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Found 20 results

  1. https://scroll.in/latest/1023049/punjab-bans-three-history-books-for-allegedly-distorting-facts-about-sikhs 10000000_674331940354195_8555428320862628616_n.mp4 10000000_674331940354195_8555428320862628616_n.mp4 10000000_674331940354195_8555428320862628616_n.mp4
  2. Have any of you familiar with the Gursikh academy of Patalia? http://www.gursikhacademy.com/
  3. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/religious-knives-banned-from-government-schools-while-urgent-review-under-way-20210518-p57ssr.html
  4. WJJK WJKF I would like some info on moving to Canada. Im looking to move there from UK and wanted to know where would anyone recommend is the best area. I wanted my kids to go to a Sikh school so im basically looking at that as my main place to stay along with good Sikh Sangat for my family. Which Sikh schools are generally rated highly? thanks
  5. Guest

    Beadbi of kesh at school

    We were playing handball and school and this boy after I got him out he I assumed pulled my beard, im a over thinker and felt very bad, would I have to pesh?
  6. SSA Sangat Ji, I was looking at various things and what not and came across the 3 main quotes on the entrance hall at Harvard Law School and was shocked to find a quote on there from a book many of us on here belittle and say that there is nothing of value to find in it. The 3 quotes are: “An unjust law is no law at all.” - Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) “To no one will We sell, to none will We deny or defer, right or justice.” - Magna Carta of King John “O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses To Allah, even as against Yourselves, or your parents, Or your kin, and whether It be (against) rich or poor: For Allah can best protect both.” - Qur’an I am as shocked as many of you are to find a quote from the Quran at a prestigious place of learning such as Harvard Law School, how on Earth do you guys think it got there? My second question I guess is that how can we as a community get scripture from the Guru Granth Sahib at these places as it'll raise awareness for Sikhi when people read it and what not and could potentially lead to more people becoming Sikh? WJKK WJKF Source: http://library.law.harvard.edu/justicequotes/explore-the-room/west/
  7. So, I'm in my first grade of High School and I live in a part of Europe.(getting out of here is like the number one priority for my family, cuz there is no future here) At the end of this school year, I'd have to make a choice for what I'd want to study next year. The two choices are: Subjects that involve reading, like History, Ancient Language, Literature, Latin and English and Subjects like Maths, Science, Biology, Chemistry etc. Now, I'm good with the first choice of subjects. But, my mother wants me to become daktar, anjiniar because, guess what, these jobs can get you into Kanneda! I want to get a degree on International Relations. But , she listens to nothing I have to say. Whenever I talk about what I want to be, she starts to act weird, like she has Heart attack or starts beating me and swearing. I have started felling depressed and I've even started thinking about suicide, because I really don't want to do something I never liked. Every Punjabi that goes into college comes out a doctor, then why not be different? Today, she even called a relative in Canada, who really didn't know what I was talking about and told me to become a daktar cuz that's what is in the market. Lol I've already found a good university for international relations in the UK but all I get is threats that if I don't do what they want they aren't going to give any money (which they've been saving since my birth) for my studies. Please I really need help! Can somebody suggest me what to do? Any replies would be appreciated!
  8. Guest


    VJKK VJKF I spoke to my mum about taking amrit and how I really want to. She said that I should take it when I am 16. But I can't wait that long. And then she said that you need to focus on schoolwork. I try to be good at school. I get good grades etc. But ever since I started to experience Sikhi myself, I don't see the meaning of this sort of education of course I need to get a job etc but I just have any interest in it and I still do all the work that is required of me at school. My passion isn't school anymore its Sikhi. My 2nd passion is school. I still do well at school but I don't really understand why I can't take amrit now. It honestly breaks my heart. VJKK VJKF
  9. WJKK WJKF. School is starting in about 2 weeks and I need some help. If I am going to wake up to do nitnem I need to do a kes ishnaan. (I am not saying nitnem is the problem, it's the kes ishnaan itself.) How will I tie a dumalla if my kes is wet. Hair dryer damages my hair and causes dandruff.
  10. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1304598216241963&id=706562102712247
  11. ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤੇ A primary school in Central London (near Waterloo Bridge) - on Tuesday 15th at 11am are in need of a speaker for 20min on Sikhi as they are focusing on Sikhi this term. I'm trying to find somone if they can help out. I know its very late notice. Ive done the power point slides and its just a brief session. Do you know anyone who might be interested or if you would like to do it? I would be greatful if you could let me know? Please contact me (Manpreet Singh 07716784408) Thanks
  12. http://www.ilfordrecorder.co.uk/news/news/new_sikh_free_school_given_go_ahead_by_department_for_education_1_3790666 New Sikh free school given go-ahead by Department for EducationHarry Kemble, ReporterWednesday, October 1, 2014 3:28 PM A new Sikh free school is one step closer to being built in Redbridge after the Department for Education (DfE) approved its application this week. Atam Academy is scheduled to open in September 2015 at primary school level and secondary school pupils will be welcomed a year later. The school, for pupils aged 4-18, is expected to reach full capacity - 1,260 students - in 2020. It will be the third Sikh-designated free school in the capital - the first of its kind in east London. Mankamal Singh, chairman of the Atam Academy board of governors, said: “It has been a lot of emotion, hard work and commitment in preparing the application. “We have got the thumbs up from the Department for Education so it is full steam ahead now.” Sikh pupils at the school will make up 50 per cent of the intake with non-faith groups making up the other half. Twenty per cent of people who registered an interest in the school by signing a petition are non-Sikh, according to Mr Singh. Governors are yet to secure a site for the school to be built on. “We are not ready to disclose which sites we have been looking at,” said Mr Singh. “The south of Ilford is where the main Sikh community is in the borough but right now we cannot say the school is definitely going to be there.” He added Atam Academy were looking at both privately owned sites and those owned by Redbridge Council. Lee Scott MP for Ilford North applauded DfE’s decision. “I am a believer in faith schools,” said Mr Scott, who sent a letter to DfE supporting Atam Academy’s application. “There is a need for school places in the borough. I think free schools have an important role to play - their ethos is first class.” The council is faced with the task of creating 3,540 school places in the next four years. Redbridge is among the worst-affected boroughs in London, in terms of the demand for school places. Cllr Jas Athwal, leader of Redbridge Council, said: “I think any school of any sort will help with the demand. “The borough will be very grateful we can carry on educating our people.”
  13. Guest

