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Redemption Of A Demon


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Redemption of a Demon

Taken from Unditthi Duniya (The Mystical Invisible World) By Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh

Translated by an Anonymous Veer.

The well-known group of Gurbani singers, Kirtani Jatha, also well versed in Gurbani recitation of Akhand Patth (cover to cover recitation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib in 48 hours), decided to proceed on pilgrimage of Gurdwaras on foot. It was firmly resolved to follow the route taken by Tenth Nanak, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, while proceeding to Sri Hazoor Sahib, halting at the same halting places. This was a long pilgrimage by walk in deep reverence and blissful for the devout pilgrims. During our journey we reached an old town at the time of night-fall. We thought of spending the night in the town and enquired from local people, who were all non-Sikhs, about a suitable accommodation. Mischievously they pointed to a house, where no traveller or tenant dared to stay for even a single night. It was known that the house was haunted by a demon, where lives of many occupants were periled. The wicked knowingly arranged our stay in the house. It was large house of kilned bricks of olden times. It consisted of many bedrooms that were not used for long. It was dirty. The Jatha of about thirty-five Singhs had to spend the night. We quickly cleaned up enough place for our stay. Sri Guru Granth Sahib was enshrined in one room after good cleaning and spreading. The humble devotee, Jathedar Singh Ji, also made his bed on the floor of the same room. The evening prayer, So-Dar, was performed in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and we had a good measure of our spiritual diet of Gurbani singing and Naam-recitation. Thereafter, all went to rest in their rooms. The Jathedar remained alone in Sri Guru Granth Sahib’s room, in attendance. It was winter season and the door was bolted from inside. The Jathedar, all by himself, engaged in blissful Naam-meditation after reciting Sohila.

It was late in the night and all other were sleeping. Only Jathedar in attendance of the Guru was lying awake on his bed on the floor. He was half asleep in wakefulness and Naam-devotion and mental alertness. Suddenly there was repeated knocking at the door. The Singh got up and opened the door. What he saw in the moonlight was very ugly and fearful figure, shaking from head to toe. The Naam-devotee and Naam imbued Singh remained absolutely fearless and asked about identity of the visitor with a challenging voice. In a feeble and lamenting voice, the figure replied, that he was the owner of the house. He had been dead for centuries. However the unfortunate being got enmeshed in love of the Pucka house and the worldliness of this attachment bogged him down to this life of a demon. For centuries he had been undergoing untold sufferings. He was suffering all the misery as prisoner in the house. He cause pain to many, who came to dwell in the house and sucked their blood. This further aggravated his personal misery. He said, “Now that the Jatha of Guru’s beloved Sikhs has come to the house along with Sri Guru Granth Sahib, it is my good fortune and Divine-blessing. I therefore tearfully pray to you as benevolent Sikhs of the Guru, please work for my redemption and get me released from the demonic life. There is no other way in this Dark Age of Kalyuga. Have compassion and get me eternally liberated. Arrange Akhand Patth in the house and serve Karah Prasad, and free food to all, Guru-ka-Langar. I am confident that I shall thus get rid of this life and be liberated eternally.”

Compassionate Singh Ji was very much moved by his pitiable condition. Most sympathetically he replied, “O’ troubled one! I am full of sympathy for you. We readily agree to do all possible for your well-being. The difficulty is that our group consists of devout renouncers. We do not have ready cash to meet expenditure involved for Deg, Karah Prasad, and freed food, Guru ka Langar, as you desire.”

Hearing this, the demon said, “I am well aware of this problem of the Jatha of renouncers, but worldly wealth is like your maid. Within the compound of this house, you can dig out as much money as you want, but you are above any desire for money. Just to meet the proposed expenditure for my redemption and this ceremony, you may dig out five hundred rupees lying buried in a kettle at the indicated spot. Please commence the blessed ceremony of Akhand Patth and Langar for my sake. I pray to you in the Name of Guru.”

The Jathedar assured him to comply with his request. However he asked for the indication to show that he had secured liberation. He pointed towards a recess in the wall, where bowl of Karah Prasad could be kept locked up. During distribution of Karah Prasad after the Akhand – Patth recitation, his share could be kept in the recess under lock. “After Akhand Kirtan and when all would have partaken of Langar, the bowl may be checked. If the bowl is found empty, then it shall indicate that I have received the Prasad and thus got liberated. If, however, it remained unconsumed, it would show that I could not be liberated.” Explaining this, the figure disappeared.

