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Rupinder Kaur

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Everything posted by Rupinder Kaur

  1. I am all about Captain Amrinder Singh..- Such an awesome guy.. But I ain't in too much favor of Simranjit Singh Mann :wub:
  2. LOL - India doesn't have royalty I'd doubt any Europe royalty would give a jack schitt, as there is not only one of these "ashtoshu" folks- ..they are probably in countless numbers.
  3. I think what this is trying to infer is that there are enough credit cards in circulation, that every American would end up with 2 credit cards..if they were to be distributed.
  4. Well - let's be little more practical..sure, there can be spiritual filteration... But - you definitely need the water treatment periodically to keep the fish in good condition.. I don't mean to sound stupid or anything - but the water -when I went to the Darbar Sahib was I am unclear as into are you against Chemicals ...what-so-ever...or just the use of chemicals at Darbar Sahib. Because, I sure hope they mop the pathways with a minimal amount of Chlorine :| :|
  5. 25 is a good age...By then, most will have a good education, maturity, and what it takes to start a family. Problems within a marriage arise ..usually when you involve 3rd parties..or ...when you dont have emotional ..and financial stability. Marriage is a serious situation, but some folks...involve .."trading" (Marry some next guy from Canada in India..and they will only marry if you can bring his so called next cousin to Canada ..by marraying her to a Canadian)...and its just become more of a tradition then ..an eternal bond between two people. :T:
  6. There is certain water conditioners that can be used in fish tanks, and so forth. Filters alone aren't enough to provide a stable environment to the fish..an occasional water treatment is necessary. B)
  7. Well, it isn't pronounce "ehsus" to be different from Jesus. Mainly, the Hispanics name their kids "Jesus" ..and in spanish..The "J" is "Ha" soundin'...ex: Jalpeno.
  8. LOL, Yes, but Cnn.com is still affiliated with CNN Network..based out of Atlanta. Seeming how it is such a technical age, their internet site probably gets hits in millions of numbers.. - So, it will be pretty expensive - and I am thinking they don't do "one time advertisment' ..but rather on contract basis.
  9. Yes, it is a wicked 'idea', but - I think as Sikhs, we need to straighten out the image of our religion- first- (..which seems impossible these days). Even if that, one website will not be enough to cover up the 'besti' some of us chose to bring to Sikhi. Sikhi may be truly only shined through the Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, but outsiders tend to look at the practicers first. There is too much dis-unity within the Panth, always bickering among the different jathebandis/samprayadas - some giani ji carrying out totally anti-gurmat acts- so forth..and etc. I know no religion is perfect, but as Sikhs -we've got work to do. Oh - and for as advertising on CNN - LOL - It will be massive expensive as some millions of viewers are always tuned in :wub: - You gotta have the REAL big bucks to do that sort of advertising :e:
  10. LOL Haven't posted on this site in a while - but read often.... I had to laugh @ Manmohan Singh has two daughters who are married to Hindus and @mann_kaum_layee_qurbaan LOL Not neccesarily because I think they are misled....But That post and the comment are hilarious!! :e:
  11. Kiddah... What made me think of your grudge against Nihangs was clearly when you laughed ..or chuckled...on the comment of "Nangland" I dont know how you find it funny, but I just dont seem to get the inner joke ji. "what the hell does that have to do with my dislike towards a certain forum?" I never said you not liking Nihangs had something to do with you disliking a certain forum...moreover, I didn't even relate you to SA. Anyways yaar sorry If I was being too 'harsh' in the comments, but I seriously got tired of people Hypocrising
  12. LOL, Why are you getting all personal here by saying "you" ...I told you I didn't support any site..And whats so hard to understand there?? If you don't want to be invovled..simpy don't reply..no one forces you to reply! "keep your site, your users, your nangs, and your views to your site" It ain't my site, The users aren't mine...goes well for the nihangs of UK...And if you can't understand...any site doesn't only have 'one view'..especially on a forum where everyone is allowed to participate. Just shows how much you want to learn...Aren't nihangs sikhs too and an important part one must learn when trying to 'learn sikhi' ? LOL, interesting enough how no says that when the site is mocked by Bikramjit ..moreover with the use of hypocrisy...and especially on multiple threads....Then some of us seem it as a 'circus.'..Everyone wants to know or seems to care when it is given 'compliments' by Bikramjit...and when someone else brings a contradicting point ..it is seems 'boring' then ..huh? If I had my way ....I wanta ask how the heck do you call yourself a 'Singhni' ..when you dont have tolerance of Nihangs...who call themselves..Nihangs.... Tolerating all people is one of the major aspects of Sikhi..and yet you can behold that quality ..and continue call your self a Sikh...Sadd! Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji, one of the founding fathers of sikhi, emphasized the following line just as much as he did "Naam Japo, Keerat Karo, Vand Shako" "Awwal Allah Noor Upaya, Kudrat Ke Sab Bande! Ek Noor Se Sab Jag Upjeya, Koon Bhale Koon Mande!!"
