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Everything posted by superdupersingh

  1. Tea contains an array of toxic ingredients which promote disease. It contains chemicals (e.g.tannins, phytates) which inhibit iron absorption, reduce iron bio-availability leading to iron deficiency anaemia. Vegetarians and pregnant mothers should therefore avoid tea for their own health and that of their children. Tea contains fluoride, heavy metals (inc Al, Pb), carcinogens, pesticides, caffeine, nicotine to name a few. As you can see some of these chemicals are highly addictive causing dependence, tolerance and withdrawal symptoms, which is why it can be hard to kick the habit. People suffering from indigestion, acid reflux, bloating should also avoid tea as the caffeine can aggravate these symptoms. To make matters worse, the tea bag material itself contains chemicals which leach out into the brew. For example plastics (e.g. thermoplastic, PVC, polypropylene) which breakdown and release carcinogens into your mug. Paper tea bags are commonly treated with epichlorophydrin which, on contact with water, hydrolyses to 3-MCPD --> a carcinogen implicated in suppressed immunity and infertility. Basically the additives which help to keep the tea bag's integrity and prevent it from disintegrating into the water, are responsible for leaching harmful, carcinogenic compounds into the tea and ultimately into your bodies. Taking this all into account, I think it's too risky on so many levels to even contemplate drinking another cup of tea. Solution: -Drink raw milk instead. -Boil water with herbs e.g. fennel, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves. -For chronic tea users, I would advice you to slowly taper down tea consumption to limit the withdrawal symptoms and not to quit 'cold turkey'.
  2. Cool. Will try this. Is it necessary to heat it in the oven?
  3. Khorasan flour is more ancient than spelt flour and contains fewer chromosomes since it is less hybridised. Einkorn is the most ancient with the fewest chromosomes. It is currently out of stock so I buy Khorasan flour from Waitrose at the lowest price of £2.85/kg. But if you can't get them then emmer/spelt are the next best options.
  4. Lol i see. I just checked all of my t shirts etc...no fading in pit area. If you are still worried, i can pay you if this ever happens.
  5. If you are adding too much vinegar/lemon/anything acidic into your washing machine then it can cause the colours to fade. I have never needed to put anything acidic into the washing machine as i just use soapnuts. However, on whites you can use these acidic substances without any risks to your clothes. Regarding the deodorant, there aren't any issues unless people have broken skin/cuts in which case i would avoid putting anything on the armpits. I've been doing this for years and don't smell at all. After applying the lime juice you could even get a spray bottle add a few drops of essential oil, fill it with water and use. Even rose water.
  6. No. I have not experienced any issues. Give it a try and see. A lot of people use lemon/lime as a natural deodorant including my friends and family.
  7. That's great. Can you please share the ingredients and quantities you use to make garam masala? Thanks
  8. The powdered spices you buy from the shops are known to be adulterated with toxic, disease causing chemicals. Why take the risk? These are just some common examples: 1. Haldi/Turmeric powder - can contain carcinogenic, organotoxic melanil yellow (azo dye) and lead chromate (paint). 2, Red chilli powder- lead oxide - carcinogenic 3. Cinnamon is adulterated with cassia bark - carcinogenic, hepatotoxic, neurotoxic. Buy whole ceylon cinnamon instead. Solution: It is safer to buy the spices whole and powder them at home. Store bought powders are easily adulterated and cannot be detected with the senses. Also during the processing of the powders, the nutrients and medicinal qualities can be destroyed .e.g with high temperatures. I have recently powdered whole haldi and noticed immediately a difference in colour, smell, taste. At the end of the day, do not take a chance with your health. Is it really worth risking over convenience? http://epicureandigest.com/2014/03/12/seven-adulterated-spices-most-likely-in-your-kitchen-now/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vinita_Katiyar/publication/286453417_Food_Adulteration_The_Demonic_Onslaught_on_Health_and_Wellness/links/566a995108ae1a797e37c896/Food-Adulteration-The-Demonic-Onslaught-on-Health-and-Wellness.pdf
  9. I use a small amount of freshly squeezed lime juice and no problems. Obviously don't apply if you have cuts or broken skin. The ph inhibits bacterial growth and complements the natural acid mantle of the skin. Baking soda will disrupt this acid mantle and cause severe irritation and reactions so I would not recommend it. Also baking soda can be adulterated with aluminium which is toxic.
  10. I make a soapnut liquid by boiling like 40soapnut in 2L of water for about 15-30min. Then I freeze the liquid in ice cube trays. I put a couple of cubes into the washing machine on top of the clothes. Also you can put a small amount of white vinegar in the top drawer as a natural softener if you need to. (Take caution if you are using vinegar with colours as it can fade them. I would only use vinegar with whites) This can also be used for dishwashers.
