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Everything posted by dallysingh101

  1. Maybe! Maybe! We've been through similar Singh. It's about time we faced this truth, instead of still lapping up colonialist propaganda like docile dimwits, decades after the event. That certain members of our community still struggle to grasp this says a lot (and what it says isn't too flattering in terms of intelligence). That's all you have left in the face of serious, relevant points regarding our history and future - crying about your caste. Like juts haven't been known to try and constantly take the p1ss out of other jaats anyway. Stop being so sensitive. Brush that off your shoulder peasant and focus on the more important stuff for Gawd's sake! A lot of you people really need this dragging into unpleasant realities because we should all know our lot have a ostrich mentality towards problems, even when they become massive elephants blatantly standing in the corner of the room (like grooming for example). We've had monumental blunders amongst our leadership in our recent past that led to a lot of loss (in terms life, land and material heritage). People like Ranjeet show me that certain people haven't learnt a thing and would rather hide behind some outdated, brit manufactured caste identity (like a dimwitted 'half devil-half child' of Kipling's imagination) than help the panth bravely face the world for the 21st century, as an independent-minded, self respecting, self reliant community - he seems like he can't think outside of the framework tossed upon the community during our century long period of ghulamy under goray, the impact of which still affects us to today in multiple ways. And moderators: We've already had stifled debate for a long time in our community. If the forum isn't here for people to discuss relevant, critical issues within the panth, what's the point? The whole nature of such debate is that it will naturally put people's noses out of joint - but that is better than apnay swanning around in dangerous delusions. And from my experience, that's like the only way to get certain people to start thinking a bit. If we just become a forum where people are placidly patting each other on the backs and not facing/exploring critical issues, that'd almost guarantee irrelevance too. Going back to the Kurd situation: What it looks like to me is that Trump is dealing with situation purely as a ruthless businessman and populist politician. He wants to withdraw US troops from a number of locations, and if we look at a lot of his foreign policies they seem aimed at minimising any costs to the US and creating disadvantage to potential competition. That's why he doesn't care about the re-emergence of ISIS - he looks like he sees it as advantageous if he can keep them out of the states, and have them causing havoc in Europe (who he sees as competition to the US). Plus we can't ignore the fact that he may well be compromised (blackmailed) by Russians. Goray (and all conscious Sikhs should know this one) seem to (yet again!) think they can switch Islamist fundamentalism on and off like they have a switch. But evidence clearly points at this being a fallacy on their part. They've always managed to create a worse monster to contend with when they do this (like in Afghanistan). I think there may well be powerful elements within western governments that want a continuation of the ISIS type havoc in that region. This could be for a multitude of reasons, like using it to keep their own population in fear and have their minds occupied so that the governments can deflect from their own dirt. so they also benefit from a small number of attacks here (in the UK), because it distracts from them and (they think) temporarily unites the gora populace here. I think Turkey has actually been an ally to ISIS. I know they benefited considerably from the oil ISIS was bootlegging when the caliphate was around and probably in a bunch of other ways too. It's good for Sikhs to have some grasp of what is going on here outside of mainstream narratives because I think lack of education and simple mindedness in the past led to unlettered apnay jumping into conflicts that did not benefit the community. Don't for one minute think that all of these greedy people at play in the global conflicts of the world today (which are really sullay and goray) aren't capable of rapidly creating a WW3 scenario between them. If this happens, we don't want to lose any Sikh life unnecessarily, or aid those who'd stab us in the back the moment they felt it was safe to do so. Time to organise and strengthen ourselves - not others.
  2. I think you've got a typical tendency to gloss over everything in some simple minded fashion. The community being able to protect itself, and make shrewd decisions in this department isn't a small topic. That is inbuilt into Sikhi too. This isn't only some economic opportunity for farmers. Plenty of other communities have gone out and started communities abroad too like the Chinese, even Bengalis and Somalis. And certain Sikh subsections not subjugating themselves to firenghees in foreign wars of the past en masse is as much about their own ability to have a sustained income through skills (that they spread to juts in the UK as well remember), as well as their social and political intelligence (which goray clearly feared and still fear (we have it on record that goray considered juts to be docile and slow- and I'm not saying this to insult, just to give you the facts). Many Sikhs (of all backgrounds) might have been more inclined to have aligned themselves to the ideas of say Bhai Maharaj Singh, than some brit recruitment officer. We know press ganging occurred in Panjab. We know lambardaars etc. were seriously pressured into finding recruits for goray (with the threat of loss of position and income if they failed). So stop romanticising the past. We got used, and just because Sikhs in general (and not just peasant ones) can usually land on their feet after tumult, doesn't mean that we should ignore who and what has put us into a mess in the first place. It's like Bhai Gurdas ji said (to paraphrase): Just because we've somehow managed to fall out of a tree without being hurt, doesn't mean that we should start jumping out of them. We've had a good few times when our quom been caught out badly. Partition being the worst (which was even more of a gallughara than the wuddha gallughara). 84 in delhi. You (all of the panth) NEED to start thinking a bit more. That's pendu stupidity, to enter another quoms wars in foreign land like mungos, and then completely miss the ball in your own backyard. If you can't keep your own community secure and feel doing other quom's dirty work for them is a better idea - even to the cost of Sikh life, stop making out like you're some sort of leaders. Some of the reasons many of your forefathers were patronised by goray in the past were because they were considered easy to control and considered less intelligent than others - and desperate too, we all know farming can be precarious business for natural reasons. Those sepoy wages were small. That's reality. And don't even try to make out like you even have a remote chance of seeing things with any clarity, let alone impartiality, given your family is very likely to have been on the receiving end of hardcore propaganda for centuries now (and I'm not blaming you for this). So I'm not surprised that you talk in your master's voice. Like I said, these are strong words - but really important right now - for our whole community. We don't know where all the political buckwaas of today is heading. If people are going to prance about in other people's affairs/wars - don't affiliate it to Sikhi - and don't let the goray with their hands on your leash do it either. If goray are going to try and mass-manipulate us politically again in future - and the past is anything to go by - it will be via juts. In our recent past there has been a strain of political/military naivety from within that has seriously been detrimental to us as a community. I posted this thread about Kurds to remind us about that. Let's be realistic. This Kurd example illustrates just how easily so called 'alliances' can break up when it suits the more powerful and/or devious elements within these so called 'alliances'. That's such an important point for the panth in relation to its recent past and 'allies', as well as what might happen in future.
