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.- Prabhjot Singh -.

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Status Updates posted by .- Prabhjot Singh -.

  1. pehnji ive got similar complaint against u :P where have u disappeared to!?

  2. Wjkk wjkf Phenjeo, you display pic is super cute!!!! :D Waheguru!

  3. Waheguru! :D Happy Birthday Moderator Jeo! :D

  4. wjkk wjkf, happy birthday phenji!!

  5. Wjkk Wjkf Veer Ji, havent seen you around for a while, kithe hunde ho?

  6. Wjkk Wjkf phen/veer jeo,

    Please do not thank me, i am just a tool, thats all. stay in chardi kala!

  7. Gufateh phen jeo :) how you doing?

  8. ice cream parlour? :P dont think its a good idea! aap hi khaande rehna, serve kon karoo? lol

  9. lo kar lo gall :P i thought u had taken up some part time work or something :P

  10. ki karde rehnde ho that keeps u so busy? :P

  11. wjkk wjkf veer jeo, how u doing?

  12. and heres one comment from me as well! :D wjkk wjkf pehnji! :)

  13. wjkk wjkf pehn jeo

    im good, Waheguru Ji di kirpa. Dont get much time to be online these days but i hope you are doing well, stay in chardi kala beeba jeo!

  14. Wjkk Wjkf pheneh jeo,

    been a while since we talked, hope you are doing well! :)

  15. Great great seva Jeo! Thank you!

  16. You stole my name! :P Hehe, Wjkk Wjkf phen Jeo, dropping in coz youve got the same name as me! :D

    Stay in chardi kala!

  17. Wjkk Wjkf Beeba jeo :)

    sorry for the late reply. Im in india these days, it isnt easy for me to come online and visit the forums often but anyways, how are you? :)

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