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Everything posted by Jassika

  1. YOUTH DARBARS Simran & keertan NewWest Gurdwara (Sukh Saagar) Every Sunday Starting on the 14th @ 4 pm !!!! (spread the word)
  2. There's one at khalsa school this friday as well (march 5th)
  3. lol they make these jokes with "singh" because the turban is something indian that stands out and its easy to just add one on a cartoon. i dont think they consider it to be sikh though
  4. no they're making fun of how ignorant people are of their gods because he just notices the price. its true that hindus shouldnt worship seperate "gods" like that but thats still no reason to have them on slippers because hindus still gain positive energy from what they do
  5. no its not uploaded and they wouldnt let people see that anyway
  6. A sikh with UNCUT hair but doesn't do Nitnem.
  7. that was kewl but what was with that generator noise? they should change the sound
  8. lol well we gotta have some respect for other religions too
  9. yea i havnt seen any muslims' reaction to the site. maybe they cant think of any arguments. the only little comment i saw against it on another forum was "one that site has alot of propaganda. even though i'm not a fan of islam but jeez, in hygiene islam owns" and the sikhs wasted that really good explaining how you're actually healthier with hair. more muslims need to see this site
  10. well i dont think things like this are important enough for us sikhs to be boiled about. people that make fun of religions wont learn that they're wrong just because the religion fusses about it. they need to be shown another way. maybe someone can send them a message that just tells them some points about why guru nanak dev ji needs to be respected. that would be better but still not really worth it. there are so many worse sites than that (eg. porn, cheating tips and offensive jokes) and they wont change with complaints so maybe we should let them be.
  11. Well an animation won't be that much different because it's still putting a face for the guru. It could work though if its drawn pretty simple and they can show the guru with a glow around him. The way they made that Guru Gobind Singh movie without showing his face was done pretty well and that was effective.
  12. wow seems like they would do that to any pic they lay eyes on. theres like a tousand of them
  13. it will be at khalsa school
  14. well comparing it isnt bad because thats the only way it can open the eyes of other religions. they dont even have logical arguments against the sikh explanations. a lot of people seem to really respect sikhism once they find out about it but they're too lazy to convert and unready for a change. comparing is pretty powerful though if u look at how many people were inspired by www.whyichosesikhism.com
  15. here's a link that explains why muslims have such wrongful thinking towards women. theres also some information about their prophet muhammad molesting a 6 year old http://www.hraic.org/rape_and_islam.html
  16. there are a couple things i find odd related to this movie mel gibson honestly believes that god told him to direct this movie the actor playing jesus christ has the same initials as him J. C. and he also just turned 33 when making the movie which was the age jesus died :T:
  17. i dont think anything's really wrong with it but a lot of times the people that wear those chains represent it as a punjabi culture thing that doesnt mean anything sikhism. they act like gangsters and change the meaning of the symbol..
  18. Is anyone planning to see this? I hear it is really touching to audiences and makes them cry. hehe Anyone think it can be powerful enough to make us sikh shers break into tears? ps. rochak i stole this topic from ur msn name i thought it would have been posted
  19. well a lot of those guys that wear khanda chains also wear earrings. i think that's just as wrong as these earrings. piercings are stupid and dont even look good at all. one of my aunts wore a koka one time and her nephew pulled it so hard that it ripped the skin open. yuck oh here's a pic of khanda jewelery http://www.lifeknives.com/Colorsheet.htm
  20. I Dont get it ... im kinda slow ... am i being made fun of :T: lol yes ur being made fun of
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