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  1. Gurfateh jeeo! i was just wondering what teh sangats view on what way of doing a Parkarma is "right"? and a reason(baani) to support your view would be great. gurfateh!
  2. again that's only one Guru, what about the rest?
  3. ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖ਼ਾਲਸਾਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫ਼ਤਹਿ i was wondering if anybody could tell me what jobs our past Guru Sahib's done to make their living. i know Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a farmer but what about the rest of the Guru Sahib's?? thank you ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖ਼ਾਲਸਾਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫ਼ਤਹਿ
  4. wahegurujikakhalsawahegurujikifateh! this sounds like an amzaing event singho! wish could attend, i live elsewhere unfortunately but i wish use all best with the event. maybe an idea to get pizza aswell!!! wahegurujikakhalsawahegurujikifateh
  5. Fatehgarh, be liek your name, go win battles in the garh, in the battlefield this is a forum. Stop tuirning this into a contest of trying to bring parwinder singh down. He hasnt said anything provactive and you are trying to incite him. This post was asking one question what would you do if someone hit you, simple as...others may choose not to initially hit back straight away...lets make this more interesting what would you do if you were all alone and surrounded by more than 5 thugs wif poles? ...Well us older singhs would know exactly what to do...but id be interested to hear yoru view s on that...oh yeh stop trying focus on one particualr member ...they were simply showing you that anger isnt the key to every fight sometimes having a strategy can save you from looking liek a right plonker...n i have seen strategies work off with much better results than a simple retaliation
  6. well you are entitled to your opinion
  7. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh seems this guy got a problem wiht sikhs or somethin isnt there anyway we can contact him on youtube?? just to let him know tht wat hes saying aint nice and some sikhs have taken offense and get him to take the vids of if not then contact youtube Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh
  8. Guru's Sevadar


    Manmitchera, i think hes asking here bcoz anyone can discuss sikhi related issues on a forum, i know the idea sounds crazy but i think it means hes asking for a discussion. As far as i have seen his shaving issue is minor in comparison to people that get the full mcCoy go bald shae all facial hair, drink alcohol, taake a puff (nownagain) and do bhangra at the most inappropriate times yet consider themselves strong sikhs. do u shake your head? I try not to, but at times when you hear them say things like vand ke chako, kirth karo..there isnt really nyfing to do but shake the head. do u give htem less respect? Again i try to give them more respect, they shave and yet pick up the courage to go gurdwara, i mean i know this one sikh that is a mona (go on slaughter him u know u wana) but he is the most compasssionate old man i have seen every step is wahguru with this guy. He does so much seva that it would take 10 committes to arrange it if he left. do u want to talk to them? People like this i would want to talk to yes. so u NOT want to talk to them If i think this person is a mona and will try to convince me that mona is the way forward, then no ill not waste my time. If i think this person is on their path to sikhi then i will help them...depends alot. YOu need to ask yourself first, what is it you get out of shaving certain parts of your hair. Does it buy your way into society? Do you think youl get all the attention? Coz i mean your next generation will look at that and say well maybe if i take my beard off then i can use my dads moustache as an excuse, the next generation may think that ok if he can do that then ill get my ear pierced, before you know it the next has got 2 piercings a tatto and has ran off with an underage gorree. Now you tell me what will you do if that is what happens in your particualr family tree. Please do not say that it is highly unlikely as i have seen first hand this is highly possible.
  9. I think as hes getting old maybe hes testing how far he can go before he gets sent to hell to perish.
  10. Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ke fateh, This person who started the thread has givena polite post and has simply ppolitely asked a question. I dont see why everyones getting their knickers in a twist. Simply post your reply in a polite manner. Why do we have to always approach every problem aggressively. Its like the old saying ' a hammer treats everything like a nail". CCant we see the good in people. Do we always have to give them a roasting. Cant we say things like. thank you for pointing this out heres my opinion. Anyways to answer the question posted. If this person is a close friend and you are certain of the above said. Ask her if you can have a wee word...talk to her find out why she has began wearing her patka..check to see if its because her piaar for sikhi has increased..you never know you may have learnt somehting about ayour friend you never knew. If not the case then simply do ardas that mahraj wiil have kirpa on her. No point arguing about it, wont get you furhter in life and it wont get her any further and it may cause a dispute which results in nindya. So my suggestion would be ask her and only comment if her habit is something positive and come out of her piaar. Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ke fateh
  11. I have tried to email staff@dmoz but that email address does not work. Instead i have mailed the CNET team of editors, i know its a long shot but i dont see any other alternative.
  12. http://youtube.com/watch?v=1OeUMyCTzG8&amp...ted&search= Pretty Cool Dastar
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