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Everything posted by DalbirSingh

  1. When a muslim searches for dawah it will come up for them
  2. Anyway i'm setting this page up please join in, i'm ready to make more admins https://www.facebook.com/answeringsikhislamism
  3. Look at the daughters of the pagan al-lah god muhammad worshipped, mo worshipped their offsprings in haddiths aswell they were called al-lat al-uzza and manat Some great archeological work is decoding the gods muhammad and his fools destroyed after worshipping, it's a great slap across mo's dead face that his work to destroy is being uncovered.
  4. He has multiple profiles he blocked me off that one but it's his same tava bothi
  5. I've been banned on this lunnies fb page he also private messaged me insults about sikhi. This is the guy who runs the page here is his fb profile: https://www.facebook.com/abdurrahimabuadeebah Such as the following: " 11:24 Abu Adeeba Let's have a look at the Mina sect and the many fakes Gurus like Miharban who so successfully faked your so-called Holy Book. Easy mate " "Abu Adeeba Dunno, lets see how many wives Gobind Singh had? Oh he had at least two that we ran around with when being chased all over the show"
  6. I think you would be talking about this sunni posing as a fake sikh convert to islam http://www.islam-sikhism.info/hist/kartarpuri01.htm https://twitter.com/IslamSikhism http://www.youtube.com/user/IslamSikhism/videos https://www.facebook.com/Islam.Sikhism http://www.paltalk.com/people/users/Islam-Sikhism/index.wmt No matter what legitimate argument you give him, he doesn't listen or he deletes it. Similarly when christians make websites dealing with islam muslims steal the entire format of the website and give answers plus preach. It requires sewa to go through his arguments and destroy them.
  7. Just imagine if your kids looked like this https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1044190_187922924708499_520141080_n.jpg
  8. lol what a load of horse S. When pakistan becomes a peaceful tolerant country like a christian land say such as canada or america opening it's borders, allowing people to buy property, conduct business, practise their religious beliefs like they can in christian lands, actually seriously taking dhimmi kaffir police complaints and doing something about it then we will take you seriously. In pakistan muslas pick up rape, convert and force the girls to sign documents after torture that they did this on their free will and the police does nothing, not even after shes abducted. Some plain abduction cases get no insight just because they aren't followers of the desert pedophille who heard voices in his head. You clearly aren't being honest about the muslaism dawah training videos, courses, dawah training private material, it utilises psychological brainwashing and lies. As for all that claim game those come from the dawah series training. The trust stuff is what muslas use when grooming and raping.
  9. Does anyone have the stats for how often when these pedos reoffend after coming out of their 6 year sentence?
  10. I think even us non akj folk can vouch for randhir sahib and say sullah are idolaters
  11. Afghanistan asylum is tuff business because if they were to just let sikhs in like that, then tomorrow all sorts of muslims will fake being sikhs and enter, right now they are all in this ahmadiyya scam saying they are being oppressed by sunnis
  12. The only party that will behave somewhat better in race relations is just labour really but even still you will have your racists
  13. It seems the funds from gurdwaras are all paying badal and his peeps to live it up large, parties, cars, a/c the whole works.
  14. Yer it's Hajr e Aswad they kiss it bunch of idol worshipers
  15. Do you think al-lah is the same as the hindu shiva-rudra?
  16. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151824759814739&set=a.10150384979279739.402697.196542579738&type=1&theater
  17. Paiji thanks to the compliments, I don't mind if people disagree or question what I say, I think we should all question things it's healthy for the sikh intellects and for the growth of our kaums wise men. I will say look at this guy first and assess if the medical facilities are enough some of those sgpc hospitals don't seem to be working simply because punjab seems to be increasing in the number of patients with cancer, sarna made a hospital which was caught out under huge embezzlement charges, if his opposition party were able to rat him out just think what kinds of embezzlement could be going on with the others. Pigalwala has done great work I don't want to put them down, but they were an independent organisation the sgpc could have supported them more. Plus compared to the population of sikhs more of it is needed. As for the quality of the sgpc hospitals all I can say is if you were in india and weren't well I would advise you stay clear of the sgpc hospital pay your money and go private, government and sgpc hospitals aren't exactly experts in quality assurance.
  18. all these sullah should get life time in prisonment not 6years, life would teach people not to do this crime.
  19. Na it's half and half more girls is a lie made up by zakir naik to say polygamy is fine. Polygamy is encouraged simply because it increases the population rate of a given kaum. Women to men is 50:50
  20. It could provoke hindu mobs if you gave out idol worship statues caste ones probably ain't going to sink in but you might aswell sort them out. I think more then leaflets sikhs need to do medicinal help and offer medical aid, christians, hindus and muslims offer them in same shape or form to their own sikhs used to offer it in the gurus time but we don't anymore. People usually say that and then use that as the front for their own jatha in the end
  21. Sikh kosh is right about the british raj rare number of converts and panthic raj severe number of converts. Perhaps in british raj people romanticize the past and made maharaja ranjit singh's rule look so great compared to the flaws of the british administration such as putting sikhs in far worse off jails then british treating british and indian with apartheid rule. Or the british beating people with sticks, lashes, gunning down people with the old victorian systems in place. The british evolved past all of that but the panthics are following even more backwards things, now that people see the difference between the west and the panthic sarkars and how sikhs are treated in the west they are more resentful to sikhi and the panthic sarkar who we tend to say are sellouts anyway.
  22. Christianity is better then islam just compare the western christian countries to all islamic countries you will see why. I would never want to live in an islamic country but a christian country is great. Christians for a long time have been providing schooling, medicines and other facilities these converts will get a better life this way in punjab. If they are lucky they might be able to get a visa. And if they feel sikhi is the truth they will convert back after the schooling and free wine they get in church, christians aren't like the islamics they will let them convert back.
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