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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. Cameron has walked. Punished for a job poorly done? Who knows. Johnson might be Prime Minister / Leader of the Conservatives, lol.
  2. From The Guardian: Interesting.
  3. It's probably the most memorable place I've ever been to. I went when I was a young teen. I don't know how I survived the journey (horses gingerly trotting across mountain passes on rickety ladders that were suspended ABOVE the clouds), but it was definitely an experience.
  4. I read something similar a few days ago. But the media has decided in its usual high-handed way that she's a martyr, and that's how it shall be known from here on in.
  5. Definitely. There's very little restraint when it comes to nutrition.
  6. It's difficult to reconcile at times, but a man's achievements and capabilities can overshadow his frailties as a person. He was a womaniser and a philanderer, but that shouldn't detract from his vision as a leader.
  7. What's surprising to me is they've acknowledged there's a problem. A few years ago I'd have said there's no hope for these people; they were completely oblivious. Some of these were the, "All paths are the same. Sikhi isn't important, a good heart is paramount" brigade. Yet, it seems they've suddenly found themselves fearing for the future, and somehow connecting the dots to realise the old ways - the good, honourable, noble ways of our people - can be a positive thing.
  8. That's something I've noticed, too. I've had young, western-born Punjabi mothers of my generation (late 20's / early 30's) who have completely bought into the westernised lifestyle (looking down on Sikh and Punjabi culture and people; neglecting to speak the mother tongue; thinking they're honourary whites, etc) begin to tentatively mention things like how they're worried their young daughters - I'm talking around the ages of 2-11 - will be picked off by other opportunistic communities when their daughters grow up, because they know nothing about their own culture and ways. I've told them they need to start educating their kids as of this moment. Don't leave it to Punjabi school or the religious hierarchy, because those jokers are as lost as anyone else, but get active and get involved. It's really quite surprising the change I've observed. Something must be sinking in for this change to occur in what were previously incredibly arrogant and haughty young Punjabis. About time.
  9. Prison guards in salwaar-kameez, lathee in hand, lol. Agree. The British indigenous public's been lulled into a false sense of security over the years. Basically, the whites have been softened up for generations since World War II. All anakh and mental fortitude has been stamped out of them - perhaps to make them docile and compliant when things will turn sour. Their society and their culture has been feminised to such a degree that even their youngsters are completely befuddled about their own identities, particularly when it comes to sex, gender, etc. Can you really see these young whites fighting for their families, for their streets, and their country when even words are being categorised as rape and violence by these people? They're gonna be steam-rollered, and they'll have nobody to blame but themselves. Complete emasculation of a generation or two. I think the British class system has a lot to answer for. The upper classes are sitting pretty on top. They sneer at the middle classes and the aspirationals, whilst the middle classes turn their noses up at the working classes - or what use to be working classes - as they simultaneously spend their entire lives trying to reach that top rung. The the folks on the lowest rung can't even be referred to the working classes, because they've become dependent on welfare, i.e. the state. The one section of society that is needed to make a change on the streets; to mobilise, to rally and agitate when the establishment has overstepped its limits, but this same group of people have conveniently been stripped of all dignity and power and voice. It's a flipping shame. In my experiences with whites they've been conditioned to turn on each other and develop a certain sense of mistrust for each other. That old sense of community is all but gone, especially with the old-timers dying out as the years go by. A lot of selfishness has crept in since the 80's; that whole era of "Greed is good" has trickled down to the common white man, and they've absolutely been smothered by capitalism in all its goriest, greediest glory. That's why you get these young white girls being picked off by these Muslims, because the Muslims know no white is going to stick his nose in someone else's business any more. The only whites who have some fighting spirit left are the football hooligans - even they've been whittled down over the years - or perhaps the guys involved in organised crime in places like Manchester, Liverpool, etc. But I wouldn't rely on hardened criminals to have any sort of public conscience when it comes to standing up and fighting for a cause that doesn't involve some kind of monetary reward. Unless there's literal running battles on the streets, these lot aren't going to stick their necks out for their fellow whites. Odd pockets of independently tough white guys who keep in shape and have trained in martial arts or combat won't be able to stem the tide. But, yes, I mean things don't look too good for them. Unless there's an awakening of some sort, I don't see an arrest in their decline. They've simply been conditioned to tolerate everything that's thrown at them. And it's their supposed betters that have done this to them; not immigrants, outsiders, or anything like that. They've been betrayed by their own.
