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Khalistan And Uk/Europe


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Vaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh

I was wondering, what is the legality of one promoting Khalistan

in UK / Europe? Can one get arrested, under any law affecting UK / Europe,

about supporting Khalistan?

Or can we justify it with free speech?

So, lets say if we wanted to get pro-Khalistan / Khalistan Zindabad stuff

on Sangat TV, Sikh Channel, Sikh TV, they shouldn't really have anything against it,

as they can't use the excuse, oh we can't promote Khalistan as its against UK etc?

If you know what i'm saying...

Vaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh

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All my Guru's were Indian. So am I.

Don't forget that it's because of the shaheeds who fought for independence in 1947, that we are here living a life of privilege. Else you & many other would have been cleaning a goras toilet. If you want Khalistan we should divide the UK.

Jai Hind!!!

By your thinking our 1st Guru would be Pakistani,how do you like that Mr HIndu-stan,bet your not smiling now are you,none of our Gurus were 'Indian' a terrorist Hindutva state created in 1947 .Sikhs are not Indians under UK Legislation and law.

We will never divide the UK the hindu tactic of getting us tarnished by the western world will no longer work.The British Raj was a million times better than Hindu Raaj today

Although Babbar Khalsa and other are banned due to Indian Govt pressure the UK does not seem them as a threat and they were only banned for political reasons ,and this was told to Sikhs by an anti terror legislator,every june Babbar logos and others are paraded in London nothing happens.Its all gd and legit along with the demand for Khalistan.

If the Muslims can promote Sharia for UK then we can promote Khalistan for Panjab

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By your thinking our 1st Guru would be Pakistani,how do you like that Mr HIndu-stan,bet your not smiling now are you,none of our Gurus were 'Indian' a terrorist Hindutva state created in 1947 .Sikhs are not Indians under UK Legislation and law.

We will never divide the UK the hindu tactic of getting us tarnished by the western world will no longer work.The British Raj was a million times better than Hindu Raaj today

Although Babbar Khalsa and other are banned due to Indian Govt pressure the UK does not seem them as a threat and they were only banned for political reasons ,and this was told to Sikhs by an anti terror legislator,every june Babbar logos and others are paraded in London nothing happens.Its all gd and legit along with the demand for Khalistan.

If the Muslims can promote Sharia for UK then we can promote Khalistan for Panjab

Hindustan Murdabad! :)

Badshah - Deport him back to Hinduland! :D


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i sometimes feel pity on those who still support all this. have u forget what had happened. do we again want that bloody past to haunt us again. do we again want killings of innocent ppl. if ans. is no then stop sporting all this. can't we live with peace & harmony or we want to rewrite the bloody passage again.

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i sometimes feel pity on those who still support all this. have u forget what had happened. do we again want that bloody past to haunt us again. do we again want killings of innocent ppl. if ans. is no then stop sporting all this. can't we live with peace & harmony or we want to rewrite the bloody passage again.

oh shut up! im sick and tired of your copy and pasting...

go to some next hindu forum, if you want to blare your hindustani power!

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  • 2 weeks later...

nice to see u guys abroad are living in delusion. u ppl want to be thekedar of sikhi.it is good for our punjab & our country. i m quite happy that no one buys so called " khalistan" stuff here in punjab. u guys continue ur haterism, best of luck for that. by the way why u guys don't ask for ur khalistan in U.k & canada where u are good in numbers. why ppl. living abroad have a bad eye on our punjab. go get a like u all brainwashed fanatics.

P.s- niether i m hindu nor non-punjabi.

got the guts to meet me in public? :)

we'll have our discussion there?

or don't you have a passport, because

India doesnt issue you one?

Or is it coz sikhs in india are discrimated on???

bada tedh wala.

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