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Everything posted by SardarDholi

  1. i agree mate...i duno man...too much preaching man...not enough helping and preaching isn't a form of help!!!
  2. my way of doing it is before i tie my pagh i put cocoa buter (pamlers is the best one) on my ears then tie it.
  3. Paaji there is nuffing wrong with them its just the Political correctness brigade here ,and the gandhi followers making a fuss thts all (the sheep) Your signature says "Death to India" - You have serious issues. I can recommend an institution that is free for a placement for yourself. It called the mental Hospital - you will be a special case. wjkk wjkf okay im gona clarify that im not for the whole khalistan thing man.and ive seen those hoodies they are a disgrace ....showing a khanda with guns....disgraceful.sikhi is highly important to me, khalistan isn't because it isn't real. an yaar...cumon deat to india...india is still you home...your pind>punjab>india>asiaetc. india is ur homeland....dont matter how much you deny it...i hat the gov. there ofcorse i do..run by people who hate sikhi most.but its still home.
  4. I think if you love her...you should marry her...whats the point of being forced into a marriage with someone you might not love in the long run. just do what you feel is right.
  5. thats not funny at all..ghandi was a great man..thats not the kinda way he should b portrayed
  6. lol aight soldier chill...used 2 dj...u used vinyl?? u got ne up 4 sale??
  7. u make it sound like he was evil. he was a lyrical genius..oh and by the way his album Talwar Main Kalgidhar Di Haan was the best selling album in 1983...and the reason he was killed wasnt for either those reasons...he was killed beacuse he was anti - khalistani and said it loud and proud.
  8. i think its great when well known folk singers sing songs about our history. Makes it more appealing to my generations. there have been some amazing albums by: Ustad Yamla Jatt Ustad Surinder Shinda Ustad Mohd Siddique (a muslim - how amazing is dat) Ustad Nusrart Fateh Ali khan(") Ustad Surjit Bhindrakhia Ustad Rangila Jatt Ustad Amar Singh Chamkila & Bibi Amarjyot to name but a few
  9. Who have you the authority to define what is meaningless ritual and if it’s right or wrong, this is the problem with some Sikhs today all righteous and self elevated. Blinded by your oozing egos you have all become. Clearly randip singh has given examples of negativity from "Lorhi" in sikhi.. why dun you give your view points on this? Why do you think it is acceptable and that it doesnt play a negative backlash amongst sikhs? btw.. I have no authority but my guru does ! well said
  10. ah will you stop moaning..in everytopis theres sum1 who sez dat the poster has other reasoning behind their topic. have some respect for the originall poster. but to answer the question i have never felt guilty to the point of killing myself...its not my choice when i die.only one chooses when i die. and ive never met a person in sikh comunity who thinks like that. hope it helps
  11. Qawal means Song of God in persian. I think its great that the Great Ustad Nusrat fateh Ali Khan performed in darbaar sahib, its great having someone from another culture singing songs about god with our comunity. As for the claping, in qawali, clapping is the sufi way of praising god...that is why in 99% of hamd qawals (Songs of Allah) there is clapping. So in this case i think it is acceptable to have claping in a darbarr sahib. By the way.. Wannabekaur,could you tell me where you found that video..i would love to see it. thank you
  12. I've played dhol for a couple of Gatka groups. I don't realy know a great deal about gatka (i should because 99% of my family do it) but from the groups i have been with they base there fight around the pentra,(correct me if im wrong)which is a fighting pattern. BUT all the fights are improvised..just based around that pattern.
  13. well what 90% of my generation are into isn't "punjabi culture". yes it does contradict with sikhi...but what the old skkool folk generation did was true punjabi folk...and didn't contradict sikhi.
  14. i defintly agree with you there.my generation have to stop believeing that hip hop with some punjabi lyrics over the top ISN'T punjabi music.yes..call it a fusion or cultures...but now it is being seen as "new Punjabi culture".i definatly think after reading a lot of these posts, that it is vital to keep a balence between culture and religion.
