs towards extremes. Too much j4cking off is physically and mentally debilitating. If you prefer to be mentally and physically debilitated then by all means continue indulging in whatever floats your boat. The Sikh faith is about balance, NOT about prohibition or abstinence when it comes to sexual issues, hence the emphasis and recommendation to lead a married life as opposed to celibacy. That sexual energy can be focused within the realm of a marriage. Nobody ever said lust was "bad." It's over-indulgence and obsessive behaviour that's considered to be negative. The argument that "if it hurts nobody it's not a problem" is weak and one that is usually peddled by one-dimensional, weak-minded individuals in thrall to their base animalistic desires. We're humans with agency, not beasts. Well some of us are.
  9. The biggest mistake being made by the establishment is viewing Asians as one homogenous group in situations like these, instead of the diverse cultural and religious forces that are occasionally in opposition to each other for various historical reasons.
  10. I've not really looked into it. I vaguely recall it's much easier for farmers to obtain licences for shotguns, etc, due to pests, but every day civilians? I imagine there'd be so much red tape involved. Here you go: The guiding laws for firearms in Scotland are the Firearms (Scotland) Rules 1989 and the Firearms Act (1968). All handguns, semi-automatic and pump-action non-rim-fire rifles are prohibited. A few pistols are licensed on a Firearm Certificate for exactly the same reasons as the rest of Great Britain.
  11. I'm not being hyperbolic, but I wish to God we could bear firearms in this country. Real life fights are rarely clean and smooth. Those of us who... er... already have previous with the law for similar infractions can't afford to get caught up repeatedly in nonsense pangeh.
  12. As I said yesterday, Remain and Leave had their respective benefits and drawbacks. From a uniquely Sikh perspective - outside of the economics angle - it's a "rock and a hard place" situation. Do we want to live in a western civilisation with a majority Muslim population (it WILL happen eventually), or do we guard ourselves from the racist whites who feel their leash has been loosened slightly, due to momentous shifts in public opinion such as this referendum, and the smell of ethnic blood is in their nostrils?
  13. I've been aware of a vague sense of how much the white middle classes turn their noses up at white working classes in Britain, but only since yesterday have I realised the outright hate and hostility this privileged group harbour for their less able countrymen. I'm genuinely shocked at the intense levels of vitriol being directed towards those whites who voted Leave. It's almost as if they're viewed as a sub-species by their own. Hopefully it's a wake-up call for a few who are labouring under delusions of the brownie outsider being the enemy. They should look closer to home.
  14. "White voters split 53% to 47% in favour of withdrawal, while 67% of Asians and 73% of black people opted for Remain. Religious divides were also highlighted with 58% of those describing themselves as Christian voting for Brexit, while 70% of Muslims wanted to stay in the EU." http://lordashcroftpolls.com/2016/06/how-the-united-kingdom-voted-and-why/ Within ten years, Muslims of voting age will overwhelm these demographics. Within twenty years there wouldn't be much point in Whites bothering to vote at all. (A comment from The Guardian).
  15. Seems like a typically immature, short-sighted, ungrateful, young Punjabi female that refuses to see anything beyond the short term. Gursikhi should not be a coercion, though. However her husband raising the subject with her is not tantamount to forcing her. It's what adults do when they wish to discuss a situation: they talk. Instead of her passive aggressive behaviour and manufacturing non-existent hostility with her in-laws to lend credence to her inevitable claims of persecution later on, she should grow up and realise many, many respectable Sikh females would give anything to marry into such a family. A few of you are conveniently forgetting the OP is HER brother, therefore his loyalty is presumably with his sister, and even he seems embarrassed about her entitled and selfish behaviour.
  16. She's a typical example of middle-class, lefty naivety. She's completely insulated from the negative affects of the social experiments being conducted across Europe. Look, I could see there were valid reasons to Remain, and there were also similarly valid reasons to Leave. It's the total dishonesty on the part of people like this woman that riles me up. Their moral superiority and arrogance, as if anyone opposed to their point of view is an uneducated heathen, is why some used the referendum as almost a form of protest. Leave or Remain, the deplorable leaders we have in charge are going to ensure whatever happened yesterday is not going to be smooth sailing for the people.
  17. Check your junk folder. I always assumed the registration and verification process was automated.
  18. Leadership = Guru Granth Sahib Ji + Dasam Bani + Sikh history. Nobody else is needed.
  19. You're still waiting for a "Messiah" to shoulder the burdens and do the hard work you refuse to do. It's because of this willful helplessness and slave mentality (constantly wanting to be told what to do, how to do it, and when) that means there is no hope for us. How many more great men does God have to send before it sinks into our thick heads that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink?
  20. Sounds like you're waiting for a Kaurniss Everdheen to save the day.
  21. And what of a non-Khalsa one world structure? A caliphate? An authoritarian organisation that has complete control over every aspect of its citizen's lives does not sound suspect to you?
  22. I'm not fussed either way. Some people just want to watch the world burn.
  23. As someone who believes in conspiracy theories about a one world government being run by satanic shady elites, why are you coming down hard on the side of globalists who endorse the "no borders - one nation" policy? Does leaving the EU somehow affect your pocket? That's usually the only reason our lot get excited about these issues.
  24. Whilst alienating the thriving Sikh businesses in the UK at the expense of a jumped up third world country? Not quite. India is having its bread buttered by the U.S. as a way of sticking it to Pakistan. Whilst Britain will have to strengthen trade links outside the EU, excessively cosying up to India has never been on the cards.
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