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I think we would know what state Sikhs would be in a muslim majority indian punjab we just need to look at condition of our oppressed and brutalised Sikh brothers and sisters in afghanistan, pakistan and kashmir But what about if it became a christian majority state what would be the consequences for the safety and security of Sikhi and Sikhs?
What would you say are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) facing the sikh community in present times? You can base your analysis globally or locally/nationally.
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Waheguru Sikhi is growing in UK. 500,000 and converts. We have surpassed Jains and Jews and Buddhists. Even the BBC has realised this and showing us more in the media. There is a Gurdwara in every British city. The British like our culture especially our food.
At my job today I met a new white muslim man. He had a very conniving look on his face and very unattractive african muslim female with him. She was shaking as she handed me the money and he laughed very VERY loudly when they left. I have noticed that white male converts to islam in the US are often the most contrarian people, looking for fights. In the one instance I met a white female convert she was extremely loud and talked fast with bouts of uncontrollable laughter, she seemed quite insane. Is this true in the UK? On another note I have notice that whites that begin to follow the Guru seem depressed. They talk very slowly and sound defeated, and often not very strong!
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Anyone notice a strange pattern emerging near to both Seven Kings Gurdwaras. The karamsar Gurdwara has a rather big rectangular building on the right side that has muslims doing some prayers or studies there. It is not a mosque. But seems like they are hiring rooms out there with probably an intention of converting it into a mosque although probably difficult to get planning permission. Not sure why they chose right next to the Gurdwara. Then you have the other Seven Kings Gurdwara further down, The older built one. Here it is the same thing. Directly opposite a community type building where I have seen muslims with tradional skul cap ect going in and out. Using it as prayer room of some sort. Not sure why Muslims are chosing buildings so close to Gurdwaras. Maybe they think they will be safer nearer a Gurdwara or its for some other reason.
Many say migration to foreign countries is to blame , but we just see lesser and lesser turbans in punjab every day. Even in the holy city of amritsar , one sees lesser proportions of turbaned youths . Recently inaugurated IIM at Amritsar offers a scarier picture on its official website. The batch picture of students shows most appear to be non-sikh students with shorn hair. In a batch pic of some 50 students, I didn't see more than 2 turbans . Rest all boys were shorned hair. Are they kids of migrants from UP, bihar ? don't know Sikhs fell from 61% share of punjab demography in 2001 to 57% in 2011 survey. If the trend continues, the day is not far when sikhs will become a minority in their own state and hindutva brigade will have a field day .
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Why do the demographics of the UK show that there are more indians than pakistanis? I always thought there were more pakistanis, as nearly every town and city in the uk has a pakistani population... any explanations?
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In one of the 52 commandments Guru Gobind Singh Ji left for the Sikhs he stated that a daughter of the Sikhs should only have her hand in marriage given to another Sikh family. But he did not say the same for Sikh sons for them only given to Sikhs for marriage. Why was this? This question is mainly for the liberal lefties to ponder on. Because to majority of learned and right thinking Sikhs he is clearly showing us how there is a difference between the genders when it comes to procreation and relationships. Sikh Men are like rocks in the ground they will usually stick to their reiligion. And Guru Ji knows the condition of men of all backgrounds are that they are tribal so its a given that sons will not let the Sikh side down. But most women are like sheep they will be lead to whatever religion their partner is a believer in. So if they are married off to non-sikhs then she will become that non-sikh and her offsping 9/10 times will be non-sikhs. For a pularistic faith like Sikhi it is especially dangerous for our demographics sake that Sikh women are raised in the belief that they only want to marry a fellow Sikh believer. We can see countless examples of non-abrahmic faith communities whose populations have been destroyed because they did not control their womens choice of partner. We can look at the kalaesh of northern pakistan who are almost extinct due to muslims converting their women and creating more muslims. We can see zoroesterian persians who had a huge mighty empire that used to invade other lands but now are no where to be found only small communities scattered around the world because muslims forced islam on them and bred with their women creating muslims only. Which is why we know muslims try their best to groom and convert kafir non-muslim women especially those who they view they are in war in to get 1 over the kufr. And if you ever seen a marriage between a girl from Sikh background to a non-sikh groom you will find most of the time the kids are born as non-sikhs. So there is no equality in nature & biology nor in Sikhi nor in most human soceities that want to exist and excel when it comes to relationships there are clear set out rules.
