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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. What exactly was said by Baba Ji regarding the "impurity" of women? Did he actually say such a thing?
  2. Bookish knowledge and that gained from such sources is of less value than the type of knowledge and wisdom that enriches the soul? Is that what you're saying, brother?
  3. I was going to say, with a name like Xerxes I wouldn't expect you to be the biggest fan of the Spartans. Exactly! I was never taught this in my run-down state comprehensive.
  4. They don't teach that in schools, do they, lol? I guess my point was this type of behaviour is not a modern aberration, but something that has precedent even in the cultures and civilisations of old.
  5. The ancient Athenians (Greeks) were notorious boy lovers. I learnt this from the film 300.
  6. What this about these sword wielding lads being clean shaven? Is that accurate?
  7. Whilst it's not a common issue for most people, protein shakes (or protein powders) cause heart palpitations in some instances, so take it easy. I found my resting heart rate would fluctuate wildly when I drank protein shakes years ago, so I stopped and began incorporating protein into my diet instead. Much better for me at least. But like I said it's a non issue for most folks, but one to keep in mind if problems are experienced.
  8. Appropriate swimwear for a Singhni? Stay at home. I am, of course, joking. Seriously. Just messing.
  9. What is it with you and Brahmgyanis recently, lol?
  10. I don't hold with caste discrimination amongst Sikhs, but I think the OP was making this into a caste issue somehow, when it's actually to do with mental well-being, especially for someone as young as she is. However, that's not to say her parents weren't thinking along those dodgy lines, which is unfortunate. But, as i was saying, if she continues to cling to others for mental sustenance she will find life to be an intolerably harsh and lonely experience. .
  11. One side kills with kindness, the other does it with gruesome barbarity. Same end result though.
  12. Regardless of caste, race, religion, or anything of that sort, developing a dependency on someone to the extent that when they talk to you you're happy and content, and when you're unable to be with them you're morose and withdrawn, surely that's incredibly unhealthy for your mental health? Nobody but you can sort your head out. I've been there, so I'm not coming from a place which is ignorant or unfeeling. When we're young we crave for understanding and validation from others, constantly on the lookout for that so-called missing piece of the jigsaw that, once found, will slot into place and make us eternally happy. Unfortunately, that's not how things work in the long term. True peace of mind and happiness come from within yourself, not as a result of the kind words of other people. What happens when those kind words and attention dry up? Back to square one. That's no way to live. Identify what is making you feel the way you do; be brutally honest, and then take steps to remedy the situation. I'm not saying talking to a third party isn't helpful, but the way you've described it makes me suspect you've become emotionally dependent on this guy, and, like I said, that's very unhealthy and dangerous for the future.
  13. Why on earth would anyone want to put the ink from a printer toner cartridge in your food? It makes no sense...
  14. I'm sincerely flabbergasted at that revelation. Is this the same Jagraj Singh on YouTube? And the Sunny Hundal who's always giving Sikhs digs for so-called militantism? Not sure how to process the above information, lol.
  15. The black community she supposedly represents is taking it in good spirit. Some of the banter on Twitter is hilarious.
  16. For me, when I started reciting Chaupai Sahib and other bani of Dasme Paatshah I found it made me a lot more resilient, strong of heart, and dare I say, I developed a bit of anakh (minus the ego). I completely and utterly understand where you're coming from though. At first I found doing just Simran and basic Nitnem was wonderful, but it mellowed me out too much. I was, like you, rather ambivalent about life; the whole "God's will" is wonderful, but if you're not careful you could talk yourself into becoming quite defeatist and almost a passive spectator in life. I rationalised it the following way to myself: If our Guru Sahib's had been passive and mellow to the point of "Don't resist, everything is God's will" then we'd all either still be Hindus or we'd have been steam-rollered into Islam, lol! Balance and wisdom. It's a balancing act for sure, and I'm still trying to figure it out. For more concrete advice if you can consult a Gurmukh you admire and trust, you could get their perspective on this matter.
  17. In my sheltered and naive days as an over-trusting child and teenager, I considered all elders to be wise. Then I woke up, lol.
  18. Disgusting behaviour. Anyone who plans to kick off in a Gurdwara in the hazoori of Guru Granth Sahib Ji is, as the old timers say, intoxicated to the head by a bhoot!
  19. They (as in Panjab dwellers) get really angry and defensive when you mention such things, even when it's done in a non-antagonistic way. They really don't like us foreigners passing comment on the way they do things. Ironically, a few years spent in whichever western country they migrate to and they too are seen as foreigners by those back home. That confuses them, lol.
  20. Cowardice. Hypocrisy. Fashionable activism. Sikhs are riddled with these sell-outs for some reason. Be careful though, mustn't be accused of being an anti-intellectual, patriarchal misogynist. ?
  21. That's what I was saying earlier. I'm erring towards Shaheed though, because of the situation they were in. Of course, looking at Bhai Fauja Singh's life beyond the incident that caused their death would tell you they were a remarkable individual and worthy of the honour of being labeled a Shaheed. Some may call it semantics, but giving someone such a title should not be taken lightly IMO.
  22. I'm not kidding. I thought it was the parents having a laugh at first. I nearly asked, "Stop messing around. What's her real name?" but the looks on their face told me they were deadly serious.
  23. The title 'Shaheed' should be conferred upon only someone who knowingly and willingly lays down their life for Sikhi, i.e. a conscious decision to embrace a guaranteed death. When it comes to high-pressure situations such as a protest and a march for a cause, I find the line becomes a bit blurred. In that situation you could argue you're taking your life into your own hands, but equally you don't wish to die, although there's a chance you might. In that situation I honestly don't know what those who lose their lives should be termed as.
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