  11. The wheat we eat today is not the same wheat our grandparents ate. The modern wheat varieties are actually genetic hybrids that contain a much greater number of chromosomes and therefore more proteins that are not present in naturally-occuring ancient varieties of wheat. This is partly why modern wheat is pro-inflammatory, causes allergies, contains more gluten, and is full of anti-nutrients that strip the body of vitamins and minerals. The second reason is that conventional wheat is sprayed with pesticides including the notorious glyphosate before harvesting which means that residues remain and are ingested. Glyphosate is carcinogenic, immunomodulatory, damages gut flora, causes chronic diseases like coeliacs/leaky gut, nutritional deficiencies. The ancient wheat varieties I have seen are organically grown so therefore are not exposed to Glyphosate. Many people with so called 'gluten-intolerance' are able to eat ancient wheat (which contains gluten) without any problems. Much like how people with so called 'lactose intolerance' can drink raw milk (which contains lactose) without any issues. These are false labels as they are misidentifying the culprit. Another problem with modern atta is the fact that in the UK (maybe other countries too) only 'wholemeal' flour is exempt from additives such as synthetic 'vitamins and minerals' (which are actually toxic drugs with different chemical properties and effects compared to what is found in nature). So every type of flour bar wholemeal contains artificial additives by law. The solution: Buy an ancient variety of wholemeal flour i.e. Einkorn, If unavailable then buy Khorasan flour.....they make delicious, easily digestible rotis. You can buy them online (in UK its Dove Farm Organics) or in supermarkets like Waitrose. You can't put a price on your health. Since roti is a staple of our diet, this one change could make a lot of difference to our health. This is what I do and thought i'd share it with you.
  12. You guys in Worcester have a gem. The Malvern Hills natural spring. I would get my water from there. The tap water in the Midlands region is fluoridated (toxic). This is a great alternative http://www.findaspring.com/locations/north-america/usa/the-evendine-malvern-worcester-england/
  13. We are taught that breast cancer most commonly occurs in the upper outer quadrant and this is precisely the location closest to which deodorant is applied. This thought came to me many years ago and since then I've looked at the research and delved more closely into the ingredients of underarm cosmetics. You won't be surprised to again find these products full of the same culprits : carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, irritants to name but 3 of their properties. Literally, you can take your pick. Pick up your deodorant and google each ingredient on the label to see what you are putting into your body (skin absorption-->bloodstream/lymph) (You might also like this: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/07/20/dangerous-deodorant-antiperspirant-ingredients.aspx) The solution is simple: Use lemon/limes: I cut a small slice of lime everyday and squeeze its juice into my palm then apply to my armpits. It works in controlling body odour. Deodorants actually worsen body odour so you have to use more and more and buy more and more to mask it, leading to a vicious cycle, at the cost of your pocket and your health . So just quit it. Address your diet too...avoid poor diets containing processed food/refined sugar/carbs . Eat more raw, organic foods, raw dairy (not pasteurised/homogenised) etc Also In summer/hot climates its good to have a bath/shower twice a day. Hope this information is useful and make you more conscious of the products you are using. Remember always read the label, do your research, and if you don't know..avoid it! (P.s. read my other posts too if you are interested in avoiding other disease promoting products)
  14. If you've never read or researched the ingredients list on your dishwashing liquid/laundry detergent I suggest you do so now. You're in for a big shock. They contain: potent carcinogens, irritants, neurotoxins, endocrine disruptors, volatile organic compounds, fragrances, optical brighteners (aromatic compounds e.g. benzene) to name but a few. https://branchbasics.com/blog/2018/02/laundry-chemicals/ These nasty chemicals actually stay inside the clothes and you absorb them via breathing them into your lungs and through skin contact. Regarding dish soap/liquid you probably think you are not eating it so there isn't a problem, right? WRONG! The surfactants (reduce surface/interfacial tension between surfaces) actually cause there to be a small residual layer of dish soap after washing the dishes, so therefore the next time you use the dishes you are ingesting small amounts of this residue. This adds up over time. Secondly, you're absorbing the toxic chemicals through skin contact when hand-washing dishes. Solution: Wash dishes with: soapnut/lemon liquid or vinegar/ACV or sand. Wash clothes with: soapnut liquid. (soapnuts/reetha available online on Ebay/Amazon) Again another topic where going back to nature will save you from adverse health outcomes. This is a recurring theme. Remember that Guru Ji warned us about following the ways of the world. We are basically committing physical and spiritual suicide if we ignore His advice.
  15. So I was looking for a shampoo which wasn't loaded with any toxic chemicals, carcinogens, endocrine disruptors etc and there was nothing on the market, even those labelled as 'chemical-free' and 'organic' failed miserably... Then I found the solution....I have been using this and it works wonders. I would strongly recommend everyone that uses commercial shampoos to stop since not only are you damaging your hair, you are also absorbing the above chemicals through the scalp into your tissues and bloodstream..leading to systemic effects.
