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Everything posted by Redoptics

  1. Please do not do this wirhout research, have ever read the bible?
  2. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung&source=android-home&source=hp&ei=_8QiXI79GoudkwX2g6P4CA&q=pope+fish+head&oq=pope+fish+head&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz- Dagon the fish God is what Christanity is based on.
  3. Your Guru Nanak Ji knew everything, have researched him ?
  4. See what the presidents have next them the subliminal messages are next level
  5. He was a dude with a template pasted against the name, he most likely was a spiritual being, but the whole turns water into wine is a concept, again from my understanding I have studied this thesis of a religion for a long time, you get the moon worshippers, 'Jews and Muslims ' and the sun worshippers 'Christians' and I don't want to get into 'Elohim' singular vs pleural
  6. Jesus Christ is the symbol of sun worship, 'the light of the world' the 'arisen saviour', please do some research.
  7. Did not mean to offend, but we have to be real, Guru Nanak Ji was teaching everone else about the wrongs of their religion, we must not forget this. I have seen so many times Guru's said all religons are correct, this is an incorrect assumption, in my personal opinion.
  8. Mohammad was a pedo, Guru Nanak Ji got enlightenment from Vaheguru, not these fake prophets. Again from my understanding.
  9. Thanks I have downloaded, will read tonight.
  10. I think there was a guy called Jesus, but I don't think he was a 'Bhagat' too many conflicting issues. Like the video suggests.
  11. A lot of Sikhs refer to them as 'Bar men' or 'Pundits' in my generation caste is running wild, but the generation below seem to have calmed down in regards to caste, I hope.
  12. Christianity is just regurgitation of previous religions , and Jesus is a regurgitation of previous deities Horus etc. Please move to appropriate forum, didnt know where to post, thank you.
  13. Lol just shower your bottom after you have done, Im on clock work once in the morning and once in the evening. Rare instances keep wet wipes in case of a emergency at work
  14. There are a lot of 'Brahmin Sikhs' in Leeds but they tend to follow both religions.
  15. https://exemplore.com/dreams/Dream-of-Snake-Meaning-and-Symbol-of-Snake-in-Dreams
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