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Everything posted by KEERPA

  1. If the routine is the same then eat earlier than the person. Or know youll get something later. Seriously my whole family is babied and gets everything they want, me I have to fight for what I get and continue fighting for it or Ill lose what I fight for. My stepdad once told me you dont get babied like them and in the end youll gain more than them(my brothers and sisters are very dependent of my mom and stepdad) Instead of getting support I get a battle to fight, once the coast is clear youll see how easy and pleasant it is when all that garbage isnt around anymore. My brother lives 500 miles away and my mom is there for anything he needs while I live 10mins away from my mom and dont get jack. But in the end I know how to fend for myself while my brother is like a pet dawg that doesnt eat unless you remember to put food in the bowl. Strength comes with truth. Only a mentally strong person can tell truth and they also can filter thru peoples lies.
  2. I know I started getting carried away with it hahahahahahaha
  3. I used to be a carpenter for a living and I still slept the same. Some days all I would do is carry lumber from one spot to another. Carrying 12(fresh wet) 10foot 2x4's about 30-40 times an hour for 8 hours after work I would just sit on my buttt for 5 hours straight but didnt need special sleep hours. Sometimes my friends would call me lazy after work but I was allowing my body to re compensate for the crazy labor etc. The guy who always said I was weak or lazy tried to work with me and only lasted 1 1/2 days before he quit because it was too hard (he was big guy 6ft 4 and 250lbs and Im skinny 6'1 and 150lbs and triple timed him with lifting labor) So the "big strong guy" couldnt keep up, he sleeps 10-12 hours and I sleep 4 hours a night. If ya had a heavy labor job you would laugh at people that do un-needed weight lifting for free and very hard on the body, because if they built houses or something similar is for one productive and just as good training wise and you get paid for it :lol: (not talking trash but it is phunnie) Do some hard work and thats the same as training but I feel the sleep mode comes with the persons habit not needs etc...... Now I know how to push papi's buttons so Ill start calling him body-buildah
  4. All that stuff and those type of people are nothing new to me. I tell you what, once you do it once youll justify doing another time until daily youre doing it, and then justifying that its ok to be addicted to it. Look at bhangi Nihangs they are lost in a trance and they claim its ok and religious to be high all day as long as you do your banis etc....... Dont follow their examples, I feel sukhniddan is a gimick to get people that use bhang to justify it and eventually they dont even have any absis with Sikhi and just claim nihangs do it and its ok so they too can do it. sukhniddan is a way to not smoke it but be just as addicted to it that any old hippy. See how your gut feeling doesnt even like to talk about it, meaning its near to impossible to do it if you dont even like talking about it. Now your inner being is able to battle away the lust for drugs or fitting in, just keep adding more to your control portfolio and youll be better off then anyone else that falls victim to stupidity and foolish justifications. I used to be called many names because I would never even think of sleeping around as most of kids do these days. I would turn down nasty advances all the time, and I feel I benefited the most now rather than when I had to deal with people making fun of me etc..... Even then I was able to control my actions so people cant blame Amritdhari karma because I wasnt even a Sikh then so if people now are blaming elitism of Amritdhari I see it as bunk and thrown out in my view. The people who cant control themselves will then throw out the "you just think your better" card and in my opinion is just them saying bravo and they feel upset for not keeping the same discipline, a basic insecurity hidden underneath a bad comment.
  5. Panj doots are very powerful and it depends on how well your battle tactics are to say whether or not its stronger than gut feeling. In a normal circumstance I would say the panj doots can whoop any of our buttts, to a Gurmukh/Gursikh the panj doots bow to them (meaning Gurmukh/GurSikh is genderless) Panj doots always buttt in when you think you can put down your guard, so they are very cunning and relentless opponents. Not letting anyone know the banned words i posted makes it more fun to read :lol: With the bhnag spliff that was offered to you was easily pushed away because you knew the real you doesnt need that stuff, but when the real you becomes a slave to the <banned word filter activated> guy then you will seem to justify wearing a purple mohawk. If you had a "im kewl complex" then you would have done anything that your fake gut feeling says to. Good job not doing that because once you get into that lifestyle then all your Sikhi will go to waste.
