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simmal tree

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Everything posted by simmal tree

  1. are there any surefire ways to test how your website looks across different platforms? i've been working on a site - can people check it out and tell me how to improve it? www.creativegiftsolutions.org -- nothing fancy, mostly html it's my mom's business - please offer your suggestions! thanks, vaaheguroojeekaakhaalsaa vaaheguroojeekeefatheh!!
  3. kaur_khalistani_lioness bhainjee, i think version 1.0 is the latest version so far i think mozilla firefox is the best browser it would be cool to have a sikhi themed skin ... but how do you make a skin? you probably need to know programming right?
  4. i think kaam means desire and lust is a type of kaam but also materialism is another type of kaam materialism also involves moh but anyway i think kaam is having any desire other than God having desires of anything other than the things that Guru Sahib tells us we should have having desires of anything other than Sikhi, Rehit, Pyar for Sikhi, Naam, Bani, Seva, etc. that's kaam i think and i'm reeally really guilty of that.. guru sahib kirpa karan... stay in chardeekalaajee, vaaheguroojeekaakhaalsaa vaaheguroojeekeefatheh!!!
  5. i have some confusions of my own on this subject is sarbloh cast iron or carbon steel, or are those two names the same thing? are these links relevant ? http://whatscookingamerica.net/Information...astIronPans.htm http://www.key-to-steel.com/Articles/Art63.htm looking for answers myself ...
  6. Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Maharaj
  7. another picture of the "average" taksali kirpan It is better than the average non-taksali kirpan, but it is not the best kind of kirpan out there. if somebody has a picture of the "better" kind please post it :wub:
  8. this is an average kirpan's handle compared to a taksali one but then again some taksali ones are much thicker and there are some that are not taksali style but they are very useful and have even better handles ... i personally don't have one of those (better ones) but i have seen some.
  9. amardeep singh jee could you please send me the link for the templates thanksssss !!!!!!!!
  10. can you please take some pictures and also if possible any video thank you
  11. i agree - some of these Christian pastors are great speakers and also - just for those people who are about to say "we don't need these speakers, all we need is guru jee" you're right about the second part. all we need is guru jee. however in my humble opinion there is nothing wrong with listening to inspirational speakers. we can learn a lot from them. there is a pastor who gives lectures on christianity on our local tv channel. i listen to his show as often as i can. his speeches inspire me to become a better sikh. as long as we use guru sahib's teachings as our filter and block out anything that contradicts gurmat, i think we can actually benefit from tony robbins and other speakers. chardeekalaajee, -k.s.
  12. trying to listen but it's not working please fix !
  13. if it's simple and only requires HTML and if it's for the panth, can i please have the project as seva?
  14. i would like to wish a happy bandee chhor divas to everybody... on this day i'm not sure why but i'm sitting on my lazy rear end, at home, and not at the guru ghar. when i did rehiras sahib paath this evening it felt as if guru sahib was here, and the reality is that guru sahib is always here but darshan is one thing and guru's presence is another. you know when you go to someone's house, and they may have had an argument with you or whatever for some reason; and they completely ignore you because of that reason. the feeling is so heart wrenching, if you are sitting there, and the person is right in front of you, and pretends the entire time like you are not there. or perhap's you've seen the movie "Ghost", where for such a long time the ghost in the movie could not get the attention of the physically living humans. and we always sing in gurbani hau vari mukh phayr pyare, karvat dayh moko kaahay ko maaray - why are you hurting me guru jee, why don't you turn around and face me, i am a sacrifice to you, but you turn your face away from me, why? why guru jee - please let me see you. in our cloud of hypocricy we ourselves do not really feel this shabad - we would have the right to sing this shabad if we actually would be "vari" or a complete sacrifice to our guru. if we could abandon our high post in the indian army, a strong and successful career in the armed forces, our beloved family and friends, and pack it all in despite a seemingly endless road of promising opportunities and sociopolitical advancement. who can seriously stand up one day, walk towards the guru, and never flinch? the story of Orpheus comes to mind. Orpheus' wife Eurydice in the Greek mythology died and was sent to the underworld. Orpheus went back to retrieve her, and sang such beautiful hymns to that Hades agreed to allow Orpheus to take Eurydice back on the condition that he did not look back at her while walking out of the underworld. He could not control himself, and he did look back and she disappeared back into the underworld. Guru Maharaaj blessed us with this body, this family, this life, and Guru Maharaaj is giving us the opportunity to enjoy "sadh khusheeaa" and "sadaa anand" if only we are able to "eith maarag pair dhareejai sir deejai kaan na keejai" ... but since we have doubts and suspicions we look back - to our attachments, and looking back leads to our ruin. When we learn to let go, Guru Sahib blesses us. When we learn to give up, Guru Sahib gives more. When we learn to surrender, Guru Sahib makes us victorious. When we forget about our bandans, Guru Sahib is our Bandee Chhor. When we learn to die, Guru Sahib makes us AMAR... such is the legacy of Bhai Sahib Shahbeg Singh jee and the countless other shaheeds of the Khalsa panth from the past to the present. I pray in Guru Sahib's feet that some day if it is in his Hukam my blood can water the soil of Punjab and feed the flower Sikhs of the future... dhan guru dhan gursikh Vaaheguroojeekaakhaalsaa Vaaheguroojeekeefathehhhhh!!!!!!!!
