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Everything posted by Big_Tera

  1. Jealous of of him. What because as you say he has loads of women chasing him? Is that what life us all about.Is that a measure of a persons success?
  2. Tha fact is its best to do nothing if you are not prepared to do the job properly. Its not about him proclaiming to be an idol. Its just some who think he is. Looks like he needed some more publicity for his latest castist track so went to visit for the hunger strike to get it. Why have you ignored everyone's views of him. Looks like you see him as your idol? You think its okay for someone to wear a turban with a haircut underneath. This guy should be ashamed of himself. Stop disrespecting the turban! Yes he may have done some good things. But overall he has done more bad and is not someone Sikhs shoud look up to.
  3. I never said he does not sell out tours or he is not rich.I said wannabe, as in he dresses like some wannabe gangster thug straight out of LA. On top if that he wears a pagh without an actual joori. Most of his songs and movies go on about caste nonsence. What if Bhatras, tharkans, khatris came out with movies and songs about how great their caste is. How would other Sikhs feel watching and seeing this. It would just create more segregation and hostility towards each other. But obviously other castes have more common sence not to do this. He is not the only singer doing it but is one of the more prominent ones. When non Sikhs watch these 'castist' videos and movies they must think all Sikhs are like this. That we just bang on about caste nonsence and how great we are. It makes us all look arrogant, stupid and full of ourselves. Hence he is making all Sikhs look stupid no matter what caste they are from. As I said an embarrassment and a discrace to all Sikh communities.
  4. Yo chill Stop being a player hater.
  5. Nah I was at the gujurati mela. Much more fun. we played with lentils and listened to classic guji music. Guji for lyfe yo.
  6. Ite obviously about picking and chosinh the right ones. For instance we tore down the cathederal tower near harmandar saihib that the british built. Should we have left that standing? So we can rejoice in it?
  7. Maybe you should have told us a little on what the video was about.
  8. Big_Tera


    Do the ice bucket challenge, the next time you fell like doing it. That will stop you from doing the old five finger knuckle shuffle.
  9. He is a clean shaven. Is that a role model or raising the profile? His songs are all about chasing girls. He as you mentioned is materialistic and wears clothes so expensive. He is into bling bling and showing off. Can that money not go on feeding the poor in India. or does his ego matter more. He is a little wannabe rap star and probably insecure one at that. Is this the best person that modern sikhs have to look up to? He praises hindus and mixes with the hindu Bollywood fraternity. He bigs up salman khan, amita bachan and does films with the kapoors. He is a big joke and embarrassment to Sikhs. Thats why bollywood laps the fool up much . But oh he wears a turban so is suddenly great no matter what he does.
  10. As I said many of these mughal monuments, structures and mosques were built by the Hindus who were forced to build them. Why should we preserve things like this. The kutub minar was built using stones from hindu mandirs. yet people love these places. I do not know why. They should be tore down and demolished.
  11. Can anyone tell me what is this plonker all about? Everyone seems to look up to him. Like he is some idol. All Ive seen so far of him. Is dressing like some wannabe hip hop star. Wearing a jumper 10 times to big for him and generally acting like a fudu. His songs are as annoying as his silly face.
  12. Other faiths no. As they are mostly peaceful people. Muslims places - Yes. We got foolish people dishing out meals on eid. Thats how silly some of us have become. Put a sock in it. These same muslims see us as infidels. Yet we feed them look after their mosques. Next we will be marrying them off in our gurdwaras opps thats already happened.
  13. Big_Tera

    Veg or non veg

    My post was actually a joke. I do not promote a meat diet nor do I promote a vegan one. Each person has freedom to make up their own mind in what they eat. I eat meat because it contains essential proteins. Obviously to much of anything is bad for you. I dont eat alot of meat. prefer to eat more fish really. All in moderation, maybe you should take that in consideration.
  14. Big_Tera