  6. Do you get up at Amritvela???? If you get up at 4am then you will have gone to bed at 8pm?????? thats earlier than when I do Reharaas paat in the summer might as well eat dinner after paat. If you get up at 3am then youll have gone to bed at 7pm????????? Too much sleep in a month you will have slept 240 hours in a 30 day period. 4 hours of sleep is only 12o hours of sleep and that gives you more time to battle the panj doots and do simran and paat. What does a normal person do as a Sikh????????? :BL:
  7. Here you go: Indira Gandhi Stickers for you Shoes. Ideal for dirty shoes. HAHAHAHA OMG Ill buy a set when I get my first paycheck in a couple weeks(Ill start a new job on monday) HAHAHAAHAH NICE ONE :lol: That will be funny to see what people will do when they notice you have the wicked witch of the east on the bottom of your shoes. :cool: AWESOME HAHA Next you need to make toilet paper or urinal mints with her pic on it. (now Im getting carried away but OMG that is funny)
  8. Sometimes youll get all lies and more lies. It should not affect you because you know the world is prone to lying. If others lie then they get the bad vibe in return, how can you do good with a bad vibe???? No matter how hard they try they have to shed the bad before they can do good or get good vibes in return, so many youths today cant get Sikhi because they have too much bad vibe that to them seems normal and then they wonder why they dont understand Sikhi and eventually Sikhi becomes a waste of time because they made the barrier between them and Sikhi but have become blind to it. To tell you the truth Ive met with people from forums, and so far everyone is really kewl but doesnt mean Ill go meet up with anyone. Putting your age in your profile shouldnt matter but yeah putting the truth down does get your credibilty straight for example: if a kid is 15 and has very childish views they tend to hide their age because when they post nonsence they can pretend like they are older and not be looked at as young and uneducated with their views on SIkhi. Or you are older and you post Gurbani related issuses and people can know that youve gone past the childish stage of life and are more likely to know what you are talking about. The young will try to implement garbage manmat by claiming to be older. Ive even come across many people who are either hindu/muslim/christain and pretend to be a Sikh on the forum, after a few posts of questions you can tell if they have any education of Sikhi instead of a bias view against Sikhi, a Sikh of Guru Sahib would never fight against Gurmat or Sikh principles so once someone does regradless if they call themselves a Sikh sheds light into their real stance on if Guru Gobind Singh summened them in Darbar Sahib for their foolishness and claiming views against Guru Sahibs rehat etc. If people lie dont be suprized, Ive come across many many liars in person and on forums, most are just insecure about their faith in Sikhi. A liar is addicted to lying, when you lie enough times it becomes easy and youll actually not feel any guilt from lying, those that never lie will feel ashamed to even think to lie, so when/if they lie they feel they committed a huge sin. Those who can lie at everyother word have no shame and become distant from Sikhi no matter how many times they pretend to pray or fake matha teks to Guru Sahibs Saroop or no matter how many times they go to a Gurdwara. Real people have real intentions, a lie is a scam to doop the person they are lying to and isnt honest like Guru Gobind Singh is as not slashing any enemy that runs from the battle field or not drawing the battle plan as an offensive tactic but only a defence. When a person beomes a liar they shame their true self and actually become a rotting soul, they are like a ghost or a demon that has taken over the body their mother gave birth to, and its a shame and a very sad day once they are far from becoming real. If someone feels the need to lie then they cheat themselves and everyone else around them. Take the consequence for the truth because a Khalsa is to only live in the truth and our goal as a Sikh is to become a Khalsa whether you are poor, cripple, popular etc you should be a Khalsa not just a person that does bani and listens to kirtan, you have the chance just as much as anyone else to rise above the monotonous person that shows up on a Sunday and doesnt improve in any way. I could go on and on about this but Ill stop here........ two ways thru this: 1) you should control your hunger by waiting a few mions until stinky is out of the way (simple to do) 2) make your own food and ignore the person that is not clean physically and/or spiritually. You cant implement your views on being clean or religion in lots of cases. Now On a forum you arent going to get the same additude youll get if debating in person, because many views will arise when in person ie. a guy is racist and is a bigot wont listen to the person if they said "dont push that button or youll die" and the bigot with push it just to make the other guy angry(which results in good advice being ignored etc) or their are people who think "well Im prettier so Im able to implement my views and make them feel bad in a way by seeing if they will get upset by telling them they are ugly" etc...