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Everything posted by Matheen

  1. fordcapri, do you disagree with this shabad:
  2. You can download it - right click on the name of the Shabad and 'save link as'
  3. I think you will find that most Indians eat garlic, you can always tell when there's an Indian on the train or bus. Of course, avoiding certain foods won't stop kaam completely.
  4. It's an individual choice. There are many stories (some in my family too) of people being cured of cance by listening to e.g. a Saptah Paath or AkhandPaath etc. The choice of treatment is up to the patient - are you asking because kesh may fall out with chemotherapy?
  5. Maryada of most (all?) puratan sampardas doesn't allow it, but many modern groups do. Live and let live.
  6. Singh#: I've got hold of a 42 min long DVD, with subtitles. Send me your contact details, and I'll send it to you.
  7. That's crazy. Please distribute this link to the media supporters of Sarna / Darshan., e.g. Punjab radio etc. It's beyond words.....
  8. In the evening? What's the maryada for doing Chandi Di Vaar Paath?
  9. This is a good idea and it works. If you make the promise to call, you have to wake up yourself, so it's a win-win situation.
  10. Is this something worth arguing over? lol. In simple terms, if you eat garlic, you will smell and affect the concentration of those around you. The smell of garlic cooking also travels far and is really pungent. Hardly a good atmosphere for doing bhagti.
  11. It smells, lol. But there are other reasons as well - it's considered fairly tamoguni and also the reason given above.
  12. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Gurbani teaches that the unborn baby spends its time engrossed in Simran (meditation on God). So definitely not atheist. Your argument has no logic behind it. Just because babies can't speak, the assumption is made that they don't know anything.
  13. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Very sorry to hear that none of those groups helped you, hope all is sorted now? Sometimes it's better to ask friends or even at the Gurudwara, or even on here, lol. It is sad, but I've noticed that people in general tend to think they're too busy to help others. Some smaller groups, like SWAT maybe better in this respect. If you still need any help, please feel free to ask. Guru Rakha.
  14. Matheen

    Y Wear Ramals?

    Yes it matters. Caps aren't the same.
  15. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Yes it can to some extent. Just like the family gets honour if you do good, they suffer if you do wrong. Ultimately though, most of the effect is on the paapi.
  16. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Thanks.
  17. Matheen

    Y Wear Ramals?

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Keeping the head covered is a sign of respect. In reality, we should keep our hair covered at all times, because Guru Ji is always with us.
  18. Matheen

    Sarbloh Granth

    singh987: Sri Sarbloh Granth is actually the oldest written source that claims Guruship was given to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
  19. Here you go, Bhai Sukh Singh has what you need: Click Here
  20. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! This would be awesome! There was someone who mentioned he had quality recordings in a previous thread. I noticed they played a deevan of Sant Isher Singh Ji as well - would be good if those became a regular feature.
  21. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! There is no fixed rule as such, but some choose not to drink tea or coffee. I used to need a cup of tea every morning and only realised how dependant on it I was when I went without it for a few days. It's the same story with coffee drinkers - some of them are different people until they get their coffee in the morning!
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