  15. thank you..yeah maybe i should have been more specific when i started this post.im sorry that i havent been more specific as to what i actually do. I dont hink people understand what bhangra is...bhangra is used to broadly...bhangra is just a dance style...not a type of music..not a culture..its just a dance form which originally had nothing to do with lust, drinking or anythin obscene...it was a dance of celebration. somehow it has turned into a culture that is a million miles away from what it was. there are loads of different dance styles from the punjab such as Kikli, Dhamaal, Jhummar, Luddi and sammi...but everyone always thinks there's only bhangra. as to the question of what kind of dance do i do.......i do all the above dance form..apart from kikli and sammi because thats women danceforms. and as to the kind of bolian i listen to..yes i do listen to lokgeetan about drinking from the 70's from artists like asa singh mastana, rangila jatt etc. but i dont see anything wrong with listening to those kind of songs. s133k_s1kh bhaaji, i dont see lok geet as an extra curricular activity for me, as a marasi, and an aspiring music producer...its a hell of a lot more thn just an extra curricular activity its big part of my life. i've been playing instruments since i was 2 years old. and been performing with some of the greatest musicians on earth for the past 8years. i hope this has cleared up a bit. thankyou
  16. thankyou...but does sggs ji say that it is wrong to dance???just out of curiosity..i've never realy known
  17. Sdholi, keep your cool here bro. Even though, bhangra for the most part, I consider a caveman culture, I appreciate many types of music in their place. Some of these may be offensive to others. However, I still suggest you listen carefully to those who are suspect of what you are doing. They views are worthy of respect and reflection. It is likely difficult for many to grasp how a young person may participate in bolyan and dhol and not offend humanity like most of bhangra does. It sounds like it's a message you are open to hearing, then good for you. If you have in the past sung about things that would be inappropriate as a Sikh or human being for that matter, it does not mean you can not develop as a person and artist. As an artist, you are connecting through your medium to your audience. If your audience is making erroneous assumptions about what you are doing, then integrate a humble explanation into your performance. Tell your audience before or after your performance that this is an issue that has arisen and tell them who you are and who you are not. If you have developed and learned and overcome a bhangra caveman past, tell them that. ONE CRITICAL CAVEAT. If you are not prepared to have respect in your heart for the message from those you at one time called militant, then you are not prepared to do this. You must be very humble and very sincere and be prepared to have your art be consistent with your message. That means no b.s. whatsoever. If you turn out insincere, you will have even bigger problems. budda Singh ji...you make a lot of sense...i know understand where you're coming from and giving me advince on how to overcome it.thank your for that...this realy helps me a lot. If i did offend anyone wit the militant comment thn i do aplogize...BUT it is out of line when someone disrespects something that is in my blood..like dhol, lok geet. i stil want this topic to continue as i m still curious as ow other people this about it. thank you wjkk wjkf
  18. Sdholi, keep your cool here bro. Even though, bhangra for the most part, I consider a caveman culture, I appreciate many types of music in their place. Some of these may be offensive to others. However, I still suggest you listen carefully to those who are suspect of what you are doing. They views are worthy of respect and reflection. It is likely difficult for many to grasp how a young person may participate in bolyan and dhol and not offend humanity like most of bhangra does. It sounds like it's a message you are open to hearing, then good for you. If you have in the past sung about things that would be inappropriate as a Sikh or human being for that matter, it does not mean you can not develop as a person and artist. As an artist, you are connecting through your medium to your audience. If your audience is making erroneous assumptions about what you are doing, then integrate a humble explanation into your performance. Tell your audience before or after your performance that this is an issue that has arisen and tell them who you are and who you are not. If you have developed and learned and overcome a bhangra caveman past, tell them that. ONE CRITICAL CAVEAT. If you are not prepared to have respect in your heart for the message from those you at one time called militant, then you are not prepared to do this. You must be very humble and very sincere and be prepared to have your art be consistent with your message. That means no b.s. whatsoever. If you turn out insincere, you will have even bigger problems. budda Singh ji...you make a lot of sense...i know understand where you're coming from and giving me advince on how to overcome it.thank your for that...this realy helps me a lot. If i did offend anyone wit the militant comment thn i do aplogize...BUT it is out of line when someone disrespects something that is in my blood..like dhol, lok geet. i stil want this topic to continue as i m still curious as ow other people this about it. thank you wjkk wjkf
  19. and KFI, i didnt disrespect anyone on here, im not here to disrespect anyone...but if you disrespect the dhol again then god help u. the dhol was used as a battle cry before our sardars went into battle...so never EVER disrespect the dhol again Listen singh, dont come on this forum making empty threats. Bhangra is your choice, but the culture that you talk about sometimes inteferes with sikhism or at least to attempt to and then this causes problems. So the singhs that say "this is not right" are warning you of something bigger. One day say for instance you enter a band, you become that band, that band have decided to do bhangra at a nagar keertan. What will you do, join them or desert them. It is these issues that the singhs are thinking. Singhs that tell you about it being wrong are only hoping you will ask them questions and discuss with them. More often thatn not you probably didnt probe you probably showeed signs of egotism that even i have noticed you do here. Yaar...your views on the people im surrounded by are completely screwed up....who the hell in their right mind does bhangra at a nagar kirtan. and whats all this crap about my ego...i made this forum to find out why people thought what i do is wrong..that was the whole point of it. but when someone disgrespects an instrument of my culture than that isn't on. saying: You also seem to look like you have a lot of josh, I will break your dhol and use your sticks to play your head to match the lyrics to my latest kavishree brampton/malton singhs wrote. that is completely disrespectfull...i dont need coments like that..like i said i want to understand why..not get cussed out by a yahoo.
