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Everything posted by Sukhvirk1976

  1. Err I think it might be worth reading about the unique history of the panjab and the various migrations through it.. The gene pool of the panjab is probably one of the most mixed in the entire world
  2. I wasn't dismissive at all.. I just want to understand and learn about how the khalsa wasn't established by guru gobind Singh Ji.. You provided a reference to the use of the word. I was just looking for clarification
  3. Could you please provide the full reference where it is aligned to Charan amrit? I appreciate the word itself may have been used
  4. Lol. Forcing others to follow yoga and not naam simran is not naam simran nada yoga.?
  5. So rather than talking you advocate hating. A neat little trick
  6. I believe the writer accepted and profesess that bhai mardana was a Sikh, just not khalsa just as 1-9 guru Ji's were not. And ggsji was not the first khalsa
  7. I know brother I just think to expect any kind of constructive dialogue is a bit of a ask when it comes to those amongst us who don't actually have any opinions of there own
  8. Thank you for pointing out the self enforced limits of our brothers intellect. I doubt however that other than regurgitating vacuous statements we are likely to get a personal rationale, thoughts on his opinions. I think some people don't get the idea that this forum should and could be a place to learn, be challenged a window into perspectives as individuals we haven't considered.. It's much easier to just make vacuous statements than actually search for the truth
  9. LOL x here he is mister hate.. I feel for you brother
  10. Not our Goal as a quam.. You don't speak for the majority
  11. I would disagree.. They not khalsa but they might be Sikh
  12. Guru Nanak Dev Ji didn't wear a turban? I believe documented history suggests he wore a 'seli-tioi' he also seemed to be in favour of dressing eclectically challenging the idea of uniformity?
  13. Shame shame shame on you? If you want to spit venom don't do it on here and sully the Sikh name
  14. As you are probably well aware many texts, concepts are decontextualised and exploited to support power structures.. I.e. How natural selection was used as a justification for racialism. It wasn't at all what darwin was suggesting but it didn't stop colonialists from using it as a tool of oppression
  15. I'm sorry if you don't understand the nuance. The text itself doesn't suggest inequality between varnas it just suggests a separation of roles. It was used by the 'brahmanical' elite to provide and legitimatise structural inequalities.. Does that help
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