  13. What point...and who brought up the point? Be more specific please.... BTW, Sorry didn't know any better....where to post it... B) B)
  14. Ok , Its not solely about "race jokes"... The thing is ..we try be the best of best in Sikhi...and let others join in the fun and realize what Sikhi is..and how great it is.. Suppose this ... I am interested in converting to christianity.. If another devoted christian calls me a "brown-<admin-profanity filter activated>" .. Do you really think I would want to be a christian anymore.. I know all fingers are not the same, but what one says can do a lot damage... other then that rip it good What you mean?? Didn't get this one. !
  15. "he questioned ntn wrong with that" There is way to ask questions...Not just start spittin stuff..but there is way to ask questions using morals, values, ethics, and so forth.. By calling him a " white-arse" ...He did no good to Sikhi itself, let alone him ....If other whites were to read that those specially interested in Sikhi...it would show quite the image of what converts are portrayed as in Sikhi. sangat here is pretty much in consensus with the situation The reasong being ...they pretty much do not know the truth that lays behind it..Whether anyone chooses to acknowledge is different..I am sure people would be quite surprised and allured the other direction if they knew the TRUTH...However, somethings are better left unsaid..and let truth prevail itself
  16. Everyone Sat Shri Akal, First of all, just you let you guys know I ain't in favor of any particular site. In general any site is good-its what you choose to make out of it. I am nor an AKJ or whatever other 'jatha' there is ...but I am someone with very limited knowledge of Sikhi. However, I do realize the facts that intervine with human nature- one of them being hypocrisy..Being an individual, I personally hate people who are hypocrites..Seriously, its a sad reason to be a living being. Like the ADF song : Hypocrites! We gonna get inside your mind. Hypocrites! You'll pay for crimes. Hypocrites! We'll bleed you dry, your pockets will be empty, but you won't know why. I ain't trying to bash anyone particulary , but it was that time I lost my temper and rarely does that happen. Bikramjit Singh is a very intelligent guy - no doubt , but hypocrisy and ego are two of his favorite things ..(Or least it seems as if it were that way...) As you already know, the whole thing with "Sikhawareness hatred" ...has been going on with Bikramjit - Calling the site "Anti-Sikh", Bashing and blaming the moderators, being jealoused, and so forth ...It seems if whenever the chance he is given , he likes to "compliment Sikhawareness" ...talking about how the moderators don't know anything about sikhi and so forth..this that...and all the next BS. This whole hatred thing seemed to stimulate when Bikramjit Singh was denied to be moderator on Sikhawareness. Notice it all started then, before then for him Sikhawareness was like heaven on earth. Please, Bikramjit ..-For Waheguru ji's sake..-Don't deny it ...and go on about you didn't ask to be a moderator...or whatever...Even though history is history, it can be written in stone that you -yes- Let me repeat YOU, did ask to become a moderator. Shortly after that event when you were denied, you posted your 'going away' notice and what forth...and used the lame excuse of Sikhhistory wanting you back..I am sure they would have been alright without you as sikhhistory survived without you for five months....Soon after that, what you claim to be a personal favor to Saijhaleen Kaur..you came back. However, it is too obvious that it was the 'personal desire.' ...Saijahleen, (Not mocking her in anyway, but using it as an example) ....could ask you to jump in the river for whatever reason, would you still do the kind favor and jump in the river?? ..The thing is no one has the control over what you think , believe, or do ...other than you yourself...She could threatened you to life- but that didn't mean you had to come back to Sikhawareness. I am not sure what happened with you and the "female moderator" ...but what you said to lalleshvari was quite insulting..and certainly not a Singh's way to handle trouble. "White arse" - Wow! Good use of vocabulary. Anyway let alone that, you were banned ..for a temporary period...as most of us could agree that 'it was going out of hand' ..