  16. Doesn't anyone else see the dangers of digitalisation of gurbani? it can be very easily altered and difficult to spot unlike the physical form. Our enemies are destroying the physical forms of gurbani which are authentic whilst we are trying to combat this by putting it into a virtual format. Its completely possible that this is their agenda. I think we should be collecting and preserving gurbani in the original form since this new digital trend has major future pitfalls which i have mentioned: the easy and widespread corruption and distortion of gurbani which our enemies will no doubt be doing after they have done what they can on the physical side. Also the digital versions are completely dependent on electricity/internet/computers and who knows what will happen in the future. This isn't an ethical argument about gurbani being digitalised but on what is likely to happen based on how our enemies operate. We are playing into their hands.
  17. Having experience of Wolverhampton I would not recommend moving there. There isn't much to do, its a boring, dull place, with high unemployment and benefits. They also fluoridate the water which has made people a bit docile and mentally ill. Even if you don't drink the water, you are still absorbing it when you take baths/showers. My preference is to move to a non-fluoridated area, with greenery, no overhead aircraft, not near any mobile phone towers and within a short driving distance to a gurdwara. I think the south like surburbs around West London are better than up North e.g. Midlands. As the sangat, daily gurdwara schedule in Southall is the best in the UK. Although West Midlands have lots of simran programmes it doesn't compare to Southall unfortunately. There is a completely different vibe esp at Amrit Vela where the gurdwaras in Southall are packed out. There is nothing like it.
  18. Never use mineral oil it is carcinogenic. Use either organic sesame oil or desi ghee or organic coconut oil.
  19. We should also stick to traditional cooking materials. E.g. becoming sarbloh bibeki and using only clay earthenware to store foods/water. Copper vessels are excellent for water storage too since the Cu2+ ions have lots of health benefits e.g. removing pain/arthritis. Many Gurdwaras still use aluminium cookware which as we know is carcinogenic. I wouldn't even recommend 'stainless steel' since its the stainless component which much like 'non-stick' and 'water-resistant' synthetic materials, causes cancer. Secondly, the steel itself is an alloy containing other elements which are carcinogenic e.g. chromium(IV), nickel which is also an irritant. When you do your research you'll soon see that Guru Ji's way is the best and we should stick to it if we want to live healthy lives.
  20. Don't be fooled by the 'healthier' or 'fluoride-free' toothpastes e.g. Kingfisher. Always read the ingredients and research them. They also contain toxic chemicals and I have not found one which is completely safe. Secondly the toothbrushes themselves are not fit for purpose. The bristles are plastic which is not only an ineffective cleaning material but is a breeding ground for bacteria and biofilm formation. Datun is completely safe and effective as well as killing bacteria. Why settle for second grade gimmicks which will only do harm?
  21. Your perception of me is wrong. Firstly its not what I 'think' is the truth. Secondly, i am using the term delusion accurately as defined by psychiatry not in a colloquial or derogatory sense which you have falsely assumed. If you feel abused then that's just down to cognitive dissonance and your misinterpretation, which is perfectly understandable. i would encourage you to not keep throwing your toys out of the pram and acting like a child.
  22. Drinking the purest water which is free from toxic chemicals is what we should all be doing, but sadly this isn't the case. People in the West Midlands and other areas have had their water supplies compromised with Fluoride which is an industrial waste byproduct. Fl is a potent neurotoxin,carcinogen, endocrine disruptor. Even in non-fluoridated areas, tap water is laced with toxins like Al, Pb, Cl, Hg, As, pesticides, PCBs, aromatic hydrocarbons, pharmaceuticals etc. So what are the solutions? 1. The best thing to do, if you are able to, is to collect water from a natural spring. e.g. http://www.findaspring.com/ Or dig a well in your garden (the initial cost is outweighed by the low running costs and within 1 year it becomes a lot cheaper than buying mineral water, so it is an investment worth considering). 2. The next best option is to buy mineral water with the lowest TDS and which doesn't contain fluoride. Use this database http://www.wmaf.org.uk/index.php?content=content&parent=41&read=41&keyword= The only downside is that the water is packaged in plastic but this is the only negative -the best one based on the water analysis is Tesco Ashbeck Water. Mineral water packaged in plastic, is much better than tap water and even filtered water which does not remove all toxins and may also leach chemicals from the membranes/materials used. However, pure, unfluoridated mineral water packaged in glass is better, i.e. Waitrose Deeside water, since plastic bottles can leach chemicals into the water. The downside of the glass water is the price and availability, so most people will have to buy the Tesco Ashbeck water which has virtually the same composition/analysis as the Waitrose Deeside water...the only difference being the packaging. So in summary, ideally one would source water from a pure natural spring or from a well- this is the best water to drink. If not, then buy the purest mineral water (using the water analysis database) and if you can afford it prefer glass over plastic bottles. Avoid tap water wherever you live, even for cooking/boiling purposes and avoid drinking filtered tap water. You can also consider getting a filter for your baths/showers to at least reduce some of the chemicals you may otherwise be absorbing through the skin. Hope this helps people.
  23. I'm going to make a thread on the best water (unfluoridated) to get based on water analysis. A really shocking thing is that baby/kids products contain the most fluoride and other toxic chemicals e.g. baby toothpaste, formula feeds etc. I hope people will find it useful. It'll be in health/fitness section
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