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Everything posted by 2desi

  1. simple answer who are we to judge and condemn when the master of judgment is here. God has given us the ability to judge right from wrong, our conscience........to further define right from wrong we have been given Gurbani, the teachings of our Guru, the Word of God......... Jealously emulating the True Guru, some may speak of good and bad but the false are destroyed by their falsehood Guru Raam Daas Ji Raag Gauree 304
  2. if calling them narkdhareess is niynda.....then calling them pakandis is also niynda....but what are they?......if they were real nirankarees or real naamdharees, that would mean that they are on a path to God, what their name suggests......but they're really is on a path to falsehood and divine punishment, to narkha........so why would calling them narkdharees or pakandis be niynda?.......please reply..... Jealously emulating the True Guru, some may speak of good and bad but the false are destroyed by their falsehood
  3. Navjot Sidhu.......Sikh Pride?....Sikh?.....you gotta be kidding me......this guy held Hindu Rituals (the one with the fire pit) at his house before the elections......I ain't got a problem with Hindus Rituals if Hindus are doing them, its their religion they can do what they want.......its when guys like Sidhu (who the Indian Media says is Promoting Sikhi with his "turban") are doing these rituals, promoting a misconception the Sikhs are Hindus (BJP and RSS talk).......this really pisses me off..... To sum this all up: Navjot Sidhu Wears a turban and looks like a Sikh Is a member of the BJP (Hindu National Party) He is a political leader, a sports icon, has a lot of supporters (political/fans) Believes in Hindu Gods, worships them, takes parts in rituals The Indian Media (knowing the above) promotes him as a Sikh promoting Sikhi (if that makes sense) As a result, people see him as a Sikh who also has Hindu beliefs, therefor he gives out the message that Sikhs are Hindus, which is accepted by his followers.......but he really is a misguided fool, who doesn't realize that he is neither Hindu or Sikh......how can I put this??????.. ..Sikhism and Hinduism are two different paths (all religions are different paths) and everybody knows that you can't travel on two paths at once....... :TH:.
  4. I guess nobody knows? I can't find any figures SINCE IT UNTRACEABLE, CAN'T FIND INFO ON MONEY BEING SENT FROM ONE COUNTRY TO ANOTHER, I guess we will never know how much foreign money is in Punjab, I'm guessing that Punjab is no longer self efficient since all of the farmers are going bankrupt and the educated youth have to move away and send money back for support, so therefore Punjab is becoming subsidized (look at all of the money sent for the elections, bling, bling)..... Here's what I did find out......hehehehe........the Indian Rupee is worth roughly the amount of 4-8 parcels (squares) of TOILET PAPER depending on which nation you are from. (which I listed in my previous post)......This really puts the difference between Western Currency and the Indian Rupee into context......rupee = toilet paper.....hehehe....
  5. First, read the statements for yourself and determine for yourself whether it is crap or not.......these sites cut, copy and paste the same stuff over and over again......its already been challenged.......(neverforget884.com has a link, some videos made)........as for the youtube "nonsense", are first hand accounts of thousands of innocent people being killed and injured by state governments and extremist groups nonsense?, are there stories of sorrow nonsense? is pointing out that these groups do exist and that they carry a lot political power (that they use to "punish minorities") nonsense?...........please explain..... The general attitude amongst people on this forum is when ever they come across something they do not believe in or agree with, rather than challenging it directly they bombard it with issues that are not connected to it. Apart from your apparent paranoia please demonstrate where it is evident that this article is sourced from an anti Sikh element. You fail to realise that by giving these articles the stage in forums like this without constructively dismissing them you place doubt within certain reader groups. Ultimately where it would have just withered away your bring it here is like bring a serpent in to your own home leaving it in a crowded room and telling everyone it may bite! It most certainly will and it most certainly has. I don’t know when you people will wake up and see that you all point fingers at the rss, congress, etc as doing harm to Sikhs but the truth is more Sikhs have done harm to Sikhi than anyone else, take a minute and think about it. DW......I see where your coming from....and yes, it probably would have been better if this article wasn't posted and it just withered away, giving these things more attention might just make the situation worse.....but remember I DIDN'T START THIS THREAD....... Also I think there is some confusion, all of the right wings groups I listed in my past posts aren't only Anti-Sikh, there Anti-Muslim, Anti-Christian, Anti-"Low Caste", Anti-Buddhists and Anti-Jain.......with the amount of "attention" they give varying from group to group........ What I was trying to show is that these groups are "extreme", they encourage violence (even denounce Mahatma Ghandi for being peaceful, the "father of India"), create legislation that targets minority religions (for example anti-conversion laws), they carry a lot of political power (they can get away with anything, for example the Gujarat Riots, eye witness accounts of these groups murdering innocent people, chanting slogans, wearing their "saffron colors", and being armed with weapons and communication mediums (cellphones) and given trucks with police protection......houses with the Hindu Swastika on the front are not burned but all others are.....in the end thousand loose their lives, and the perpetrators walk away and celebrate that they left no Muslim untouched.......calling themselves "Warriors of Shiv" (there a disgrace to their own religion), they attack unarmed people with a vast array of weapons (shooting fleeing people in the legs, so the can burn them alive, there is a picture of infants (like 10) that were put in a straight line and burned to death, how can person do such an act?), they out number innocent people like 20 to 1.......they call themselves warriors? These groups are anti congress (because they hate Sonia Ghandi, a Christian, who they call an agent of the Pope)......these groups are hypocritical, repeatedly taking shots at the Congress (through the BJP) for the Delhi Riots, so there members will step down, which ain't bad except for the fact the BJP is no different (Gujarat Riots, Breaking down of Holy Mosques) so there basically playing political games.... Clear the Air Just wanna make it clear that I don't think that all Hindus are bad, the majority is great, I have Hindu friends but they ain't right wing wackos like the ones I mentioned above, my friends told me that these "extremist groups" get their money mostly from the US, through a "charity" named HSS.....they said that if anybody talks against these groups they're labeled anti India, Anti Hindu or even Pakistan ISI Agents......they said that Hindus are working in the US to get the RSS and HSS classified as "terrorist organizations".....but are running in trouble because India is working out deals with the US..... But will these organizations be classified as "terrorist organizations" India?......Never, they have political strength Will they ever be labeled "Radicals" by the Indian Media?.....Never, label them Radicals and your anti India.........but are they Radicals and Terrorist Organizations........Absolutely!