(it goes off the original subject and become personal feuds) Im older so even if you have a degree in any subject Im not going to listen(simple superiority complex) Basically people like to nitpick personal issues to get what they want. On the forum you can get a better view across even though a slight bit of the above tactics are still used, but personal opinions about people arent used as much (obviously if some stupid person tries to implement manmat garbage then they get put in a category of uneducated Sikhi and are not held credible with their opinion) I personally put my pic up because I am saying these things while others will never put their pic as an avtar because then they lose credibilty and cant lie behind a screen anymore (or there are those that put up a fake pic and try to lie about who they are for credibility causes) I encourage people to put up your real pic because then youll tend to stay within certain parameters of what you say, without it you can be as wreckless as you want, with it means youre able to deal with racists(like I have lots of times) or anyone esle that try to you cyber terrorism to implement bogus Sikh views and try scaring off someone with lots of influential advice to fellow Sangat etc. If you are having such a problem then be the bigger person and volunteer to adjust your schedule to allow the person with no morals or anything similar to go on their way in peace. Sometimes confrontation can be avoided by just putting down arragance and being humble, other times at the last resort then take them down because they abused the situation by taking advantage of your ways of detouring the problem. Im not saying only submit but know if its worth staying quiet or standing up at the proper time(s) Lots of human factors have circumstances that need an overview plan of how to deal with the situation, if you can do this when able to think about what to do then it is easier to stay level headed if being ambushed etc............... (practice how to deal with situations) Now that I look back on this post it seems like the science of forum posting :lol:
  9. hehe :lol: my wife always knows if I post its most likely an online book posted on the forum hahaha I normally type until I feel I got my point across. Im sorry but I just post like if I was talking, and even that is summed as less as possible haha When you spend enough time with yourself youll start to feel what is right or wrong. Most people spend lots of time learning others problems and mistakes , and end up a clone of the people they hangout with. Sometimes its good to be a loner and learn how to control yourself rather than hanging out with everyone else. I normally hang out with BabaJis or Granthis when Im not with my wife. SO knowing the vibe within them and then hangin out with normal people makes me able to see why I shouldnt go around with the normal crowd or people my age (generally) ie If you always spent time learning Sikhi then you go hangout with people that have problems hanging out with panj doots youll feel that its not a very good idea to be around them as they just try to shed their ways on you. Gut feeling is understood when you understand yourself. I know who I am and I know who Im not, so if something that isnt me comes within my mind I already know its not right so I can abandon it and I feel better back to normal etc. I almost think of myself as two people, one that I talk with and one that I think with and the guy that talks is an <banned word filter activated> but the guiy that thinks is the real person I am. WHen I allow the <banned word filter activated> to take over then I lose but when I let myself take over then the <banned word filter activated> tends to yeild to the thinker who inturn speaks for the <banned word filter activated> because he is too stupid to talk over the thinker etc... hahahah (I know some people think Im weird but they still end up wanting to hang out hahahahahaha) Know yourself, ask yourself simple questions........are you a person who tries to look "kewl" to everyone??? are you a person to screw someone over???? are you a person who wants to help others???? etc........... after you know your answers then the gut feeling can start to tell your "<banned word filter activated>" that they need to be quiet and not try to take over the real selfs role (the thinker) I hope this is long enough for Hardkaurwarriorz to start to read and then have fun picking out her sentences she reads from this hahahahah lol jk :lol: What is the gut feeling????? (it is the real you trying to talk)
  10. When people lie they suffer and once you know youll suffer for it then it makes it very difficult for you to lie. I once told my sister in law off for lying about lying. :lol:
  11. I only sleep 4 hours at night and if I can Ill take a nap during the day. I see it as if you sleep too much then you waste your life away sleeping. I know a guy who sleeps like 12 hours a night and he is a major lazy person. Seriously he is good for nothing. He is a drug addict and intoxication makes people sleep too much, they waste their life not sober and then if somewhat sober they are asleep, so they a rarely even in their right mind.
  12. ink is ink. In Guru Granth Sahib ink is a metaphor at times but there isnt some recipe for ink , or then there would be a pakorey recipe somewhere also :umm: Are you going to try to write a Saroop????????? Why not start with a gutka like maybe a Sundar Gutka?????????/ I dont think most people would even write a Saroop correctly as it takes a whole lot of spiritual understanding and satkar. Proper satkar is a must and if you dont know about the ink issue then I question whether it would be sacreligious to attempt to write a Saroop etc.???????? I wouldnt risk getting a blackened face and held accountable for beeaadbi etc..............