  10. No, I'm not suggesting it's unique to recent times. My point was situations like these are being used to create a volatile atmosphere where the faults of a broken society are being laid bare, and in times of heightened tension between various factions, the ultimate responsibility must lie with the people in charge. Instead, the gullible and easily riled common man on the street will buy into the "It's them bloody foreigners" narrative, when he should be directing his resentment towards the traitorous leaders of his own people. First thing: call a spade a spade. The cowardly British press are still going with the label Asian instead of Muslim. Secondly, what's stopping the establishment from coming down hard on minorities who misbehave? The will simply isn't there, so I can only conclude that they desire these events to transpire. A couple of years inside in a prison system for a paedo Muslah - which is saturated by Muslim inmates as it is - is no punishment. They're laughing at the system.
  11. The blame for indulging the beasts who prey on vulnerable children AND for the gradual destruction of British society, that has created a feral underclass with none of the dignity and sense of decorum of previous generations, lies at the door of the politicians. They want this to happen. If they can't protect their own, what can they do for anybody else? Absolutely nothing.
  12. That was my intention when posting this topic. We don't need to flog a dead horse when it comes to the animalistic urges of Muslims, but British society needs to have a long hard look at its priorities. It's all too easy to blame the filthy degenerates who carry out these depraved acts, yet what of the father who abandoned a child grieving the death of her mother? He's as much responsible for her fate than the filth that got their claws into her.
  13. "Asian." We all know what the British media actually means when it uses the term "Asian." http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/crime/how-100-men-were-able-to-prey-on-one-vulnerable-halifax-schoolgirl-for-two-years-1-7969702 Not only an indictment on a certain group of savages, but an absolutely prime example of the complete breakdown of the indigenous British family unit and associated values. What kind of people turn their backs on their own kind, whilst their daughters are having their lives destroyed?
  14. If David Icke had kept the Jesus / lizard people stuff to himself, I think he'd be taken a lot more seriously than he is. Unfortunately, he seems to be a figure of ridicule, but to his credit, he has predicted - not through clairvoyance but a genuine understanding of geo-politics and economics - much of the events that have occurred in the past 15 years. He has been pretty spot on most of the time.
  15. They did the exact thing you mentioned within minutes of her being killed. No shame whatsoever.
  16. Opinions on the tragic murder of MP Jo Cox?
  17. Did Bush do 9/11? Can jet fuel melt steel beams?
  18. Those are overt examples. It's a lot more subtle than that. Films that suggest the subtext of the emasculation of males so that they are conditioned to conform to the weak, liberal ideals of modern western society; films that tell girls their inherent value as a person will be increased if they lose their virginity whilst still practically a child in high school, whilst also pushing the apparently contradictory narrative for older females that they don't need men. That kind of stuff is a lot more damaging to young minds than films about bhoot bhret, aliens, etc.
  19. Thing is some of what appear to be "out there" beliefs are extrapolated from mundane and actually quite sane occurrences. I've been hearing about the Illuminati and stuff like that for a while now, and if you really try break it down, most of those incredibly heightened fears about a top-secret devil-worshipping, child-sacrificing, humanity-enslaving cabal are rooted in the incredibly real methods of cultural Marxism and the all-too real elite establishment who are using capitalism and scientific methods of mass propaganda to their advantage. That's where I draw the line, now. Anything else beyond verifiable fact is hearsay and fear-mongering. It's actually quite disempowering to believe you have no control over any aspect of your existence, particularly when Gurbani tells us the opposite.
  20. I've been into the arcane and the dark arts since I was a kid - theoretically not literally, lol - but as one grows up it becomes clear that anyone with a curious mind would like to know how the world actually works, in terms of psychology, philosophy, politics, and how these subjects are inter-connected on a societal level. That kind of "mystery" is a lot more interesting to me now. I don't doubt there are some unexplainable phenomena, but spending too much time dwelling on such issues is worthless. Take it too far and there's a huge danger of losing touch with reality.
  21. Funny that, I've known a few nihang Singhs in my time and none of them ate meat. Are there certain sects within Nihangs that eat meat?
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