  6. Is Punjab subsidized by foreign money (currency)? I know that a lot of people send money back to Punjab (a lot of money) from Europe, the UK, the US, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia ect. (where the exchange rate is huge), people also send money to invest, put in term deposits (I think its like 18% to 24% interest) or give out private loans....... But has Punjab come dependent on this money to the point that if the flow was to stop (maybe like if stricter tax laws are implemented in the sending nations, since people send a lot of "cash") could Punjab's economy eventually crash or is it still self efficient? Any economists on this site? Anybody with a Degree from a Punjab University? Who can answer this.....
  7. First, read the statements for yourself and determine for yourself whether it is crap or not.......these sites cut, copy and paste the same stuff over and over again......its already been challenged.......(neverforget884.com has a link, some videos made)........as for the youtube "nonsense", are first hand accounts of thousands of innocent people being killed and injured by state governments and extremist groups nonsense?, are there stories of sorrow nonsense? is pointing out that these groups do exist and that they carry a lot political power (that they use to "punish minorities") nonsense?...........please explain.....
  8. for every action, there is a reaction.....a Sikh never starts a conflict but will surely respond to hostility and strike back in self defense.........A Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh Ji would act accordingly.....
  9. Just wanna make one thing clear.........we're talking about a calender (12 month, one month on each page)......not a picture on a wall........in this calender Bhai Bachittar Singh Ji is on the cover (fighting the drunken elephant)........like all calenders, the picture on the cover is associated with a month........the same picture of Bhai Bachittar Singh Ji is the picture for AUGUST, other months include pictures of Baba Banda Singh Bahahdur, Bhai Mani Singh Ji, Bhai Gurdas Ji and many others......under every picture in the calender there is a caption explaining the history behind the picture, it's in both Punjabi and English (most calenders have captions!).......the Hindu guy looking at the calender obviously couldn't speak or read Punjabi and English, so what can you do?....he doesn't ask someone (not even his own buddy) about what the picture represents.....the guy, without knowing what the picture is about, starts to blab on about how its offensive, making a scene, saying how Sikhs are hindus, so Sikhs should take the picture out of the calender..........the girl putting out the calender tries to explain to him that the calender is for Sikhs and its about Sikh History.......he doesn't listen, rolls his eyes.......people in line get <Edited> off.......and the rest is history....... Khalsa Credit Union is a Sikh only Credit Union, with all Sikh members, and all Sikh staff (keshdarees and amritdharees only work there)........99.9% of the time only Sikhs go there......so this Hindu who has no business there (just tagged along with his Sikh buddy) and who won't every come back..... feels offended.......thats like if someone knocked on your door and asked if he could use your phone (maybe his car broke down or he can't find an address) so being a good Sikh and a good human being, you let the person into your house to use your phone, the person sees a picture he doesn't like, tells you its offensive, you try to explain but the person doesn't listen, then he says that Sikhs are hindus, take it down (the picture)......what would you do?............give em 5 seconds before you grab your Talwar and run em out......