  20. and KFI, i didnt disrespect anyone on here, im not here to disrespect anyone...but if you disrespect the dhol again then god help u. the dhol was used as a battle cry before our sardars went into battle...so never EVER disrespect the dhol again
  21. Thank you for your replies that has cleared up a lot for me. lok geet is still around and always will be...as lok geet is just (as Baba Bulleh Shah said) "Words from the common tongue". i dont see the new wave of "punjabis" having any relivane to punjabi culture...its all crap...the new modern songs, culture and attitude is a disgrace to everything that pnjabi culture stands for. the punjabi culture iam talking about is pind life, doing the rounds on the keeth, drinkin lassi in the morning, driving the tracktor round the keeth. the life is a pind sardar, that part of culture.
  22. yaar it doesnt work like that..you cant just say...dont ever say what caste you are and expect people to neva say it agian. there is o point trying to get rid if the 5% of bandhe who agree with caste because they are always goin to be there.
  23. i know what you're saying but i don't compare Kirtan to Lok geet...kirtan is on a religeous spirtitual level whereas lok geet is spoken from the comon tongue...you can't compare the two because they are totaly diferent. but again i say that no one from the opposite side of where i come from has answered the question...what is wrong with what i do? thankyou
  24. Brother, that's where we fail - We're the next generation the Sikh leaders of tomorrow. The elders with their idiotic views won't matter, they'll be dead soon. WE need to eradicate the caste/brahmanism etc etc issues from amongst our Sikhi. Only then shall we move forward and prosper as the Panth! Gur Fateh! I agree...but you cant force you veiws upon people...you cant force someone to stop beliveing in caste..they need to do that themselves.
  25. Yaar do you know who Maharaja Jassa Singh Ramgharia was?? You just throw around his name like it is nothing...Learn your history about one of Sikhis Greatest Heros then talk. ...so your telling me its wrong to call a gurudwara: Baba Deep Singh gurudwara or Sant Bhindranwale Gurudwara dont get me wrong there are a lot of gurudware called ramgharia that are aimed at caste but there are others that celebrate the legacy of Sardar Jassa singh. And boy 90% of Ramgharias dont believe in caste, i know because i am one and i dont shout it from the heavens 2 let everyone know because its all bull. neither does anyon i know...so yaar dont asume things because it offends people. Mr Dholi, i know very well my history, but justify using Ramgharia in the name of a Gurdwara? BTW - I've never heard of a Sant Bhindranwale Gurudwara before. Using a name of of a sardar who has faught for sikhi is no bad thing. It doesn't realy bother me beacuse a gurudwara is a gurudwara...aslong as i can find peace it fine oh and heres a pic of one of the bhindranwale gurudware OK! - You have said yourself some people within the Ramgharia community class themselves as a caste, don't you think people who are educated should deliver the message that Sikhi is casteless? Of cousre they should....and have..and have been trying..but it is in all "castes" that this is happening not just the Tarkhan caste. theres always going to be that small minority who believe in a heiarcy system. but at the end of the day thats their problem.if they dont want to understand then fair enuf.
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