  3. Although that pendu stuff is seriously cringeworthy, it ain't that man. What happened after annexation is scary. Juts seriously need education, the big fear is that would be foolish enough to drag us in the tutti like that again. And don't you ever forget how the average Jut makes a living in the UK. They got taught by tarkhans (from Panjab not Africa) to do a man's job, or else they'd be doing all that minicab driving and chef stuff that most do in other diasporas - like tonday.
  4. You weren't the only ones going global and spreading Sikhi. I think you've done a better job of spreading balle balle-shava shava myself.
  5. Keep deluding yourself. Look at what jumping around abroad in foreign wars cost us as a panth. Only Waheguru knows how many lives lost, how many raped, separation from important historical sites. God knows what other smaller heritage items got destroyed, looted, lost in the turmoil. This is the consequence of trusting the wrong people. The consequence of id1otic leadership too.
  6. Strange, I've met a few juts who were booted out too over the years? They owned farms out there or something? (and they wore those 'legendary' starched pags too incidentallyy) You ain't the only ones who ain't done too badly either, incase you haven't noticed. You ain't the only ones who can land on their feet. And I take no pleasure in saying this, but boy, if all the persistent complaining from Juts back home are anything to go by, things are far from the rosy picture you're trying to paint. We all know about the cancer inducing food from over fertilising the land. We all know that despite practically running Panjab, Juts have struggled to create an economy that keeps the populace productive - hence everyone trying to flee the place. Let's not talk about the nasha issue. Probably, most people treated the blacks bad out there (Africa). I can actually understand why Idi Amin booted them out. I think there were a bunch of people from India out there - apnay, hindus, muslay - if accusations are true, then they are all guilty probably. No one group. I think on top of generally ignorant attitudes that might have been prevalent, the Indian norm of insularity played a big part in what happened. Communities sticking to themselves, whilst others looked on at their luxurious lifestyles. Maybe that's how some Germans saw Jews pre-WW2? And those starch pag tarkhans were a tiny section of that wider community. That isn't even comparable to mass-indoctrination your mob opened themselves up to, and tried to pass off as our heritage. No one is jealous of you btw. No one (with any intelligence at least) is aspiring to be like you. That's just what you tell yourselves to cover up your own issues. And that post that had you 'bwaaah-pareepaing' - sure, it was provocative, but the important point about being politically used and discarded seems to have gone right over that head of yours. These are rapidly changing times, the landscape is not exactly static. I hope certain members of the community have actually learnt from the past. These are important lessons to impart to future generations. We don't ever want what happened to us (as a panth) back then, happening again. And your people did get used and abused hardcore. Your forefather was one of the smart ones that clocked that, that's why he did what he did with his medals. They say intelligence skips a generation sometimes. There are potentially more serious issues than your pendu caste pride at stake here. The political landscape around us is likely to change rapidly around us. Your people were generally a bit slow to clock that last time, and we had a bloodbath in Panjab. So forgive me if I flag the consequences of chaaploosian in the past - even if it stings your ego.
  7. Donald Trump defends abandoning the Kurds in Syria because 'they didn't help us in Normandy' and says he isn't worried about ISIS fighters escaping because 'they'll go to Europe' Donald Trump defended his decision to hand security in Syria over to Turkey, abandoning Kurdish forces which led the fight against ISIS alongside the US Said the Kurds 'didn't help us with Normandy' and acted in their own self-interest Added he isn't worried about ISIS jail-breaks because 'they'll go back to Europe' Turkey invaded northern Syria Wednesday after Trump withdrew US troops https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7557643/Donald-Trump-defends-abandoning-Kurds-Syria-didnt-help-Normandy.html
  8. None of you peasants whose grandparents fought for goray in ww2, only to have to flee across the border upon return, see any parallels?
  9. You know ever since I first encountered Wallace's story I've always been struck by similarities between him and Banda Singh Bahadur.
  10. Look at the second video in this thread (I'd post it here but am having difficulties). Look at this ignoramus harassing the Singh for having a kirpaan. What <banned word filter activated> doesn't know that Singhs can carry kirpaans in the UK???? The dumbo policeman needs more training....... http://www.sikhawareness.com/topic/19864-the-african-american-sikh-convert/
  11. Well worth a watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eSMkIHeQfo
  12. I think this move has parallels of how Sikhs were abandoned after WW2 to face partition. What do you think? It does clearly demonstrate realpolitik to me, where minorities can be swiftly abandoned by western 'allies' after being used in military operations, after a threat is considered to be removed. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-7552375/MACER-GIFFORD-former-British-volunteer-Syrian-Democratic-Forces-slams-President.html
  13. Interesting how he came to B'ham, and how he perceives the UK Sikh community as a globally strong one. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-38586025/the-african-american-sikh-convert
  14. I think there should be more fat shaming myself. Fatty bom-bom kudhoos. Why don't such people train and diet?
  15. PS - Anyone wanting to look at CP in more detail should pop over to sikhawareness.com where brothers are regularly posting chariters.
  16. I think if apnay want such things they should fund it themselves. Going cap in hand to these big organisations just makes us look cheap.
  17. dallysingh101