This incident was narrated to all members of Jatha. It was unanimously resolved to commence Akhand Patth in the name of the demon, following the tradition of Deg and Langar for all. The indicated amount of money was indeed found after digging out the kettle. The required provisions were purchased for a large-scale function with adequacy of funds. Lot of town-people gathered. They were most surprised with the ceremony at a place where none could stay even for an hour all these long years. What a miracle performed by Guru’s Sikhs!

The preparations were made in full compliance of Gurmat principles for selecting Akhand Patthis, reciters of Jap Ji Sahib, following tradition for the Khalsa and they took full bath thereafter, dressing in clean clothes. The Patth recitation started and was completed. The Prayer was said to pray for liberation in the name of the demon. Karah Prasad was distributed in liberal quantity and so also Guru-ka-Langar. The order of Divine-Sanction was read from Sri Guru Granth Sahib after the prayer of Akhand-Patth Bhog, end of recitation. It conveyed that some minor flaw had withheld full redemption of the demon. However, none other than the Jathedar perceived this implication of the Divine-Order. On checking the bowl of Karah Prasad, it was found that Karah Prasad remained unconsumed. This confirmed that there had cropped some unknown flaw or else nothing could stop complete redemption. This secret remained with a few select, unknown to others.

It was decided to postpone departure to recommence the pilgrimage. The Jatha therefore stayed on for another night. Jathedar firmly believed that though the demon could not be fully liberated, he would show up again. Thus he lay in wait.

It happened as expected. The door was knocked at as before at the same time. Opening the door, Jathedar found the same demon outside. However neither his figure was as ugly nor fearsome as earlier, nor was he shivering. When asked how this change come about and why he failed to take Karah Prasad. He replied with utter humility, “Please arrange one more Akhand Patth for my sake. There was a minor flaw due to my ill luck. However I am sure that I will be lucky with one more act of benevolence.”

Jathedar wanted to know the specific shortcoming. He explained very reverently, “One of the Akhand Patthis of such and such name had gone for rest after his duty of recitation. At night time, he was woken up again for duty earlier than the schedule. He felt that he did not need full bath and in a hurry he just washed his face, hands and feet. He started recitation without the ordained full bath, in a polluted state unknown to him.

“While resting for some time, he had discharged semen without awareness. That was the cause of his polluted ‘Kachhera’, underwear. This was the unintentional and unknown incident. I am very certain that one more Patth in my name will redeem me fully.” He indicated another spot to be dug for more money for expenditure during second Akhand Patth.

After pointing the next place for digging out money, the demon disappeared. The incident of revisit by the demon was narrated to arrive at our next decision in the light of Gurmat, Gurmata. Without being pointed out for his lapse, the particular Akhand-Patthi came out with the admission of his unintended and unknown compromising of piety of ceremonious Gurbani-recitation. He discovered his underwear being polluted during his bath after the duty to his great repentance.

The concerned Patthi Singh was administered suitable punishment and all others too were warned for strict compliance of the traditional discipline. Money was dug out from the second indicated spot and the second Akhand-Patth started under watchful, strict supervision. Following the earlier arrangement, Karah Prasad was kept in bowl for demon under lock and found consumed on check at the appropriate time. The objective was thus achieved. We were all convinced in our minds the demon was redeemed from his demonic life. After this act of benevolence under Divine-guidance, Jatha restarted on the pilgrimage towards Hazoor Sahib.


The true life-related example is a powerful evidence to underline the eternal truth of the quoted Shabad. Dying with a yearning love of a building shall lead the dead to the next life of a demon that is very long and full of misery. Secondly a demon was seen face to face in all horrid ugliness. This leaves no doubt about the reality of existence of demons (ghosts). Lastly that the redemption from demonic life is through Panacea of Naam and Gurbani of Divine-revelation!

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Kewl story :TH: but that reminds me of the people throwing water to their dead ancestors from the demon getting prashad.

If this story is true then you can live a life as a moneh and have Sikhs in later generations save you from Akhand Paths etc?????????????

Mormons do baptism for the dead and this sounds just like the same idea{which to me sounds beyond bogus} They beleive if they get baptised in the name of a dead person then the dead soul is baptised as a christian. {{{{ We must live a righteous life while alive in order to achieve mukti. We dont wait around after dead for someone to save me through mere ritual means. rolleyes.gif }}}}}}

Just something to think about.

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