  13. other than good education etc I am person b in my family. I dont care if they or anyone is jealous or mad at me. All I can do is be myself and do my best. Gods will is what makes the world go round, so what can I do to stop someone from being upset????(zero) If the family is torn apart then understand the ungratefull person is what did it not the person just doing their thing. Im the major black sheep in my family and evryone is mad that Im a Sikh more than they are christian, and once they got into a debate about christianity and all I said was then actually be a christian besides claiming to be one (and this caused an uproar) was I going to admit that you can be christian by mrere words???(NO because thats not truth) but they think aslong as you do a then b means no matter what you go to "heaven" and from what I know that is simple to say but difficult to do. Well long story short my family now knows my view and they have theirs and I am not stubborn to have my view as they will say im stubborn. But sticking to the truth is the best way, if I lie and say its ok to be a christian 2 hours a week then I would be lying. person b should not care if others a mad, person b should just do their thing and not hide anything. If person a is that ungrateful then they mess up themselves and everything around them(as proven) If the family is falling apart then its not due to person b's success but because person a dwells on failure. Telling a loser they are ok being like that is lying. but keeping your words to yourself is not bending the truth but sometimes the truth hurts so sometimes holding it in is a better detourent to problems rather than machine gunnning truth out. Flaunting things and having things are different. Dont dwell on others jealousy or failures just Understand Guru Sahib and Gods hukam and let others do as God wills them to be and do, help them if they ask for it but if they want to dwell in falsehood and a bad additude then let them.
  14. I wish I was rich and could afford technology that could be used in space exploration or discovering cures for diseases lol jk :lol: I hope nobody installs an iphone at a Gurdwara because of its fast 3g speed for ang for ang (ok no more retarded comments haha) Papi Sahib wouldnt it be better to do paat from Guru Sahib Saroop?????????? (this time its a serious question :BL: )
  15. no its called truth, if you read alot then tell the truth say alot, if you dont read much then tell the truth and say not much (its very simple) hamaui is different then answering a question. Your not boasting that you read a lot of bani unless you start speaking in ego. pride doesnt mean answering with truth. Most people can understand basic concepts, they have very out of context opinions. Kaam doesnt just mean lusting in sexual desire it also means lusting for cars, power, money, fame etc and thats why Guru Sahib says not to care about what everyone else has or eventually youll start lusting for what the "jones's got' Anger is the most simple to understand and moh is the most difficult to separate from. Speaking the truth is fairly easy, now the outcome of speaking truth should not arouse any of the other vices or then your mind is very ill from paanj doots. Learn that lame things in life that lead you to not wanting to speak the truth are to be avoided. Dont get caught up in everything that is not worth anything. Speak the truth as this is the only way to understand the rest of Sikhi, lots pretend their Sikhi is advancing but without truth youre stuck in nuetral or going in reverse.
  16. When you are around atheist its not recommended that you speak about Sikhi because they will try to twist around things , but if they are genuinely asking questions then it is ok to answer but dont just go around talking about Sikhi. Speaking the truth shouldnt be a punishment. It is a blessing and a gift. If others want to use it against you then dont be around that type of sangat. Truth doesnt mean opinion, opinions can be false and mislead. Learn to talk less around people. Hiding the truth "saves" alot of people???????? :6 What makes you say that???????????? :umm:
  17. Bhai Harbans Singh Jagadhri Wale was the first Kirtan cd I ever bought. I grabbed a random cd and it was "Sach Khand Visay Nirankar" I look back now and see I was fortunate to hear soome kewl kirtan right off the batt :D Hearing that cd made my mind literally go into Sikhi mode (not joking)
