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Everything posted by Big_Tera

  1. Being on youtube I have not come across hardly any Sikh parchaar videos. We Are the fifth biggest religion in the world. Yet there are hardly any youtube channels or videos explaining what Sikhs or Sikhism is about. Especially videos in plain english. We need a basic video teaching what a sikh is. The symbols. A interesting history video about Sikhs. Think about it. We have a great platform to reach billions of viewers. It does not cost anything to post a video and not a huge amount of resources. What you need. A camera a tripod ability to talk a little about Sikhi. And then people will have access to what Sikhism is about. So why do people not do stuff on youtube. The possibilities are endless.
  2. Well this topic is not about wheather you should have liberal muslim friends or gay muslim friends or agnostic muslim freinds or muslims that wear blue hats. Or muslims that only go to mosque on Friday. Its about wheather you should have 'muslim' friends. that entails any type of muslim. jeezzzzzzzzz ?
  3. So you would reccomend staying away from liberal muslims. But you can make freinds with the religious ones who want to convert you?
  4. Muslims openly admit that the biggest number of converts to islam are of the female gender. We have got white, black and even asians converting. But what is drawing females to islam instead of men? Are females more gullible and easily swayed to convert then males. I think that is definantly a tactic that muslims use. Go for the easy prey.
  5. Should Sikhs have friendships with muslims? A familiar pattern I have noticed is with these friendships is that Sikhs tend to get influenced more by the muslim friends. Also it is very easy for Muslims to start doing their dawah - Convert conversions in friendships circles as no ones suspects it in these circumstances. I remember back in college which was mostly muslim. There was a Hindu girl who looked liked the vulnerable kind. Was not the brightest tool in the shed. She was not the clubber or promiscuous type. Was actually the opposite. Very quiet. Anyway she had a mostly Muslim circle of friends. Low and behold she became muslim and started to wear the hijab. Probably due to pressure from her muslim friends. That is how I feel we should not become firends with them as they are not to be trusted. Especially in the day and age when they have become even more radicalized by isis ect.
  6. I dont think I have come across anyone on this forum that even comes close to me or impresses me. Dont mean to sound like I am boasting. But I know more then all the members on this forum put together. waits for hate reply lolzzz. only jokin. I think I have learnt quite a bit from others on here. As we all have knowledge or experience that is valuable to be shared with others.
  7. Well I have already had a sneaky feeling that pakhroo is from mars. ?
  8. Way to many vegetarians and vegans think their farts smell of roses. What they dont know is veg and milk production also hurts the earth. At the end of the day the mantra is not to harm any living thing, the enviroment and the planet which all has a knock on effect. growing vegetables causes pollution and all kinds of harm to the soil causing degradation. I concentrate on eating game meats such as pheasant and partirdge. This is not mass produced like chicken
  9. It makes sence not to eat the cow. Think about it, India is mostly agricultural land. Mostly beautiful fields, Farms and villages throughout the ages. Imagine the cow grazing on this land. Providing nourishing milk and countless other dairy products for the people. Being a great source of labour. ploughing and fertilizing the baron fields. Carrying heavey loads day in day out. Now Why in the right mind after seeing and living with these beautiful animals who do all this hard work. Would you think of slaughtering and eating it? Ita not about thinking of the animal as to worship it. Then you have a chicken or a lamb you cant compare that to a cow. That is why the cow is known as sacred.
  10. You are living in the past and have actually been influenced by the western media yourself. The media in the west just concentrates on the poor indians. What they dont know is India is a very wealthy country. Yes they are very skinny indians who only eat vegetables and cant even afford them hence are malnutrition. But you have big tall and well built indians. But media only likes to show the poverty stricken Indian. Stop being influenced about yourself by watching the western news. Indians are actually very strong as they have to do very tough manual labour jobs. obviously if these poor indians had money to be able to go to gyms and work out, eat healthy with lots of meat and fish. They would be just as big and strong as westerners. Having visted Dehli. I saw people from all communities. Punjab south indian gujurati all literally all over. Many were big and strong lads. I dont care what western media potray indians as. It is one nation and I am proud to come from India and be and punjabi from India. As for the word India. I prefer to uae the word. Sada desh. or simply back home. or pardesh.
  11. They dont have the political clout to do anything. Yes they know Islam is a threat. But they are a very isolated country. They think aslong as their country is safe. Why should they interfere. What they dont know is that sooner or later the islamic disease will spread to their country eventually. Usa know that their country is in immediate danger from radical islam. Hence why they are taking measures for the future.
  12. Sometimes you need a tough nut to crack a nut. At least he is doing better then europe at keeping muslims out. Also criticise usa all you want. Without usa. Islam will take over the world.
  13. I am not talking about his neo nazi party members. I am talking about his stance against muslims. At least muslims know they cant mess with trump.
  14. I think the consensus is even if we dont agree with another religions beliefs or practices we still have to respect it even if it goes against our own religion.
  15. Okay I see you point. Converting is allowed in Sikhism. So why do we never do it. I also hear so many who are against converting and swear by it. I really should stop with my guji phrazes. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ?
  16. This may be the case but at least he is doing something to stop terrorists and other criminal types from going to the US. He is not perfect and dont agree with some of his policies. But overall he is sending a clear message that muslims from certain countries are not welcome. Which is something the UK government could take note of. We all know that uk is a soft touch and anyone and everyone is getting through the immigration system.
  17. Donald trump has been noted to be a controversial leader especially due to his policy on islamic countries. But is he right. Violence and harsh penalties is the only language these people understand. Banning them is a good way to keep them out.
  18. ehhhhhhhhhhhhh? As the gujuratis say. You want Sikhs to become like muslims and christians and force poor Hindus to become Sikhs in return for free food or other benefits. Tenu akal ni hegi? Besharam ji ah.
  19. It can come across that way. Ie someone with banners and a louder speaker. Saying things in islamic. Trying to convert. Especially with their background. As genie mentioned. They are becoming more in your face with it.These days they are trying to use recent converts to attract new followers. I would be offended if somone tried to give me a copy of a koran especially with the gandh that it contains. Christians are also doing it. But we know they are nowhere nearly as bad as muslims.
  20. I agree 100% Pakroo is an Alooooo Definantly will KO him one day when I find him and give him a good beating by a meat eater!! That will show him never to mess with a meaty again. Infact pakroo is so scared of meat he once saw a chicken and ran away. Or the time he saw a sheep and did a runner. He can only hand veggies. I got news for your pakora nakh I eat bakra for breakfast. Your messing with the wrong one!!! be warned.
  21. So amritdhari deserves to be set on fire if he drinks and eats meat? That is a bit extreme dont you think? No one has got the right to take someone's life for a small reaaon as someone drinking. I think you got your patka on to tight mate! The only soorh is you. And you are a dirty one at that!! Your a fat Aloo!! lol That eats way to many veggies. That is why you fart so much with all that nitrogen gas inside of you. I would keep away from Pakroo. guys as his farts are dangerous!! That why I did not meet him also. As he has a fart issue. He is known as the biggest farter from cardiff. hehehahahaahhehhaheheehhahaehehehaha lolzzzzz
  22. Anyone notice an increase in muslims setting up stalls on high streets and also particulalry outside subway stations? What are they trying to do with these stalls. Gain converts? It seems like a blatent attempt to antagonize people by showing their unwelcome presence in the public. I have seen them trying to hand out korans to people. But most people seem to avoid them.
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