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Everything posted by All-Info

  1. Fateh Iv read the bible twice, and its hard!!! trust!! i read it over time and it was so dificult to read!!! (i was 15 and never did concentrate... but point still holds!! lol) Just take your time to read it, play some simran or something in the background to keep you awake, but do read, there are some intresting stories!!!
  2. singhs worse then me! lol, i did it, jst dint hand it in till the last day coz was busy with businss at the time!! keep your education in order bro! dont fall behind!!! make sure you concentrate, take advice from me and the rest of my boys, they tell you straight, everyone one of us messd up at school, make sure you guys sort it out!!!
  3. why she keep you behind till 5? doesnt school finish at 3.30 and normal detention 30min?? Forgive me if im rong, but school musta changed in tha last 3yrs!!!!
  4. This is a good question!!!!! I was told by a wise Baba tha amrit vela started at midnite through till miday, ie, 12am to 12pm but one shud do his Bani before sunrise anyway!
  5. CONGRATS TO ALL THOSE WHO TOOK AMRIT TODAY!!! IT WAS A HEAVY AMRIT SANCHAR WITH SUCH AMAZING KIRTAN NEXT DOOR!!! Welcome to the Panth Guys! Tho i said my congrats to you already! no harm in saying again!!! Waheguru! Waheguru! Waheguru!!
  6. Time change people!! Its actually 7am i been told!!!! so try make it for then!
  7. i take it you from the states?
  8. Gurfateh Apologies again if i rong a long post! i dont mean to! This is something which i am probably most experienced!! I have done abotu every martial art there has been in my local city, and there has been ALOT!! I have done Vidiya, i can say this is prehaps the most useful i have done because it teaches you first, self defence techniques, then move onto shastar. When did kung fu and karate for instance, i was taught to defend against one person and stand at angles to them, when i trained in vidiya i was taught the aim is to get behind the person to hold an upper advantage or to the side of them, keep them close restricting their movements etc. I have done gatkha also, and i admit its good, kept me fit and on my toes, built my reaction speed up beautifully but never learned close quarter techniques which realistically, in this day and age, we have to take as the priority when passing people in the street. not likely people gona be attacking you with 3ft shastars and staffs (no offence intended, jst stating reality). Mite get a bat or something but realistically u need to look out for knifes and fists. Ok, now the real analysis. Dont learn one martial are, learn a mix. Reasons are simple. like i said, i have done so many differnt arts i can prbably write a book on em!! but none of them suited me. kung fu was probably the best as it resembled so much of shastar vidiya (the higher stages of kung fu, the lower were jst basic, block punch crap). neway!! You need to be trained to be thiyaar bithyaar yeh? Kick boxing / thai boxing - best for standing up fighting, relies on kicks and punching from distance Karate - to many fixed positions - even Bruce Lee recorded this Boxing - great to learn how to punch, but what you gna do if you lose an arm? (ie person knows something also and is able to break it or hurt it?, you may have something in your arm so its out of the fight) Wrestling / grappling - (not the wwf crap) as in close quarter defense. 90% of fights will end up on the floor, so you definatly need to know this stuff!! We all "Think" we do, but seriously, when i went to my first grappling session a few weeks ago, iv learned i didnt have a clue. in our city we have set up a new class, more street fighting based lessons, ie, mixed array of arts. We learn to kick from thai boxers with knees and use elbows. Punch from a boxer as they follow through, in kung fu u snap the punch, boxing will teach you to land a bomb on the opponent and finish him - u only want a fight to last a minute if that! Geof Thompsons book, "watch my back" is prob the best for this - im lucky enuf to have him live acros road from me so i can ask him questions like that. try and read the book tho! full of great stuf! learn to grapple, even if you look like your in a vunrable position, you can be the more dominant, only if you kow what your doing! martial arts in this country have become like a fashion and money making scheme. you go in, 2yrs down the line ur a blackbelt. dnt mean u can defend urself. jst means u got alot of money for gradings and got memory to show what you know in procedure fighting!! When you hit the street u dnt get the same rules. Martial arts now days dont accomodate for essential stuf like the abov so if you can, get signed up to a few differnt associations and learn a mix. it will be hard, but will benifit you the most to do so!!! i will continue to read the listing later, jst bout to get shouted at by the boss for spending to much time on here AGAIN!!! lol Apologies for any offenses i have made to anyone, every martial are is good, but then its only as good as the person who utilises it properly. Some martial arts are in place to make money, theres no need for stuff like belts, doesnt proove anything!!! jst you have money on your hands!! WJKK WJKF
  9. no reply, jst to keep this at the top levels!!!! so sangat knows!