(Whether it was lalleshvari, you, or narsingha) ..The thing is, you can only catch one fish with one hook...and unfortunately that happened to be you..You personally told me that you really didn't care ..and took it as quite of compliment for being banned. However, I don't understand why did you even bother to write T. Singh an email regarding your banning and the next.. It was in that email you stated Sikhawareness as being an anti-sikh site ...and that Sandeep Bajwa, admin of sikh-history, had told you long back (7 or 8 months ago) ..that Sikhawareness was anti-sikh. It was in that email you stated moderators and admin s on Sikhawareness did not know anything about sikhi whatsoever. These are the two points I can remember on the top of my head. You know, I know you and Saijhaleen Kaur are good friends...but anyway you said that the admin of sikh-history had told you that it was an anti-sikh site. The question I want to ask is ..Why did you even continue to visit the website and participate in disscusions in vast amount even when YOU WERE TOLD IT WAS AN ANTI-SIKH SITE...don't even use the lame excuse of saying " I wanted to realize for my self ..." ..and you realized that after you got banned..WOW! If you cared so much about his opinion ( like you showed in that email) you should have not continued visit the site in the first place and moreover .....you would done ANOTHER PERSONAL FAVOR to sandeep bajwa by not visiting the site. . Like the admin cared for you (supposedly as a 'favour' to a friend ) ...your bestest of bestest friends ( I could say ) ..continously visits the site. Why are you letting her still be effected with the so called "Anti-Sikhness" .??.Friends don't let friends fall!! Remember, when I posted the topic ...of why the admins/moderators edit topics...instead they should let it be free for all..and let anyone discuss what they want. However, you replied to the topic by saying " Awww..Come on noww..the moderators/admin on sikhawareness are incredibly marvelous..They do their job right ...etc and etc...) ( Let me tell you that post was full of REAL compliments) ...But it is only after you get banned and rejected to be mod, you realise this whole "mods are stupid on SA , and the next thing" ....A topic started on Sikhawareness, about people leaving ..and all that...and you replied ..You did not ask to be mode or whatever...The amazing thing is apparently they dont seem to have the original post..but your friend , who is suppose to be follower of truth .., totally ignored that topic as an implication to you being right...Sikhi was never about lying. And now you harrass N3O of becoming a super moderator and the next thing..but the thing is its NYOB ( Sorry if said too harshly) ...For the things you have said about Sikhawareness, Sikhawareness should be history and forgetten for you..but you can't for somereason stop clinging to it...The Sikhawareness "compliments" seem to be the topic of sikh forums these days...I think you should grow up and learn that by hypocrising you don't do much for your self..TRUTH will prevail itself and honestly you are doing nothing but making a clown of yourself..Those who know the TRUTH have already realized that... I am sorry if I have offended anyone. As I said, I dont support particulary any site ....But this was solely to the purpose of him hypocrising ......in no way does it mean I like sikhawareness and I hate sikhsangat or whatever.... By the way, I look forward to participating in future topics....hope to learn some, and hope to share some...without being a hypocrite... SSA, Rupinder :e: :e: P.S Bikramjit, I think its seriously time for you realize where you have gone wrong..and straighten out your act.
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