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Everything posted by Jacfsing2

  1. Goras are barely going to churches and following their Dharam, they HAD a culture not anymore.
  2. I mean even if Guru Sahib himself was someone's blood parent, they could still go down the wrong path.
  3. No, I'm saying people need to take responsibility especially after they become adults. Many of the Kharkhus were more mentally stronger even while lacking a father presence than any aam person today.
  4. We as a community need to ultimately start taking responsibility for ourselves after a certain age. At a certain point, we can't blame parents for our lack of Awareness of the world.
  5. Most people stay together because of the issues of divorce are greater than the reward in our community, not because Indian women are better at being wifey.
  6. Haven't all cultures somewhat been damaged from integrating and "evolving" with the rest of society?
  7. I'm going to go on the controversial opinion and say that the girl on the bottom is more soni than the one on the top,
  8. I don't think there's a male equivalent version of something like onlyfans, where girls pay to see a guy undress or something.
  9. Hello, I wanted to know does Ardas have to be done standing-up and if Guru Sahib isn't physically present where we are doing ardas, do we have to Mehta Teekh somewhere?
  10. Yeah, being more religious after a certain point is a turnoff. ? The nangi Kaur knows what to do to be popular with men who’ll throw money at her.
  11. Our people are too soft of CharitroPakyan, claiming Guru Sahib didn’t warn us, yet still got no problem with doing everything it warns us against.
  12. "Jab lag khalsa rahe niara tab lag tej dioon mein sara. Jab eh gaye bipran ki reet mein na karoon in ki parteet."
  13. That's true. Too many of our religious Sikh people aren't street smart sadly to be able to assist in combating these issues.
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