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Everything posted by Sat1

  1. U need to relax. Try the calm mindfulness videos on you tube, try yoga, and then mediate after. Focus on your breathing, when we’re anxious our breathing is shallow and we don’t breathe as much.
  2. In war, you must be fierce, like a lion, a tiger, a cheetah, an eagle. Not everyone is fearless enough to embrace war and death with open arms. Many of the gods and goddesses fought without fear. It’s this fearlessness and openness of embracing the fight that we should take from these stories. A real bhagat isn’t afraid of a fight. The gyan is fearlessness and confidence in your ability to win.
  3. Sat1


    Eat healthily, go running for cardio and yoga is good in conjunction with this. I do weights, running and yoga, sometimes Pilates.
  4. No she’s known to be a dark force, enjoying the taste of blood etc. Nothing to do with goodness etc.
  5. Why don’t you try meditating. If you don’t breathe properly, try the mindfulness calm videos on you tube. Then after you can sit and relax, listen to the ringing noise you may hear (anhad naad/ primal sound). Let go and let the meditation take you. Naam is Truth. God is Truth, and Truth is everywhere, so let go.
  6. Well I guess it can be love. But it’s the recipe, reading it over and over again without applying it to your life is lip service, it’s there to be applied. Without applying you might as well be reading a recipe over and over. It’s there to be experienced
  7. Well I speak to him and know he’s listening. It’s just love. Doing path isn’t love. Applying the gyan of gurbani to your everyday life brings you up to a higher frequency. He made us out of love, from his wish to share what he learned with another. Relax, be at peace, close your eyes and soften your heart, he’s there I promise. You don’t need words, let your heart speak
  8. He’s everything and hears every prayer we make no matter how quiet. Everyone serves him, demons, angels etc. without him there would be no sun, no sky, no daytime or nighttime for demons to wake up in or sleep in, no skies for angels to fly in. If you can accept that everything’s him, then praying and believing your prayers are heard becomes easy.
  9. No it isn’t fine. Whoever told you that is an abuser. Why don’t you ask your parents to slap you now and see if you like it. A child is no less of a human than you. Find another way. There’s a reason child helplines help kids who have been hit. Because it’s ABUSE.
  10. No. You should understand that you should treat others as you would like to be treated, most of all vulnerable people like children and the elderly. People who hit such beings are cowards and abusers. Hitting is abuse regardless of whether your parents thought it to be normal growing up or not. If you wouldn’t want to be hit, you shouldn’t hit others, period.
  11. If you’re killing the child emotionally on the inside should they be allowed to hit you?
  12. There’s always another way. Would you hit another adult? If we hit another adult we go to jail. So why should you hit a child. Are they lesser beings than adults? Should we hit old aged pensioners because they’re old and dependent and vulnerable like children are dependent and vulnerable. Would you like to be hit if you were vulnerable and dependent on others?
  13. No, hitting kids is wrong. My brothers and sisters were hit as kids and turned out pretty messed up. Many who are hit as children become violent towards others in later life. There are plenty of other ways. Google child psychology channels and you can find different more normal and civilized ways of disciplining children. Remember gurbani says that violence is only used as a last resort and unless your kids are trying to kill you, I wouldn’t suggest hitting them.
  14. Ah yes. I pray sometimes for fools to learn the errors of their ways and to have compassion for fools because they don’t know what they do. Pray for light and clarity. Perhaps a therapist will be able to give you advice and help you through this period. Therapy encourages spirituality, it is positivity. God bless you
  15. A marriage is built on love, trust, respect etc. both parties need to have these for each other. We dictate our lives, not the universe so you and your partner need to actively put these qualities into action. God is not going to make someone love you respect you and you can’t force them as we have been blessed with free will. Do your best and encourage your partner to do the same Actively. When you build a house, you don’t sit around praying that God will build it for you. You actively get up, take the bricks and build with your own hands. If you want your marriage, work on it and teach your husband about respect. Love, cherishing, to not be sexist and treat each other well. Nothing is guaranteed but at least you both would have tried.
  16. Sometimes we lose the way and sight of what we need. The Gurus asked God to help guide them across the burning world ocean. Just do and ardas and ask
  17. You really shouldn’t be so hostile on a forum like this, it kind of defeats the purpose. Take care and goodluck.
  18. Sat1


    Hi, no I’m not
  19. Without God, the Khel would shut down. Everyone everything everywhere, the angels and demons are in service if Him/ Truth. See Him in all and ask for guidance
  20. You really need to read gurbani brother, you’re missing out
  21. Read Dasam Granth. Each major faith had messengers to teach Truth to the masses. Many became corrupt, scholars corrupted the messages with their worldly logic or humans twisted it to serve their agendas. Truth is eternal, we would be foolish to think we were the first to be taught it.
  22. People tend to twist gurbani to suit their own agendas at times. Sad but it’s the reality
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