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Akal Purkh Ki Fauj

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Everything posted by Akal Purkh Ki Fauj

  1. My Brother, you sound like you have great depth. I just think I am having a lil trouble when trying to decipher that depth in your writings. Guru di Kirpa
  2. Brother I dont know what planet your on but I would check to see if the oxygen levels are adequate for human beings :lol: Now some advice! Not sure if your Sikh or what? but anger for Sikh of Guru Sahib is a definite NO, NO as is unnecessary aggression towards others. With regards to your statement about the veggie diet having "aggresssion-energy deficit" I can assure you that this is completely false. I can confirm that as veggie (all my life, 20 - 30yrs+) I have the inherant flaw of agression and I have never consumed meat. "the outside world is full of crap, full of violent people" This is very true, but I feel this: "an old saying that 'only fire cuts fire" is not cos in order to fight a flame of fire you would use a counter such as water not an ally such as gas or wood. THINK SMART NOT HARD
  3. In that it helps cleanse out the system from toxins collected by eating all manner of animal flesh. Bro this doesnt make sense, cos if you are aware that something has a toxic affect on your body then why would you continue with eating that poison? or actually reading on I guess your just trying to go for the shock factor?
  4. one of the reasons i posted this clip is cuz we should know more about whats going on in the world than just whats happening in punjab or to "sikhs" =) :TH: Sikhi is a way of life, so everything around us is relevant to Sikhs
  5. Yhhh man rail gaddi a madd tunee Yeah man it was mad cos all the olds were clocking up their carbon footprint doin rounds of the hall while all the youts we lookin at them like theses folks are bananas.
  6. maybe because back in the day (and even now) sikhs earned their livelihood off the land and used cows to plough the fields, produce milk and the cow dung which was/is used as a source of fuel. cows are a centrepiece to people earning their living and coupled with the holy status given by the hindu majority, cows are treated with respect by common folk. therefore eating beef is frowned upon in general indian society. Thats a really interesting thought veer, I never thought of it like that thank you. Funnily enough my bibi said something simular when I asked her about this. She told me that in certain religions/cultures in india they hold the cow in the same reverence as they do their mothers, this is because the cow gives milk to these people as did their mothers in times of infancy. Then she said something really profound which was that these people hold the cow in reverence and refrain from eating it because of the milk it produces but what about the goat that they eat? Old people, what do they know? :gg:
  7. Its doesnt seem to have any logic behind it.
  8. I was at a wedding at the weekend and overheard a couple of fella's chattin about how they eat all animals, except cows. They were also sayin how they dont eat meat on certain days. I'm totally confused, what is this all about? I would have asked the guys but before I could say anything they were carried away by the rail gaddi :lol: Anyone ever heard this before?
  9. Damn Bro, thats some seriously blinkered vision you got there, "maybe you should have gone to specsavers" :gg:
  10. Allowed, but not during take off or landing
  11. I repeat once again, India is the largest Demockery in the World! All Indians must be very very proud of the great hindushatan
  12. Waheguru never ceases to amaze me. I ordered a copy of "Soft target" by Zuhair Kashmeri & Brian Mc Andrew about a month ago (from the US) and have been badgering my assistant about its arrival every single day since (pretty much gave up on receiving it). Anyway suprise suprise I walked in to work this morn and there it was staring at me , cant wait to have a read.
  13. Jassa, that Bukkra you are chubbing on is messing with your brain mate. I’m gonna say this to you again please do not make baseless blanket statements without any proof of the incident because this will make people think that you are full of c*%p, and I know that your full of more than just that. I’m gonna try this again and I want you to answer the question posted: Do you or do you not think the following statements are wrong? “When I heard of Hindu’s making bombs, I was happy but the fact that there were used to injure Hindus made me feel ashamed of them.” “The only way Islamic terror can be tackled was by unleashing Hindu terror. Hindu society can be assured safety only by setting up Hindu suicide squads,” NOW DUDE! I want you to look back over all the posts made on this thread and show me exactly where anyone showed hate towards hindus as you have stated: “u people hate hindus more then ur love for sikhi dude !!!!” The following statements you made are great BUT !!! shasteran ke adhin hai raj this is hukam for all mankind not only sikhs ... may be ur afraid of hindu bomb squads just like a kid in some school who is happy and proud till he hits other kids but when some one is ready to hit him he back he ran away or start preaching fighting is bad ... guru khalsa panth is not afraid of them but happy they have taken up shasters for their own protection instead of looking at others for protection ... and i have a suggestion for everyone who is not strong enough to see the enemy getting stronger go and make them ur friend ... but dont play dirty politics on the name of sikhi !!!! dhan oh purkh jo har shan man yudh bichare !!! AND THIS IS A HUGE BUT! THIS FANATICAL, FACIST, TERRORIST IS ADVISING IMPRESSIONABLE INDIVIDUALS TO STRAP BOMBS TO THEMSELVES AND RANDOMLY KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE. THINK ABOUT THAT. Ps. I’m still waiting for the proof of what your Grandad witnessed the BK’s do on that bus as well as the info I requested about where the Buddah dal UK’s jathedars farla is………
  14. are you sure he said exactly that? I dont think anyone can really confirm what Jassa says cos as he has previously stated himself if he uses internet explorer his english comes across impeccable but if he uses firefox it comes across all tutti fruity
  15. Gezza have you got sun stroke or something? You don’t think by calling for suicide squads of hindus, he has not done something wrong. You don’t think the following statements have something wrong about them: “When I heard of Hindu’s making bombs, I was happy but the fact that there were used to injure Hindus made me feel ashamed of them.” “The only way Islamic terror can be tackled was by unleashing Hindu terror. Hindu society can be assured safety only by setting up Hindu suicide squads,” I have a suggestion, maybe one of our niddars lings can pass it on for me next time you see this fella at the annual shatanan picnic party. Unity is achieved through things like sitting and singing Gods name together, sitting and eating together, going out and helping those less fortunate not by strapping a bomb to yourself and killing innocent people.
  16. There is NO jathas, just Guru Khalsa panth.
  17. Bro face your fears head on, cos when the gready fat cats have bleed the oil well's dry were gonna have to revert back to the freinds that we know for transport ie. horses As for the dogs thing it sounds like this so called "sant" has been spending too long in the sun sippin lassi. You should have asked him where in Guru Ji does it say his waffle. Only believe what Guru Ji says the rest is manmukhi.
  18. http://www.panthic.org/news/125/ARTICLE/3426/2007-07-18.html :TH:
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