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Burning And Burning, Writhing In Pain, I Wring My Hands.


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Vahegurujikakhalsa, Vahegurujikifateh

In my life i have never read of such of shabad that is so true to many of our lives. This shabad is the repersentation of sorrow and distress one soul suffers away from Akaal Purakh. May we all read this shabad releasing our one home in the end.

ang 794

Page 794

ik ounkaar sathigur prusaadh

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

raag soohee baanee saekh fureedh jee kee

Raag Soohee, The Word Of Shaykh Fareed Jee:

thap thap luhi luhi haath muroro

Burning and burning, writhing in pain, I wring my hands.

baaval hoee so suhu loro

I have gone insane, seeking my Husband Lord.

thai sehi mun mehi keeaa ros

O my Husband Lord, You are angry with me in Your Mind.

mujh avugun seh naahee dhos

The fault is with me, and not with my Husband Lord. ||1||

thai saahib kee mai saar n jaanee

O my Lord and Master, I do not know Your excellence and worth.

jobun khoe paashai pushuthaanee

Having wasted my youth, now I come to regret and repent. ||1||Pause||

kaalee koeil thoo kith gun kaalee

O black bird, what qualities have made you black?

apunae preethum kae ho birehai jaalee

"I have been burnt by separation from my Beloved."

pirehi bihoon kuthehi sukh paaeae

Without her Husband Lord, how can the soul-bride ever find peace?

jaa hoe kirupaal thaa prubhoo milaaeae

When He becomes merciful, then God unites us with Himself. ||2||

vidhun khoohee mundh eikaelee

The lonely soul-bride suffers in the pit of the world.

naa ko saathee naa ko baelee

She has no companions, and no friends.

kar kirupaa prabh saadhusung maelee

In His Mercy, God has united me with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

jaa fir dhaekhaa thaa maeraa aluhu baelee

And when I look again, then I find God as my Helper. ||3||

vaatt humaaree khuree ouddeenee

The path upon which I must walk is very depressing.

khunniahu thikhee buhuth pieenee

It is sharper than a two-edged sword, and very narrow.

ous oopar hai maarug maeraa

That is where my path lies.

saekh fureedhaa punth sumuaar suvaeraa

O Shaykh Fareed, think of that path early on. ||4||1||

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<> siqgur pRswid ]

rwgu sUhI bwxI syK PrId jI kI ]

qip qip luih luih hwQ mrorau ]

bwvil hoeI so shu lorau ]

qY sih mn mih kIAw rosu ]

muJu Avgn sh nwhI dosu ]1]

qY swihb kI mY swr n jwnI ]

jobnu Koie pwCY pCuqwnI ]1] rhwau ]

kwlI koiel qU ikq gun kwlI ]

Apny pRIqm ky hau ibrhY jwlI ]

iprih ibhUn kqih suKu pwey ]

jw hoie ik®pwlu qw pRBU imlwey ]2]

ivDx KUhI muMD iekylI ]

nw ko swQI nw ko bylI ]

kir ikrpw pRiB swDsMig mylI ]

jw iPir dyKw qw myrw Alhu bylI ]3]

vwt hmwrI KrI aufIxI ]

KMinAhu iqKI bhuqu ipeIxI ]

ausu aUpir hY mwrgu myrw ]

syK PrIdw pMQu sm@wir svyrw ]4]1]

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