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- sikh women
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As per the India religious census data of 2011, released by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner on Tuesday, the total population of India back in 2011 was 1.21 billion people. Currently in 2015 the population of India is estimated to be just under 1.3 billion people. In 2011, the Hindu population was 966.3 million (79.8 per cent); Muslim 172.2 million (14.2 per cent); Christian 27.8 million (2.3 per cent); Sikh 20.8 million (1.7 per cent); Buddhist 8.4 million (0.7 per cent); Jain 4.5 million (0.4 per cent), Other religions & persuasions (ORP) 7.9 million (0.7 per cent), religion not stated 2.9 million (0.2 per cent). The proportion of Muslim population to total population has increased by 6% by 2011 from 2001, the census data said. The proportion of Hindu population to total population in 2011 has marginally declined by 1% between 2001 to 2011. Falling most of all the Sikh population proportion declined by over 10% in the period between 2001 to 2011. There was no significant change in the proportion of Christians in India between 2001 to 2011. As per the 2001 census, India's total population was 1.029 billion of which the Hindu population comprised 827.5 million (80.45 per cent) and Muslims were 138 million (13.4 per cent). Christians in 2001 stood at 24 million (2.3%) of the total population and with Sikhs being 19.2 million (1.9%) back in 2001. The growth rate of population in the decade 2001-2011 was 17.7 per cent. The growth rate of population of the different religious communities between 2001-2011 was as: Hindus: 16.8 per cent; Muslim: 24.6 per cent; Christian: 15.5 per cent; Sikh: 8.4 per cent; The distribution is total population by six major religious communities namely, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain besides 'Other Religions and Persuasions' and 'Religion not stated'. Is it now about time that we focus on the basics of where our Panth stands in relation to social indices and the problems of female infanticide, drugs, biraderi apartheid, cancer, illiteracy, alcohol and poverty affecting us. With the Sikh population projected to decline to below 50% of the Punjab as a result of state-sponsored Balmiki and Dera Ballan apartheid mandirs re-classifying current day Sikhs into tomorrow's Hindutva slave votebank is it not about time that we focus everything upon uplifting the Panth rather than focussing on the same tired old sloganeering that has not achieved anything meaningful against the apparatus of a terrorist state which is backed and supported by the USA, Russia, China, UK, France, Canada, Australia, Japan, Italy etc. Hindu's in 1984 numbered around 600million whilst Sikhs numbered around 15million back then. Hindu's in India now number over one billion people and Sikhs in India are just over 20 million as a result of the systematic exlusion of sehajdhari non-Punjabi Sikhs from the Sikh Panth's population figures following on from the 1950 Maryada definition of a Sikh that was welcomed deliriously by Nehru, Congress(Indira) and Hindutva forces. Because at a stroke exluding tens of millions of Ravidassia's, Kabirpanthi's, Satnami's, Sindhi's, Balmiki's, Banjara's, Hindu Punjabi's (who had all previously been accepted as Sikhs on account of attending Gurdwara's and respecting Gurbani) prevented, from our opponent's point of view, a Sikh population in excess of 100 million back in 1984 (that Indira Gandhi would never even have dared to provoke) let alone how many Sikhs there could have been today in 2015. We can still get to the stage one day if instead of sending sincere Gursikhs to voluntarily rot out their lives in jail when our opponents get their goons to do Beadbi, we instead make sure to distribute 100 Gutke in non-Punjabi languages to disseminate the truth of Sikhi further and wider among the poor of India, Asia and Africa primarily. It's about time we look for reasons to welcome and include people within the Sikh Panth rather than looking for every possible reason to exclude people from being included as fellow members of the Sikh Panth. If our opponents succeed (due to our lack of action and urgency in tackling the issues that affect us by concentrating on the wrong priorities) in reducing the Sikh percentage of the Punjab population to below 50% by 2021, then it is almost inevitable that the following assault on the Sikh population will be to re-classify all sehajdhari Punjabi Sikhs as falsely being non-Sikhs. So that the opponents of Sikhi can permanently define Sikhs as a permanent demographic minority even within Punjab and as always they will use our own frontmen to inflict this damage on our Panth.
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