  15. Also is Bhai Sahib's name: Shahbeg Singh or Subheg Singh thanks vaaheguroojeekaakhaalsaa vaaheguroojeekeefathehhhh!!!!!!!!!!
  16. This was the problem and This is the cure.... *sigh* .. Awsw mhlw 5 ] aasaa mehalaa 5 || Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: jau mY kIE sgl sIgwrw ] jo mai keeou sagal seegaaraa || Even though I totally decorated myself, qau BI myrw mnu n pqIAwrw ] tho bhee maeraa man n patheeaaraa || still, my mind was not satisfied. Aink sugMDq qn mih lwvau ] anik suga(n)dhhath than mehi laavo || I applied various scented oils to my body, Ehu suKu iqlu smwin nhI pwvau ] ouhu sukh thil samaan nehee paavo || and ye t, I did not obtain even a tiny bit of pleasure from this. mn mih icqvau AYsI AwsweI ] man mehi chithavo aisee aasaaee || Within my mind, I hold such a desire, ipRA dyKq jIvau myrI mweI ]1] pria dhaekhath jeevo maeree maaee ||1|| that I may live only to behold my Beloved, O my mother. ||1|| mweI khw krau iehu mnu n DIrY ] maaee kehaa karo eihu man n dhheerai || O mother, what should I do? This mind cannot rest. ipRA pRIqm bYrwgu ihrY ]1] rhwau ] pria preetham bairaag hirai ||1|| rehaao || It is bewitched by the tender love of my Beloved. ||1||Pause|| bsqR ibBUKn suK bhuq ibsyKY ] basathr bibhookhan sukh bahuth bisaekhai || Garments, ornaments, and such exquisite pleasures Eie BI jwnau ikqY n lyKY ] oue bhee jaano kithai n laekhai || I look upon these as of no account. piq soBw Aru mwnu mhqu ] path sobhaa ar maan mehath || Likewise, honor, fame, dignity and greatness, AwigAwkwrI sgl jgqu ] aagiaakaaree sagal jagath || obedience by the whole world, igRhu AYsw hY suMdr lwl ] grihu aisaa hai su(n)dhar laal || and a household as beautiful as a jewel. pRB Bwvw qw sdw inhwl ]2] prabh bhaavaa thaa sadhaa nihaal ||2|| If I am pleasing to God's Will, then I shall be blessed, and forever in bliss. ||2|| ibMjn Bojn Aink prkwr ] bi(n)jan bhojan anik parakaar || With foods and delicacies of so many different kinds, rMg qmwsy bhuqu ibsQwr ] ra(n)g thamaasae bahuth bisathhaar || and such abundant pleasures and entertainments, rwj imlK Aru bhuqu Purmwieis ] raaj milakh ar bahuth furamaaeis || power and property and absolute command mnu nhI DRwpY iqRsnw nw jwieis ] man nehee dhhraapai thrisanaa naa jaaeis || with these, the mind is not satisfied, and its thirst is not quenched. ibnu imlby iehu idnu n ibhwvY ] bin milabae eihu dhin n bihaavai || Without meeting Him, this day does not pass. imlY pRBU qw sB suK pwvY ]3] milai prabhoo thaa sabh sukh paavai ||3|| Meeting God, I find peace. ||3|| Kojq Kojq sunI ieh soie ] < span style='color:080088'>khojath khojath sunee eih soe || By searching and seeking, I have heard this news, swDsMgiq ibnu qirE n koie ] saadhhasa(n)gath bin thariou n koe || that without the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, no one swims across. ijsu msqik Bwgu iqin siqguru pwieAw ] jis masathak bhaag thin sathigur paaeiaa || One who has this good destiny written upon his forehead, finds the True Guru. pUrI Awsw mnu iqRpqwieAw ] pooree aasaa man thripathaaeiaa || His hopes are fulfilled, and his mind is satisfied. pRB imilAw qw cUkI fMJw ] prabh miliaa thaa chookee dda(n)jhaa || When one meets God, then his thirst is quenched. nwnk lDw mn qn mMJw ]4]11] naanak ladhhaa man than ma(n)jhaa ||4||11|| Nanak has found the Lord, within his mind and body. ||4||11||
