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Do You Think Events Of 1984 Are Going To Happen Again ?

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why news are coming since a month now that BKI and KLF singhs are getting arrested by punjab police ?

You think sikhs are being demonised once again by indian govt and media ?mellow.gif

Most likely yes it will if you look at 1970's - 1980's there is similar things happening from that time now a good example is

Recent news of sikh groups targeting Asian games in New Delhi reminds me of 1980′s era when the government controlled the media to spread similar fake news which resulted in senseless killings of sikhs in Punjab, Haryana and Delhi.


We also had dera saucha sada problem in 2007 and we had the same thing in 1978 when 13 sikhs died on vasakhi protesting a nirankari sect leader who also insulted sikhi back then.

i think some events are already repeating if you look at history carefully and look at some stuff happening now.

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what is happening right now? until Sikhs start doing bhagti we will be attacked over and over?

look at the state of our panth we are so divided

what happened to the love

back in the day Guru Ji and Sikhs did not even pay taxes to the rular cause it was a sign of gulaami

the prob now

we need bhagti for shakti

not just bana and dumalla

not just loud jakaray

we need to be ready for death

we need to see God within us

only then will we not be afraid

what we have now is nothing compared to what our great Sikh ansectors had to deal with

the women in massa rangars camps

the sahibzaday Mahan Mahan Sahibzaday

the days when there were only 75 Sikhs left

Sikhi is stil alive it is time to take the shakti of our Guru


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Guest amar_jkp

I will say India is still slave being ruled by corrupt Brahmins.

Brahmanis are no longer in power even in Hindu relegion backward castes have taken control of Hinduism and India.

Yadavs , Jaats etc.

Every Hindu loves Backward Narender Modi.

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