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gauVI mhlw 5 ]

iqsu gur kau ismrau swis swis ]

guru myry pRwx siqguru myrI rwis ]1] rhwau ]

gur kw drsnu dyiK dyiK jIvw ]

gur ky crx Doie Doie pIvw ]1]

gur kI ryxu inq mjnu krau ]

jnm jnm kI haumY mlu hrau ]2]

iqsu gur kau JUlwvau pwKw ]

mhw Agin qy hwQu dy rwKw ]3]

iqsu gur kY igRih Fovau pwxI ]

ijsu gur qy Akl giq jwxI ]4]

iqsu gur kY igRih pIsau nIq ]

ijsu prswid vYrI sB mIq ]5]

ijin guir mo kau dInw jIau ]

Awpunw dwsrw Awpy muil lIau ]6]

Awpy lwieE Apnw ipAwru ]

sdw sdw iqsu gur kau krI nmskwru ]7]

kil klys BY BRm duK lwQw ]

khu nwnk myrw guru smrwQw ]8]9]

Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

I remember the Guru with each and every breath.

The Guru is my breath of life, the True Guru is my wealth. ||1||Pause||

Beholding the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan, I live.

I wash the Guru's Feet, and drink in this water. ||1||

I take my daily bath in the dust of the Guru's Feet.

The egotistical filth of countless incarnations is washed off. ||2||

I wave the fan over the Guru.

Giving me His Hand, He has saved me from the great fire. ||3||

I carry water for the Guru's household;

from the Guru, I have learned the Way of the One Lord. ||4||

I grind the corn for the Guru's household.

By His Grace, all my enemies have become friends. ||5||

The Guru who gave me my soul,

has Himself purchased me, and made me His slave. ||6||

He Himself has blessed me with His Love.

Forever and ever, I humbly bow to the Guru. ||7||

My troubles, conflicts, fears, doubts and pains have been dispelled;

says Nanak, my Guru is All-powerful. ||8||9||

gourree mehalaa 5 ||

this gur ko simaro saas saas ||

gur maerae praan sathigur maeree raas ||1|| rehaao ||

gur kaa dharasan dhaekh dhaekh jeevaa ||

gur kae charan dhhoe dhhoe peevaa ||1||

gur kee raen nith majan karo ||

janam janam kee houmai mal haro ||2||

this gur ko jhoolaavo paakhaa ||

mehaa agan thae haathh dhae raakhaa ||3||

this gur kai grihi dtovo paanee ||

jis gur thae akal gath jaanee ||4||

this gur kai grihi peeso neeth ||

jis parasaadh vairee sabh meeth ||5||

jin gur mo ko dheenaa jeeo ||

aapunaa dhaasaraa aapae mul leeo ||6||

aapae laaeiou apanaa piaar ||

sadhaa sadhaa this gur ko karee namasakaar ||7||

kal kalaes bhai bhram dhukh laathhaa ||

kahu naanak maeraa gur samaraathhaa ||8||9||

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mwJ mhlw 5 ]

qUM myrw ipqw qUMhY myrw mwqw ]

qUM myrw bMDpu qUM myrw BRwqw ]

qUM myrw rwKw sBnI QweI qw Bau kyhw kwVw jIau ]1]

qumrI ik®pw qy quDu pCwxw ]

qUM myrI Et qUMhY myrw mwxw ]

quJ ibnu dUjw Avru n koeI sBu qyrw Kylu AKwVw jIau ]2]

jIA jMq siB quDu aupwey ]

ijqu ijqu Bwxw iqqu iqqu lwey ]

sB ikCu kIqw qyrw hovY nwhI ikCu AswVw jIau ]3]

nwmu iDAwie mhw suKu pwieAw ]

hir gux gwie myrw mnu sIqlwieAw ]

guir pUrY vjI vwDweI nwnk ijqw ibKwVw jIau ]4]24]31]

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

You are my Father, and You are my Mother.

You are my Relative, and You are my Brother.

You are my Protector everywhere; why should I feel any fear or anxiety? ||1||

By Your Grace, I recognize You.

You are my Shelter, and You are my Honor.

Without You, there is no other; the entire Universe is the Arena of Your Play. ||2||

You have created all beings and creatures.

As it pleases You, You assign tasks to one and all.

All things are Your Doing; we can do nothing ourselves. ||3||

Meditating on the Naam, I have found great peace.

Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, my mind is cooled and soothed.

Through the Perfect Guru, congratulations are pouring in-Nanak is victorious on the arduous battlefield of life! ||4||24||31||

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

thoo(n) maeraa pithaa thoo(n)hai maeraa maathaa ||

thoo(n) maeraa ba(n)dhhap thoo(n) maeraa bhraathaa ||

thoo(n) maeraa raakhaa sabhanee thhaaee thaa bho kaehaa kaarraa jeeo ||1||

thumaree kirapaa thae thudhh pashhaanaa ||

thoo(n) maeree outt thoo(n)hai maeraa maanaa ||

thujh bin dhoojaa avar n koee sabh thaeraa khael akhaarraa jeeo ||2||

jeea ja(n)th sabh thudhh oupaaeae ||

jith jith bhaanaa thith thith laaeae ||

sabh kishh keethaa thaeraa hovai naahee kishh asaarraa jeeo ||3||

naam dhhiaae mehaa sukh paaeiaa ||

har gun gaae maeraa man seethalaaeiaa ||

gur poorai vajee vaadhhaaee naanak jithaa bikhaarraa jeeo ||4||24||31||

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