  17. mere har preetam kee koee baath sunaavai ( :wub: su bhaaee su mayraa veer
  18. Just a humble request to all the Gursikhs from BC: Please make an honest effort to attend the AkhandJaap tomorrow at Guru Nanak Academy from 4am to 6pm. It is one of the bigger Sikh youth events lately, and it is the first AkhandJaap, and it will help to promote equality and harmony. This is the day they are taking Bhai Parminder Singh's ashes to be immersed in the water at Kiratpur Sahib. It's also the weekend that we remember Bandi Chhor Divas of Dhan Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji and the Shaheedi Purab of Dhan Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Jee. Bring your friends, family and sangat. Enjoy the simran, seva and sangat. Thanks for your patience in reading this, daas
  19. salok ma 1 || Shalok, First Mehl: dhha(n)n s kaagadh kalam dhha(n)n dhhan bhaa(n)ddaa dhhan mas || Blessed is the paper, blessed is the pen, blessed is the inkwell, and blessed is the ink. dhhan laekhaaree naanakaa jin naam likhaaeiaa sach ||1|| Blessed is the writer, O Nanak, who writes the True Name. ||1||
  20. mhlw 3 ] mehalaa 3 || Third Mehl: noumee naem sach jae karai || On the ninth day of the month, make a vow to speak the Truth, kaam krodhh thrisanaa oucharai || and your <admin-profanity filter activated> desire, anger and desire shall be eaten up. dhasamee dhasae dhuaar jae t(h)aakai eaekaadhasee eaek kar jaanai || On the tenth day, regulate your ten doors; on the eleventh day, know that the Lord is One. dhuaadhasee pa(n)ch vasagath kar raakhai tho naanak man maanai || On the twelfth day, the five thieves are subdued, and then, O Nanak, the mind is pleased and appeased. aisaa varath reheejai paaddae hor bahuth sikh kiaa dheejai ||2|| Observe such a fast as this, O Pandit, O religious scholar; of what use are all the other teachings? ||2||
  21. p.s. don't kill the messenger :H:
  22. Mozilla Firefox - setting the world on fire After a year in development, today is the day the Mozilla Foundation released their long awaited browser named Firefox officially launching version 1.0. Several technicians agree that Firefox is "One of the a finest pieces of software available. Undoubtedly the best browser around. Beats Explorer by leaps and bounds." As a powerful cross-platform, Firefox offers users peace of mind and security that no other browser is able to do. Sam Gold, a software developer for Linux and former sales person for Windows, said, "There's no comparison with other browsers. My sources tell me MS has a been given a big scare on this one." After a year of builds, both developers and fans are even more excited about spreading the fire like never before. The browser wars are back and it looks like Explorer, with all of its security problems, doesn't stand a chance. ______________________________ Source: http://www.kentuckylaketimes.com/technolog...x.ppa?id=110904
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