  18. hahahahahah you havent caught nothing breadah. Your investigative skills are a good as your "Sikhi" (nonexistent) Ask the admin if Im ANYOTHER account other than keerpa. He knows who I am and that Im not ever two people pretending to have the same view. I stand by all my words even when confronted about it in person. I speak anything I would say in person to anyone. Im not afraid to voice my opinion. hahahahah VERY FUNNY how you have become paranoid and lose your senses while blaming that I am allegedly "only five" and "keerpa" hahahahahahahaha Do you have nightmares about it too hahahahahahahahah Is internet allowed in SIkhi?? hahahahahaha and I know why? hahahahahahaah LAME LAME LAME my friend I was expecting a lame post from you and well you basically hit the nail on the head with your mindless posts hahahahahahahahaah I cant believe how lame some people are and try their hardest to spew their manmat on forums. Its so funny that when posting and debunking others retardedness they come up with the lamest of lame excusses. hahahahahahahaha OMG hahahahahahahaha Im laughing because your paranoia hahahahahahahahaahahah I use the name Keerpa as my music production, why would I use two names??? juast to "fool" you hahahahahahahah CHAW like having two names is going to prove anything other than what Ive been saying the whole time hahahahahahahahahahahah OMG you are the lamest person Ive ever came across that posts on this forum hahahahahahahahahahaah :lol: Have fun trying to come up with a new excuse hahahahahahahahahaha
  19. At one point a Bibi was married off to a crippled husband because she told her dad that God provides for her so her dad out of spite married her off to a cripple. One day when she went to beg in the city due to her low position in life with her husband , she would put her husband in a basket and carry him on her head. She left him by a pond and went to go beg and came back and some guy was standing there and she was worried that this guy kept saying he was her husband. She and the guy both went to Guru Sahib to figure out this mystery, and low and behold it was her husband. He said he saw a black crow fly into the water and fly away as a white bird like a dove and he saw this miracle and decided to crawl out of the basket and into the water and it made him able to walk agains due to his extreme faith in God. After this Guru Ram Das planned the digging of the sarovar Sahib and people called it Ramdas Sarovar in the city of Ramdaspur and eventually it was called "the pool of Nectar" or Anmritsar. If you have faith in God and Guru then a mere dip can give you spiritual strength. During the tough times of the Khalsa when Harmandir Sahib was hijacked by moghuls and/or corruption, Khalsa Sahib Jis would sneak in the middle of the night dip in the water get on their horse and run off and hundreds were killed over time just to have this mere dip in the water and they risked their life just to get near the Sarovar. SO now in times of relative peace we should be thankful we can book a ticket to india and dip in the pool of Nectar without being slaughtered by moghuls because of the sacrafices of our fellow Veers they made us able to peacefully do isnaan at Harmandir Sahib. If they didnt do their daring feats of faith then even I myself wouldnt be able to be a Sikh. Harmandir Sahib was designed to be the flower in the middle of this pool of nectar, try seeing Harmandir Sahib with a spiritual vision rather than a physical sight and youll see the major signifigance. Now a daze people question everything with agnostic critisism and then wonder why their personal Sikhi is in shambles. Now a daze people have no faith in God, Guru and Sikhi and the state of their Sikhi reflects the very additude they possess. Learn to absorb Sikhi in other ways other than reading and listening and youll understand why True Sikhs will die for their faith while others dont even live to be Sikh. Dont think so shallow or youll think the ocean is only as deep as the waves.
  20. manmukh= one who thinks their own stupid minds thinking is correct and lives according to their way of thinking Gurmukh= one who follows the Gurus advice and doesnt have room for their own mindless thinking. We are using muslim vocabulary or similarities now?????? learn in Gurbani what Guru Sahib says is a manmukh and then youll stop acting like I made up the concept. :rolleyes:
  21. Youre lame hahahahahahahaha. SO where did you come up with that assumption??????the same place you learn Sikhi(in your feeble brain???) I thought we were the same "GUY"??? now we are separate as in plural????? :rolleyes: hahahaha Im only keerpa account breadah hahahahahahah Ask the Admin to scoup out your bunk investigation hahahahahahahahah Once the admin proves you as stupid then whats yer next garbage post gonna say ?? hahahahahahahahah LAME LAME LAME :lol:
  22. youngsikh supposedsikh hahaha you have the lamest argument. Gurbani is my advice I take and the advice I give, they arent my words but those words become a part of me. I can see you get upset that a Sikh says girls are only wearing inappropriate clothes because perverts rather have them with no dignity so they can please their needs for kaam. why dont you go wear a skirt so you can be even more happy question what keeps you inline and when you dont do it you end up like you, a faulty broken product of secular society. If Guru Gobind Singh said something only an <banned word filter activated> would question it. He made the order of the Khalsa because all the fakes will be weeded out, as they are useless fruit they are the bad apple that spoiled the bunch. When a Sikh thinks they know it all they tend to question things that are very simple and obvious. Learn Gurbani and know that if you dont follow it youll end up being a lost soul manukh and full of vices. A manmukhs validity is thrown out the window.