    Veg or non veg

    Chickens Lambs Pork Eat the flesh and become wise. Stick to veg and it is to your demise! 'says after eating a full english breakfast' ?
  15. Us Sikhs are so good Bless us. ? We even preserve mosques. That mosque should have been demolished long time ago. We dont need no mughal structures built by the blood and sweat of Hindus. Sikhs are turning into christians were we turn the other cheek at any given time.
  16. I was actually going to make a topic on the ashoka empire aswell as the general history of India. What I dont get is. India is rich in culture and heritage dating back to over 5000 years. The indus valley had one of the earliest civilisations with a glorious and heritage. The indus valley ect. Yet do we ever hear about all this interesting history and heritage of India? All we are bombarded with is relative recent history of india dating back only 400 years ago with the mughals. Its like everything indian is about mughals. Im more interested in the real history of india. Then some mughali mullahs. The ashoka symbols are far more fascinating to me then some red fort or taj mahal that was built recently. The real heritage of india is what they should focus on more. then arabic filth and architecture that was recent history which they puzzling still love. If I wanted to learn about arabic culture I would go to arabstan not India. We should be proud of our heritage of India. The land of elephant and tiger. With rivers and mountains. Not mughali food such as biriyani. Lets get back to our real heritage and roots! Its like Indians have no culture of their own so they cling on to arabic culture and pass it off as indian. Indians held of the mighty alaxender army and sent them packing.
  17. Big_Tera


    Hygene hygene hygene free soap for all.
  18. True say. Ignorant, shameless wannabes.
  19. Good. My posts should require that your mind has been fully used. exploring depths you never thought possible. Consider your mind to be enlightened when you read them and have gained something very important. Cherish these words my son.
  20. Did not know that all meat in India is halal. Seeing as it is a non muslim majority country. Music generally is okay, be it english or indian. The main thing is that it should not contain profanities and offensive content. I made a mistake by buying a emrates ticket. As muslims are not to be trusted. Theres actually a obsession in India with looking up to arabs. Ie how many go to dubai to splash their cash. When all that money is going in the hands of extremists. Indians are ones of the biggest consumer groups. We should all boycot islamic airlines and products. I will opt for Virgin or british next time. I know many muslims who boycott western brands and opt for islamic ones its called money jihad.
  21. Pardon me for not writing in the queens english. For your information, No I am not. At the same time I dont have hours of time to type up a post to make sure that people like you can understand it and that it wins a literary award. Also many of my posts are typed up on a small keypad mobile phone. So its natural that I press the wrong key due to to having big hands and a small keypad occasionally + my posts are typed up pretty quick. I dont have bags of time to make sure its perfect. Many of the times I type as I would speak. So not to make it come across as a boring essay. I have a topic in mind and then type it ultra fast. In hindsight it would probably be best for me to take more time on my topics and posts to make them more clear and thorough. But as I said I have limited time so it does cause issues sometimes. But I hope everyone get the main part of what I am saying. I wish I could dedicate more time on posts aswell as replying to other members messages alot more. But its difficult due to other commitments.
  22. In india I noticed that just about everywhere there are burger kings, mcdonalds, pizza huts, starbucks ect What I noticed was in these outlets they had high volume music playing This music was the usual baqwaas we hear in the uk. Hip hop and gora type music. The songs were incredibly inappropriate. With filthy lyrics and swear words. It was uncomfortable being in these outlets in a family environment eating here. Why dont they play indian classical music? Anyway, as it is India. Yet they insist in promoting their filthy music culture whenever they can and bringing it over to India. Should we boycott these restaurants. On a side note I flew with Emirates an arab plane company. No doubt my money will go on funding the taliban. Should we boycott Arab or muslim brands? I never usually fligh with arabic or muslim brands.
  23. Me and brother got beat with one of those wooden karchis once. It was painful and I was glad when the karchi broke in two peices while getting hit by it. So the beating came to an end after it snapped in two. ? Otherwise it was the usual hi tech trainer. lol
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