  10. this is a big load of crap...........hindu extremists are making these sites to get Sikhs to "join" them to eliminate Islam & Christianity from "bharat" and to lable Sikhs as hindus by manipulating our history and teachings to coexist with "their agenda"...........not all hindus are bad, nope the majority is great, they don't see Sikhs as hindus.........but these right wing hindus are the ones causing all the trouble through groups like the Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, the RSS, the BJP and others......they RSS and BJP have made comments like "india is a hindu nation", "mecca is ours, other places in the middle east are ours, we will regain them through force", "muslims are our disease, we have to take them out"........ the following video is made by a Hindu Reporter who exposes the truth of Right Wing Hindu Groups, please watch this movie (some singing at the beginning but then a rss terrorist and narendhra modi (bjp terrorist) talk about eliminating their enemies.....watch the whole video, see for yourself how these groups spread hate... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_Bkqwzl_Yg watch the following video, its in 5 parts and its by a British Muslim Reporter who goes undercover acting like a Hindu and exposes the truth about the RSS, BJP and about the Gujarat Riots.....please watch.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufYkaC8pU3c the next video is first hand accounts of Muslims who were attack by hindu mobs from Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, the RSS, and BJP with POLICE HELP. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lzJPLJ50y0 here a low life from the Bajrang Dal talking about how it is Hindus vs. Muslims (I think after the Gujarat Riots, maybe before not sure) Here's the BJP's Pet Narendhra Modi making some comments against pakistan and muslim how can a person feel safe in a country where extremist groups (right wing hindus groups who have a lot of political power) can do whatever they wish in the name of "bharat", who will never be charged? you fight back and your the terrorist trying to destroy india....
  11. banned in india?........i would of figured........freedom of speech? not in the "world's largest democracy"........trying to hide truth through censorship? of course, just like the movie WATER and the censoring of riot scenes in AMU.......people in other democracies like the US and Canada always speak openly against their governments.......just look at all of the videos on youtube (especially the bush and Iraq war bashing videos)........so they beat up Major.....trying to shut people up by threating them?........thats like Michael Moore getting "picked up" for making Fahrenheit 9/11.....damn indian government.....abusing their power and authority......but their power trip is gonna end one day....
  12. Great job bro :TH: .......mad respect going out to Major Singh.....
  13. You had to be there..........the girl that was putting the calender on the table tried tell him it about Sikh history.....the just rolled his eyes (i should of mentioned this before).........his own buddy took him out before the situation got worse.......people were basically telling him to shut up.......expect the Babas, they wanted a piece of him because they were already piss off, since the thing prints on deposit books was broken (there's two, I think), so everybody had to go into one line (really long line).......the hindu guy looked a little nutty/weird.....this all happen in a very short time......couple of minutes maybe.....
  14. maybe......but it all happened really fast.......Punjabis act first and think later
  15. I'm arguing the credibility of this article........In my view it don't look right......it looks like they just throw in the "New York Times" name to try to give this article creditability........why doesn't the Times post this........u say I want to take a blind eye and blame hindus for everything.... .....challengy the credibility of rediff makes me hindu hater , does that sound rational to you?......the New York Times doesn't use rediff as a citation but (presumably) rediff uses New York Times as one....there are no dates on when the interviews were conducted.......have you ever read NYT article that referred to rediff, if you have please share.......the "investigation" is on going......this claim might go down the drain...... i tired of arguing.....believe what you want but don' try to dictate my point of view....
  16. Recently I went to my local credit union (Khalsa Credit Union, like a Sikh Bank) to deposit some money and I was waiting in line (a long line), when I notice that Bank had new calenders out. This year Bhai Bachittar Singh Ji is on the cover, it's a picture of Bhai Bachittar Singh Ji fighting a drunken elephant and stabbing a spear into the head of the elephant. (you've probably seen this picture before). THE PROBLEM? There were these two guys (friends), one was a Sikh and he was in line and the other a Hindu he was sitting and waiting for his friend, obliviously they came together. The Hindu guy started to complain to a Staff (who was putting calenders out onto a table for people to take) that the calender was offensive. WHY? because it shows a "Singh" stabbing an elephant (respected animal by Hindus). THE REACTION The Staff member tells him that this is a Sikh Calender that shows Sikh History, which is intended to be given out to Sikhs by a Sikh Credit Union (Bank). The Hindu guy says something back in Hindi about Sikhs and Hindus being brothers or something( he spoke really fast and I'm not good at Hindi) I think he was implying that Sikhs and Hindus are the same. SIKHS IN LINE REACT Then all of sudden, people in line start to swear at the guy, especial the older people, one Baba (he was like 70) says "you say another word Bahmaan and were gonna cut you up." The Hindu guy (who looks kind of scared, since he is out numbered like 30 to 1) is about to say something, when out of nowhere somebody grabs him out of his seat and then starts to push him (while swearing really loud, calling him an <banned word filter activated>) WHO? The Hindu guy's OWN FRIEND (THE SIKH GUY IN LINE)! His Sikh buddy pushes him all the way outside! Next thing you know, people are laughing and saying things like, "He doesn't who he's messing with." "Did you see his eyes, he was about to cry when the Baba threaten him." "If this in Punjab, we would of taught him a lesson he would never forget." "Our History is offensive? We saved India and their (Hindu) Religion" And a bunch of other thingz............funny how one boring situation (going to the bank) can change into something else in a second!
  17. OH NO!.....not wikipedia... ...they'll post anything.....
  18. why is it that rediff.com is the only site with this article? ......rediff.com "India as it happens" ......i don't find this article really "solid".....maybe if the New York Times posted this, since "their" corespondent made the interview, then maybe I would believe it is true......but this doesn't sound legit........ "It is very easy to extract statements with torture. Look, you can see he is handcuffed and not free to talk,"
  19. done........harper just lost a lot of Sikh votes........I'm gonna vote Liberal (As always)....
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