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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. So why exactly do you wish to marry someone who you equate to something as simplistic as an animal? So it's a case of, "I'll marry you, but by God, I'm not happy about the circumstances in which I'm marrying you." I won't pretend to know how difficult your life has been, but if you want peace, then you need to relinquish your anger, because it's practically imbued in every word you write. If I can sense it without having met you I dread to think what vibes you're giving potential suitors when you meet them. Either way, good luck.
  2. You'll have to be careful you don't allow your festering resentment towards Singhs to come between you and a potential husband. Even on a subconscious level it'll be apparent to any guy you'll end up with that there's something not quite right. Although reading between the lines and judging the mood is hardly a strong suit of the sub-continental male. You'll be okay, just tone down the passive aggression.
  3. I think I'll post what and where I want. Unless you "own" this entire forum nothing is really "yours." I made a humourous (well to me at least) comment and moved on. You brought it up again. You can filter out the silliness and read the sensible suggestions. That's not too hard is it? It's not as if "your" thread was inundated with replies. Now you've gone and made me really want to post silly stuff. Like this:
  4. I'd never be ignorant to claim domestic abuse or even things of a more subtle nature don't occur in Sikh homes. I've heard stories, as we all have, but I've also heard the same stories about non-Sikhs too. I believe Sikh women are a lot more vocal and vociferous than the outside world gives them credit for. They aren't wallflowers in any sense of the word. That's why I get a bit miffed when I hear the likes of Hundal projecting issues that are far more common in other ethnic communities onto Sikhs, when he should know better.
  5. Buddasingh Ji, your words and the work you do are inspiring. It reminds me that words alone mean nothing, but it's actions that are the most important. Must try harder.
  6. Of course It was a comment, if anything, on the type of attitude most parents possess whereby someone else's children are considered to be less tolerable because they haven't been sired by that person, whereas one's own offspring can never do any wrong generally speaking. That kind of blind subjective attachment is what's wrong with the world today. "Me and my own" is the only thing that seems to matter to the vast majority of people. I've never been able to understand it.
  7. Preet Ji, there's a kernel of truth in all your points (from what I can discern in terms of Gurmat), but it's surrounded by layers of other stuff that I haven't a clue from where you've picked up. You're presenting the sum total of this strange mix of ideas and concepts as Sikhi, and it's really strange to read because I've never heard or seen anyone else ever come out with it. We're all constantly learning - some of us wish to learn all our lives - so why not study Gurbani and put everything else you've learnt out of your mind? You're still young. Don't tell me you have all the answers already?
  8. His brother's ardasaa are being listened to I think, hehe. But seriously, Sikhs are on the whole very accommodating and chilled out, and trying to portay us as otherwise is quite devious.
  9. I knew a wonderful Singh a while back. He was morbidly obese, but not through gluttony, rather a myriad of psychological and mind boggling medical issues which rendered him as helpless as a child. Yet, the guy would never, ever sit on a chair in the Gurdwara. He would do his matha tek and sit down on the floor, and then struggle back up to his feet when he stood up. Remember, this Singh was pushing 40 stone (well over 500ibs). Yet, there's middle-aged women (not even elderly) who are otherwise galavanting around the town centre, but when it comes to the Gurdwara suddenly they can't sit down cross legged, lol. But anyway the Singh kept the faith and he was blessed. Last time I saw him he was down to 19 stone I think, so you know, it's all about sharda and prem I guess. At least I think so anyway
  10. There's still hope for him yet. And honestly, I really don't know why some people get hyper about Sikh women being oppressed. I'm not saying there's not the odd bad egg who gets up to that kind of stuff, but there's many, many types of those people in other cultures and religions too. I can say with my hand on my heart I've yet to meet an oppressed Sikh woman either in the UK or abroad. In some ways I think they oppress Sikh men, lmao.