    ^^^Failing that, try some cbd oil. Don't worry, it won't intoxicate you.
  18. dallysingh101

    My story

    Nah, I seriously doubt it. The era in which we grow up has a deep impact on our writing style. There would be writing conventions, styles and vocab used within that reflect the environment within which it developed. There isn't a single older writing convention being used in the OP. There is no way this is the writing of someone who's coming up to their 90th birthday. If this is a younger person practicing their creative writing - then good on them and I hope they keep developing their skill. But please don't post stuff that dim-witted people could easily take on surface level. Put an intro in or something. lol
  19. When you say 'modern' you're talking about the introduction of Z (jajaa pairh bindhi) happening under dashmesh pita's time. So not exactly modern.
  20. dallysingh101

    My story

    So who is the twat posting works of fiction like they were autobiographical? And how dense are the apnay who can't tell this stuff for what it is? Although I do get the point about many apnay parents being depressingly hyper critical of their kids.
  21. dallysingh101


    Try regular (daily) simran (10/15 minutes). Also, make this and drink it before you go sleep. Soak two tablespoons of poppy seeds (khus khus) overnight. Then remove khus khus from water (use fine sieve) and put into a mortar and pestle. Grind these seeds with a few almonds, pistachios (5 of each will do), some green cardamons. When grinded into a nice paste throw in pan with about two cups of milk. Add teaspoon of ghee (Keeo) and a twist of black pepper. Add a tiny bit of gurh if you want it slightly sweet (but not too much!). Boil for about 4/5 minutes (stirring and scrapping bottom of pan to make sure it doesn't burn/stick) and drink. Do this for a week or two.
  22. dallysingh101

    My story

    The language used in the OP doesn't remotely sound like that of someone who is as old as is suggested therein. It seems like some younger person's work of fiction?
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