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Everything posted by dallysingh101

  1. @Kau89r8 Another reason for conversions (by mainly blacks) is simply their understandable suspicion and even hatred of whites because of historical grievances. You could point out that arabs were enslaving and raping blacks too (and rightly so), but in the current situation blacks seeing sullay giving serious drama to gora, western societies makes them inspired - hence prone to convert. Plus many have an increasing suspicion of the christianity that was forced upon their ancestors.
  2. This is wrong. In Canada some are known as violent drug-dealing crooks. In the UK, we have some rep for standing up to sullay and their pdfile grooming gangs, and occasionally telling the police to f**k off too.
  3. I don't agree. It is in decline. Inbetween themselves they do stuff that people wouldn't even do to animals. Gulf states attract westerners by promoting anti-islamic stuff like bikini clad babes and parties and jobs. As well as giving western babes an opportunity to literally get sh1tted on by a rich arab for more money than they would make in a year. Muslim countries are queuing up to join economic alliances with kafirs over their own sullah brotherhood - like BRICS. Why our thing isn't spreading faster is another matter altogether - mainly it's penduism holding it back in my opinion. We are still mainly more Panjabi than Sikh, and pendu ones at that. But we are having some waves and movements that are challenging this. We all need to support them and amplify them.
  4. https://www.sikhawareness.com/topic/22572-former-punjab-cm-parkash-singh-badal-passes-away/
  5. Mate, given what you see out there with many keshdharis, he's doing really well...... Were you into that whole workout culture the west coast is famous for? Can you believe people are still listening to/singing suggestive pubbhi songs in the 21st century! I remember many decades ago at school, some panjabi sullah telling me he's dad was telling him: "Look how gundhay these Sikhs are, singing songs about their pubbhis!" He had a point - notwithstanding the widespread prevalence of pervert behaviour in their own community.
  6. These things are all just methods to infiltrate the panth by outsiders. In the end, the fudhoos who join these groups have more loyalty to their weird lodge 'brothers' than anyone else. They are tools. And the people from amongst us who are chosen and invited to join these groups, would have been carefully observed and tested over time to make sure they are docile and corruptible in the first place.
  7. ^^^^^ Look, they've got another loyal, docile 'Sikh' cheerleader......
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-asia-india-51326323
  9. ^^^ Note how bhai ji mentions that there were a few apneean grooming victims of the gang that dhaliwal led in huddersfield. No one mentions that.
  10. I don't think we are that 'beggar' in general. Those 'cousins' from across the border with their social housing addiction and the way their country is constantly begging others for bail outs for their failed economy are infinitely worse.
  11. I advise everyone to watch the Bhai Mohan Singh video above to keep up to date with the situation in the UK.
  12. Maybe when they are young. A lot seem to let go after they are married and become a sort of 'butch' ਝੋਟੀ, where their salwaar kammeezs get stretched to a point where it looks like the incredible hulk at the beginning of his transformation, where his shirt is about to rip asunder under his growth.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/PanjabBC/videos/248105354360654/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
  14. I think thurry refers to the sauce or 'gravy' in a dish. Like you can make 'sukhee' (i.e. dry) chicken curry meaning it doesn't have any liquid gravy, or you can make it 'thurhee wali' with more sauce/gravy (for want of a better word).
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