  23. LOL I'm done just having some fun with young Sikh now. :lol: me too..... he told me I cant post Gurbani :lol: :rolleyes: For him being a supposed Sikh I found that hilarious. :D We all know skirts are inappropriate for any female sikhs or atheist but idiots will justify why they like to eat dung and try to share it with everyone else, so I thought to post that one last post because he already fell apart from his argument. Gurbani is the basis of a Sikh and manmat is the moorukhs only defence which holds no ground because all manmukhs have many different evolving stances and they can never make up their mind.
  24. Get more people Sikhs on this site we dont want a bunch of people that claim to be Sikhs that argue against the basic fundamentals of Sikh principles or hindus/muslims/christians in the guise of a Sikh.
  25. As per the view of Amritdhari or not I know what I should do and dont really care if people dont want to Amritchauk. It doesnt affect me, it only affects them. If they can look at Guru Gobind Singh and say I dont need your Amrit then they are the one who has major issues with Guru Sahib themselves. I cant debate stupidity or foolsihness out of anyone, only God has the power to lead someone away or to the Sikh Marg. If they are happy being foolish then they waste hte precious human life pretending to be happy. If someone is Amritdhari and is happy then good for them it doesnt affect me and my relationship to Guru and God. Your thinking and life is personal and only you have "your" spiritual relationship with Guru and God, we as a village or as a nation dont live your life and your consciousness. Only you can make it happen, 700 years of reading Gurmat books cant even help you only if God wants to grant you the blessing of Spiritual understandning will it happen, the only thing we can do is daily beg for thios understanding and hope that it comes, a true person will still beg for this blessing even thought they have already been granted it and just dont know it because they are too humble to know God already gave them that grace. If someone seems full of ego or arragance to you them hope you dont look like that to anyone else because the tables turn all throughout life. We all think we are right until you are given the blessing of understandning yourself and only then do you realise all that you have dont was a mistake and you have been corrected personally by Guru and/or Gods grace. The egoist can change and the humble can fall into ego but seeing yourself as the culprit is the only way to actually realise what you point out in others within yourself. If "that guy" is stupid then make sure you never act in that manner, if that person is a liar then you should never lie also, if those people are bad in their ways then never do what they do. If others do something you dont like and later on you do it then you are a hypocrite. A hypocrite makes the most noise about others. A hypocrite takes the bad of others and shouts out how bad they are and then adds that action to their own actions. To be humble doesnt always mean to be quite, humble has its boundaries but that person can speak up when the time is proper. To be humble means to know when to talk and when not to but doesnt mean always stay silent. If a fool argues and the person knows they are ignorant then the humble one wont say anything, but when someone talks and can be corrected then the humble one will help adjust that persons understanding by leading them in the correct direction, but if the other person dont want to know the reality then the humble one will stay away from upsetting the person. If you eat meat and I dont doesnt mean I think Im better. If I dont eat from nonAmritdharis then it doesnt mean I think Im better. Thinking your better has many circumstances and cant be explain in a paragraph. Knowing how to act according to Gurmat is the way you should gear yourself towards. Guru Nanak ate from Bhai Lalo the poor carpenter and not from the corrupt king. He would rather ate from someone that was real than someone who is fake. Rich doesnt mean real, poor doesnt mean real, humble means real, a Sikh who accepts Hukamu should be humble and must be humble, if they accept hukamu then they must serve others, but those who dont follow hukamu and are humble are one in seven hundred trillion and very hard to find. Following hukam justy lets the person know if they arent humble at a given time then they must forfiet their arragance at once and become humble in their next breath but someone that doesnt follow hukamu have no such humbleness rule they must adhere to, and makes it difficult for people to know they agree to be humble at all times and agree to be reminded if they arent humble to be humble. An Amritdhari once being reminded they lack humbleness will thank the person for reminding them about what they agreed to do when in the room with Panj Pyare, Guru Granth Sahib and Amrit Bata, those that forfiet the meeting arent held accountable for not agreeing with the rehat. I think a "gut feeling" is one of the best ways to know or not whether to eat from someone and its hard to train your inner being to know how to control this to your advantage of maintaining spiritual understanding. If their is no feeling then its better to use your bibek through the mind but a "gut feeling" always over-rules the minds thinking to do what is right. The object is to allow the "gut feeling" to guide you through life because the intellect/mind always gets battle away from panj doots, and to have a true "gut feeling" you must understand the deepest meaning of things and learn through a special way of a true discrimination.
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