    Patka A Problem?

    SatSriAkal sat sangat ji I start high school on Monday, in northern Virginia, and I am planning on wearing a patka. But, my friends at gurdwara say I should wear a Pugh. I think it may be a little tough in gym class, and I am used to patka. My joora is starting to get a little smaller, so my patka doesn't look as good as before, but it is much more comfortable. Does anyone have any advice? Is there a way to make my joora a little bigger when wearing a patka?
  14. Guest

    Should I Fight?

    I got into a fight at school with a kid who trying to be funny by taking the mic out of my phag, I got into a right with with him and gave him a bloody nose and a bruise under his eye, I got called into student services and had to talk with several teachers, I thought I did the writing because tbh he deserved it, I gave him a chance to apologise he didn't so I took maters serious, but now I really don't know if it was write, the way I think is, I'm the son of Sri guru gobind Singh ji, I've had countless racial abuse over my life and thats the reason I trained kick boxing and got stronger, so I could fight these ignorant people, but when I had a chat with one of the teachers she wa telling me all this stuff about how you can't solve everything with ur fists and stuff, this teacher was black and she wa talking about how she just ignores people when they're racist to her and suggested I do the same but it's not that easy, then I had a chat with another teacher, I told her I wanted to serve justice, isn't it justice if I stand up for my religion and beliefs when they are vein treatened? But then she told me allthia stuff about Sikhs having to be humble and what u did wasn't it (this teacher was Sikh btw that why he said that) and then she said who am I to serve justice and that I can't fight the whole world when they're racist what she said kinda made sense. I thought my mentality was right but after hearing all those lectures I don't know what to think anymore, I wanted to know ur views was what I did right and should I carry on trying to serve justice how I am or is this just a teenage phase or an erge for fighting that I have ? Was what I did childish coz at the time I didn't feel that way, if I compare all the physical pain I've indured over my life to all the mental pain which came from society being racist then I have to say the mental pain wa way worse, sorry for writing so much just felt like I ha to get this all of my chest asap! Please help !!! Thankyou Wjkk wjkf
  15. Gurfateh Sadh Sangat Ji! Are there any schools near Great Barr in Birmingham which have a large popularity of Sikhs? like west bromich, smethwick? Any Secondary schools near Great barr? Gurfateh ji!
  16. Hello, I'm Vik. I'm 15. I'm the only Sikh kid at my high school (we live in the US) and I'm getting harassed all the time. People think my turban is a toy. They pull on it and try to take it off me. They call me a terrorist because they think somebody in a turban is moslem. Sometimes I just want to take it off and cut my hair and live like everyone else. I am devoted to my faith but I'm tired of getting picked on and hair so long that it's below my knees is a real pain to take care of. My beard is growing out and takes a lot of work too. I'm just tired of this. Any advice? Thanks for your understanding, Vikrampreet Singh.
  17. Forwarded message URGENT!!!! New Khalsa Academy Slough needs YOU! Early indications show that there are more 'No' votes from local community opposed to the school than there are 'Yes' votes from the Sikh community. Locals are opposed because of the congestion problems. For the Sikhs this will be an invaluable institution that could give the next generation of Sikhs a solid foundation in their Sikhi in order to strive forth in the wider world with Sikhi core values in their hearts and minds. If the Sikh community are denied this school then it will be a great loss! We will only have ourselves to blame for missing this unique opportunity. Please please can you forward or inform as many friends and family about the importance of filling in the online form. Fill in online form or the locals will block planning permission on new school. http://www.khalsasecondaryschool.com/consultation-form.html Please forward. Thank you. CONSULTATION CLOSES THIS FRIDAY
  18. VJKK VJKF Sangat Ji I wanted to know a list of Sikh populated high schools, in west London, Around Southall, Hayes, Northolt and around. VJKK VJKF
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