  11. A bit of a turbulent existence will do that to a person, hehe. A tolerance of silly, meaningless things that seem so incredibly important to most people will seem inconsequential to someone who has experienced the darker side of human nature and life. But it's too easy to succumb to being in a constant state of perpetual cynicism. Before you know you'll end up like Scrooge. Gotta keep it fresh and funny. Gurbani helps me in that respect to gain perspective. But most days my internal dialogue is shockingly harsh, lol.
  12. I dread to think what my avatar says about me, lmao.
  13. I suppose it's a manifestation of moh and ankhaar, two vices that are especially relevant when it comes to how we view loved ones and the blinkers that descend when we refuse to see anything remotely negative about that person. I went to school with a few children whose parents were constantly massaging their egos and their accomplishments, always cosying up to the teaching staff, etc. Funny thing was here I am, this rotund (at the time, lol) little Sikh kid who'd routinely outperform them in classes with no encouragement and involvement from my own parents (great parents but no idea about modern education). That really infuriated and mystified a few of them! I find it's a symptom of pushy-parent syndrome once the preserve of white parents, but I've been noticing our upwardly mobile lot aren't too far behind in their fawning and aggrandisement of their own children. The lack of self awareness is staggering. But I'm also a bit of a curmudgeon so that explains my low threshold for tolerating such palaver.
  14. They weren't cowards, bro. Our 5th and 8th Gurus accepted death willingly at the hands of the Mughals. There was no kicking and screaming at facing death, but a calm acceptance of martyrdom. When one of our Guru's very own brother was summoned before the Mughal emperor to explain a passage from our scriptures which was less than flattering towards Muslims, this brother basically changed the meaning of the lines when offering his explanation, because he was afraid of being executed or something similar. When Guru Sahib discovered this cowardice, he - if my memory serves me correct (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) excommunicated and cut off all familial ties with his brother forever. Those aren't the actions of someone who doesn't want to upset the Muslims. The word of God and the Truth were more important than blood ties to our Gurus. I guess there was a case of Guru Sahibs not seeing the need for spelling out everything for our feeble minds.
  15. That's the sticking point for me too, Singh. As much as I'm averse to most things Islamic, particularly the brutal and bloodthirsty kind, if you listen to Giani Sant Singh Maskeen's katha they always held Mohammed and his co-horts with reverence whenever they'd relay a sakhi of his during one of their discourses. Giani Ji was not the run of the mill Giani who read a few books in the pind and then decided to hit the big time, lol. If they saw something positive in him, then surely there must've been things we're not being told. Like you say, I believe if Mohammed was the base character he is widely portrayed as, then surely Guru Sahibs in particular would've had some choice words to say about him. I mean, paedophilia and all the rest he's been attributed with are not the kind of things a true messenger of God would ever partake in, and if Guru Sahib clearly laid out the faults of the Hindu deities and other notable dharmic personalities, then why stay silent on blowing wide open the Truth on the man in whose name such atrocities were occurring in the sub-continent at that very time? But, to my knowledge, there was nothing. Too many unanswered questions.
  16. From one of my favourite books as a child, Matilda:
  17. The fact that Sikhs are lumped in with those other minorities in Canada is frankly depressing for a non-Canadian such as myself. As much as I know it's true and appreciate the reasons behind it, that doesn't make it any less palatable.
  18. That is true to be fair. You'd think people sharing the same religious and cultural heritage would be enough as a foundation for a successful marriage, but that doesn't take into account individual morals and principles that sadly can't be measured through such means. Sometimes it's like "Are these actually my own people, because aside from appearance and language I have very little in common with them." And I don't mean that in an egotistical "I'm superior to them" way, which is completely wrong, and anyway try telling a Punjabi they're inferior and you'll get a deserved tongue lashing! I'd say in many ways they're a lot more advanced than we are over here; well, the sidhe-sadhe folk over here at least. There's lots of flashy Sikhs born and raised in the UK too. Although, there are some very decent people from back home too. It's just the luck of the draw I suppose, or... karma, ahem.
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