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Amrit Kaur Khalsa

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Everything posted by Amrit Kaur Khalsa

  1. That counts as minor religious discrimination. Frankly we should be wary of ALL our friends, coz u neva know what they're lyk, but there is no need to blame it on ALL Muslims.
  2. That must make a big mess in your bathroom !!! Or am I only ganda bacha that still doesn't know how to do it without making a mess :s Lolz it neva makes a mess when I do it :D
  3. Website stealer - that's mine!!! Besides some ppl say the website is wrong just coz it says lohri celebrates the birth of girls as well And yeah we're not really meant to celebrate it
  4. We need someone to blame JK - I agree wiv LOTLS Eyes will go funny? Oops :s
  5. To be honest I think I probably would go. At our Gurdwara when someone from the sangat with a cut beard comes on stage to do kirtan I don't walk out, because it's kirtan. Often these members of the sangat are non- veggies, but that doesn't mean I walk out. I guess ppl see it as a different thing when it's an organisation, not just an individual. If the whole kirtan darbar was being done by a certain organisation that openly declare anti-gurmat stuff I may not go, but I wouldn't walk out. Just my views - sori if i sed anyfink wrong
  6. I'd laugh if Einstein had been blonde Ur hairist :s
  7. Is there a shabad that talks about lohri specifically?
  8. I showed this picture frm the poster to about 12 ppl who don't know much about sikhi - and they couldn't see anything wrong wiv it. So sikhs need to learn bout sikhi before tryin to fix up the rest of the world.
  9. I'm imagining what my grandma will say when I tell her this :s She won't know what to tell me
  10. I know lohri has been discussed many times but this is a bit different. I was asked by family members to research Lohri (Probably coz I kept saying it was pointless ) and I found this website. http://www.lohrifestival.org/ I scanned thru it and realised that Lohri celebrates the birth of GIRLS as well as boys. It also celebrates newly wed brides coming into the family, fertility of crops, harvest festival of Punjab, and to worship fire and the sun, as well as many others. It's also traditional that not meat should be served and no alcohol consumed. In Punjab, wheat is the main winter crop, which is sown in October and harvested in March or April. In January, the fields come up with the promise of a golden harvest, and farmers celebrate Lohri during this rest period before the cutting and gathering of crops. For Punjabis, this is more than just a festival, it is also an example of a way of life. The first Lohri celebrated by a new bride or a newborn represents a grand occasion and immediate family members are invited for feast and exchange of gifts. Once the party is over, Lohri is celebrated with traditional dancing and singing around the bonfire. Lohri pampers women and children. This is particularly a happy occasion for the couples who for the first time celebrated Lohri after their marriage and also first Lohri of a new born child either a girl or a boy in a family So my question is why do the people who celebrate it only celebrate the birth of baby boys and none of the other reasons, and how long have sikhs celebrated it? - (tho u shouldn't celebrate it anyway)
  12. Well , duh :s ! U have to let em win - unless they r sooo evil enough to keep sayin "Ur so much bigger than me and I beat u!" :D My little cousin said that to me, and i said i was letting him win - but he refused to believe me :D . He told me to prove it, but he wouldnt let me race him again so i couldn't prove it. Little people r soooo stubborn - and they think singhs wiv white beards are santa
  13. Well they aint gonna call u veerji, and unless u wanna be called baba ji tht's ur onli choice Kids are NOT brats. U need to know how to handle them. Ur supposed to bribe them - it always worked wiv us :D Besides, they're soooo cute when they're hyper :s
  14. Bapu Ji says he is moving to Punjab so will not be able to monitor readers posting.
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