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Everything posted by Sukhvirk1976

  1. So they should not be allowed into the gurdwara into if they are drunk. But there is no requirement to matha tek
  2. Fair enough. How do you think it gets abused that's quite a strong accusation.. Do you have a example to clarify your point? ??
  3. Who said they created a religion? I think you may be a bit confused as your post seems to be contradictory.. Sikhi teaches us that the truth is universal and therefore applies to everyone.. So being a good Muslim or Hindu when one strips things away to the truth means you need to get to the essence of your faith not find it rituals or man made expressions of religion.. Casteism is a crass interpretation and application of behaviour associated with Hinduism. To be a good Muslim would mean that you rejected simplistic interpretations of Islam. Just in the same way simply claiming to be a sikh or even wearing articles of faith. Sikh philosophy tells us very simply that all is one. To transcend religious identity and look deeper and find universal truth
  4. Langar as a institution was not created by 'us' but established by Guru sahib as a fundamental principle so it is non negotiable. It is not something created post Guru sahib. That is a fundamental misrepresentation!
  5. How could you possibly arrive at the conclusion that you have. The zafarnama clearly shows respect for quran sharif and you seem to miss the point entirely
  6. ?The point is that other faiths don't have the same capacity..
  7. What has being white got to do with anything? A sikh is a sikh! All are one
  8. I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean?
  9. Ain't nothing in SGGS ji that objects to anyone's way.. Please refer to awwal Allah shabd
  10. I find that idea wholly troubling.. You say divine justice.. Surely the divine has and will mete out justice as the divine sees fit? I think you are talking about retribution?
  11. Does anyone else ever get the feeling that there are a lot of islamaphobes on this site?
  12. It's a bit of a leap of imagination don't you think?
  13. What makes you think they want to convert it into a mosque? And if the building is is owned by the community then how can they ever take control of it? I think you may be a bit paranoid possibly?
  14. We don't have to do one over the other we should be able to both.. It's a old tradition that speaks to the uniqueness of sikhi and one which I for one don't have a problem.. I'm not such a cynic to think it is done just for photo opportunities but I think your comment has some value
  15. Personally I've always felt SGGSJ is unique in expressing distinctly sikh cultural values whilst not consuming to the exclusion of other traditions.. Gurbani sangeet traditions require shudh recitation of bani in very specific musical forms as handed down by Guru sahibs and Bhagats as written.. Multiple languages and musical formats are included.. Maharaj is unique in that way..
  16. Do I? How do I sound like a pacifist or make 'us' sound like pacifists ? Please explain.. You seem to be getting ahead of yourself
  17. Yeah and what is your point.. You seem to be saying well that because others don't have the principles of sikhi that we should be mimic that behaviour.. Guru Hargobind ji more than anyone on this forum had reason to have animosity towards Muslims since his father was killed by Islamic fundamentalists and bigots.. On the battle field bhai khanyia nursed all.. And guru gobind singh ji said he was a representation of real sikhi. Iftar meals are nothing new.. It's simply langar inviting people to break bread.. Sikhi is strong and unique because its not weakened by showing love.. By accepting difference.. By showing acceptance isn't the same as acquiescence to a ideal.. It demonstrates that your truth is higher and principled. Much of what is being said here is anti sikh..
  18. This is ridiculous.. Guru Hargobind ji had a masjid built. Sikhi is special because of its inclusiveness despite everything
  19. Have you ever considered that the syncretic nature of punjabiat is what makes it unique.. It's inclusiveness opposed to others exclusivism?
  20. The Tisarpanth article was a good article.. The supremacy of the jathedar shri akal takht has been used by the SGPC and by extension the SAD as a cunning means to manufacture legitimacy..
  21. None of these can be termed original cultures.. No culture is 'pristine'.. Cultures emerge within space and time, with specific cultural, social, political and economic environments.. They may have unique characteristics but they are always informed by external forces and history particular to the setting...
  22. No such thing as a original culture.. It doesn't work like that.. Cultural expressions are informed by borrow from things around them.. I think you are calling out headline grabbing big names in science.. You need only to go to university in any major UK city and you will find numerous, researchers, thinkers, academics doing important work in a wide range of fields. Moreover if you compared to other ethno-religious groups will similar characteristics of migration, you would see Sikhs aren't doing to badly at all in comparison to other groups.. There is of course much more required and more we could do. But there is also much to celebrate and be proud about
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