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Everything posted by pardesanbibbi2

  1. Where are the images of the Sikh Gurus? ....On the whole very beautifully sung.
  2. Wear your Bana with pride and stick to the Rehat Mariyadda. Don't worry too much about what others think of you.
  3. Splendid idea! I wish more and more farmers will follow suit all over the world on a gigantic scale to produce and supply healthy food products for everyone on this planet!!! Good luck to them and wish them all the success! Once upon a time I wanted to pursue a career in farming but my parents wanted me to become a horticulturist, I rejected both! In hindsight, I should have followed my heart and not my mind!!
  4. It's time to wake up sleeping beauty! You've been sleeping far too long !o!
  5. Thank you very much for your help but none of these work!
  6. Are you reading history books written by someone like you? I have never read such flapdoodle in my entire 19 years on this planet!
  7. Look, why can't you be yourself, instead of drawing so much attention to yourself? I am sure there is a very huge gay community out there you can open your heart to whenever you feel desperate. I am 100 per cent positive that you are not the only gay man in this world! So, stop drawing so much attention to yourself, it is not very nurturing for your well being. You are gay and not some criminal! Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Self pity is not good for our mental and physical health. You are an ordinary human being who happens to be gay, nothing wrong with you! Stop acting like some sort of pariah you are not! Tell your parents about your status. They are grown ups they should have the ability to deal with it and stop forcing you to get married! I can't believe I am living in the twenty first century and reading all this! It is unbelievable!
  8. They are a very powerful 'bunch' indeed, from a secular/political point of view!
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