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Everything posted by geo

  1. im not saying i agree with it but some people think so. i personally think not so if garlic is kaam, does that mean it is not allowed anywhere? home cooking included? that would be religious extremism without doubt
  2. ok so what is the real reason for having no garlic in langar? is it allowed to be eaten at home? i have heard reasons about the bad smell of garlic but i do not agree with this point at all. ginger smells, chillies smell, onions smell, masala smells, haldi smells. to single out garlic is just stupid and weak thinking. i have also heard arguments about garlic as aphrodysiac, well if it is then so is ginger, chillie and corriander. anything with spices and warmth will naturally create a good feeling inside the body. curry has a strong smell that is a fact and it does not matter if you use garlic or not. so why not just use it? if it is not allowed in the gurdwara then why is it allowed at all? garlic is very good for health and it is very tasty.
  3. yes i understand your reply, it makes sense but this town has a permanent gurdwara. the reason for holding the langar in the community hall seems to be that one group does not get along with the other group. hopefully the two groups can resolve their problems and come together in future.
  4. would you agree that it is also wrong to have temporary gurdwaras once a week in halls that are used to parties on other days, like community halls?
  5. the town is irvine in ayrshire, scotland the community center is called woodlands community center irvine the hall is too small for an indian wedding party but im told it is used for events and functions where alcohol and meat are served when the hall is not being hired by the sikh association.
  6. as i am not from the area i dont really know the full story. i will try to find out some details. i am told there is only one local gurdwara in the same town which is quite recently opened, im not sure of their views on the matter. this is in ayrshire in scotland, the other gurdwaras are in glasgow and edinburgh. does anyone know more about this situation?
  7. hi all I visited a "gurdwara" recently and i wanted your opinions on the strange happenings there. i was visiting the area so i didnt know this beforehand. the "gurdwara" was a local community hall owned by the local council. this was hired (for the sunday only) out to the local sikh association who held a langar there. i was informed that this had been going on approx once a month for about 4 years now. there was no nishan sahib. the strange thing i also found out is that this town has a permanent gurdwara less than a mile away. i asked why the langar wasnt held there and the i was told that they dont get on with the people at the other gurwara. im not sure where guru ji is kept when the hall isnt being used as a gurdwara and no one seemed to be shocked that the community hall would be used for parties the night before. surely this shouldnt be allowed or is that the way things are going now? anyone else know of this setup elsewhere? thanks for your views
  8. should lottery funding be sought to build or extend gurdwaras? the reason i ask is because the lottery is funded by gambling which is not allowed in sikhi. is it immoral to use these grants to build gurdwaras? thanks
  9. i have heard that a persons destiny is written on their forehead, is this true according to sikhism or have i been told something incorrectly?
  10. thanks for your help, its appreciated.
  11. what do you mean please show some respect? in what way was my post disrespectful? i was simply asking some questions
  12. hi all, i have heard of (but not actually seen with my own eyes) a system in some gurdwaras that displays in english whatever the person is saying or singing like shabad or hymns, im sure some of you will have seen this system and my question is how does it work? is it preloaded with the translation in english and just plays this a bit similar to karaoke? or is it voice recognition technology with built in translator? i dont know anything about the system but i find it hard to believe that their can be voice recognition technology so sophisticated and available to the general public at a reasonable price. thanks for all you help.
  13. hi what do you guys think of sikh people making a living from running shops that sell alcohol, meat and tobacco? also restaurants serving the and pubs/clubs etc etc and yet these people will go to the gurdwara on sunday without any problems. im sure you are all aware that most sikhs running businesses are involved with one of the above trades so it is a huge issue in this day and age.
  14. what are your opinions on this? will it help build bridges? is it a good thing for britain or not? do you regard the pope as a holy man? thanks
  15. and what do you suggest we do if we find such practises going on?
  16. do you really want the people to be killed? would you kill them if you had the opportunity? if yes, what is your justification? thanks
  17. does your post apply to all muslims? are you saying that all muslims have no problem in killing the innocent and blowing themselves up? are you also saying that sikh people have never attacked or killed an innocent person? it is language like this which spreads hatred amongst people. all i am saying is that you consider your use of language? also i would like to ask: would you kill someone who burned your holy book? if not, what action would you take?
  18. Honestly, you could have spent your time in a better way (like breathing....or blinking....or both) than to read this wesite surely its good to read it to find out other peoples opinions and beliefs? we dont have to agree with them. for example im against racism but i like to read and hear what racists say, i find it interesting to "know your enemy" so to speak. are you afraid you might agree with what is being said? the best thing to do in any debate is to form your own argument to counteract the points made by the other side. you could make 50 points to rebutt their 50 points. i would really like to read both.
  19. I HATE! when people say that, if you eat it you eat it no point not eating it on certain days, just stupid i strongly agree! i hate the stupidity of not eating meat on a certain day! either eat it or dont eat it. it is painfull to see how many people will not use their brains. we have been so lucky to have amazing intelligence and yet some people follow these silly traditions.
  20. im looking for your opinion. it is based on your ideas and beliefs.
  21. we already have our gurdwara, dont need your permission Yes, of course its okay for them.But it should be made very clear that unless one has a physical ailment that is PREVENTING them from sitting on the floor, they should not sit on chairs. None of this "oh I have back problems so I avoid sitting on the floor" business. It must be stressed that there is a different between CAN'T and WON'T. Guru Sahib's maryada must be upheld, particularly at places which we tout to be Guru's House! how do you decide? should they bring a medical certificate or a birth certificate? very hard to administer this and i think could bring about inequality and bad feelings.
  22. just looking for your opinion and any facts that you can provide (please provide the source/research) there are an estimated 23 million "sikhs" worldwide. i assume that this is based on how many people would identify themselves as sikhs if asked. obviously not all of them keep the 5 k's given that there are strict and non strict definitions of what is a sikh - the question is this: how many sikhs do you think there are worldwide and what is your definition of sikh?
  23. it was only and opinion and a joke as well. i didnt mean to offend you brother
  24. if they choose to worship sggs like an idol or degrade sggs to the level of some fake illiterate baba..then i think you know what is done, right? does God appear in the form of donkey, or zebra or snakes? why only human form, whatever happened to equality! sigh ! God shouldn't differentiate between species, isn't that speciesim? and has God ,by chance, ever appeared as a Khusra? if they decide that sggs is their holy book let the do what they wish with it, whats it got to do with you? just make sure that you respesct your holy book and let god decie what to do with anyone that god feels has amde a mistake. dont kill anyone in the name of religion!
  25. just an opinion guys, but i dont like hairy girls. only on their head :D
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