  10. I think paji may have meant his kesh isnt long enuf to support the khanga properly? I too have this problem!!!! My kesh is yest still very short and cnt tie gooti yet ( What i do is tye as much of ma hair up as i can, then put kangha in, tye a ramal or patkha whichever i grab of my desk first!! then put my keski on when i sleep, the joke is, all still come off! but i have managed to adapt in such a way that even if keskhi comes of my head is still sleepin on it and the khanga is still in there too! If its short hair problem you have, then my only advice (from experience) is keep 2 khanga's on you, that way if one comes out, the other is there and tye a tight keski (not too tight mind!) and try balance it on your head all night!! practice makes it perfect. jst my babbling, hope it helps!
  11. are you sayin the "one which we all like to mention" is not a real nihang? 95533[/snapback] u can make ur own judgements
  12. PS please forgive for mistakes and offences!
  13. there are very few Nihangs left with us now, im talking proper nihangs. One thing to remember, we have this perception of nihangs now, mainly coz of one which you all like to mention. BUT is this a nihang? seriously? The nihangs i have met, and heard of, they do simran and bani 24/7. they recite Gurbani all day, they have Saloks for so many different things. i can not comment as i do not full evidence and website backups etc but is it right to bad word another Gursikh? as in Gursikh, not one who adapts rehat to suit them? some things to think about bro, know ur Gurbani inside out, a must we shud all be working for. Keep 5 proper shastar on you at all times also, and also, train up in shastar vidiya. makesure your proper trained up, close combat, distant, alert of surroundings, floor work, know your shastar, how to use them, the science behind them. Without this knowledge, cnt be much of nihang singh. i can see this forum going into a militant attack on nihang singhs coz of western ones, not those in india which you only find very few off. Buddha Dal Gutkha, erm.. India, rare to get hold of i heard, but in india you can get them.
  14. Just a question as i dont know anything.. Can someone PLEASE explain to me the differences in Sikhi, ie Nihang, Taksal and AKJ Please and how we come to define certain people by this???? I took amrit from akj but do not consider myself to be akj. I consider myself to be Gurus Sikh, nothing more and nothing less. So can someplease define why we have them??? coz alot of the time, we get questioned are you this? are you that? Perfect example. We went to a Gurdwara the other day, in Bana, and someone says to my paji after careful consideration, "are you nihang?" This is beacuse we were wearing blue bana and blue dharmala and had shastar in kamarkasa with the kara etc. This wasnt in our city as everyone in ours is either akj anyway but still wear nihang style bana (except bit longer then the knee..) the reason for the question is coz wen i was at school, back in the day, we used to say, are you jatt? are you darkhan etc which signifies punjabi culture of caste system. The way i see it now, from the above case, all we have done is taken these paths of sikhi and used them as barriers to divide sikhi more so and create a religious caste system!! Apologies if i have offended anyone! i can only ask for forgivness as people who know me will agree when i say, i dont follow any jatha banday, only Maharaj. What he says i do. i prefer to listen to kirtan of akj as i love the simran and do my bani from taskal but then train from the nihangs. if that is rong, again i apologise, im just trying to learn the route to Guru ji the only way i know how. learn as much as i can.... WJKK WJKF
  15. do we not follow the rehat the Panj Piyaara gave us??
  16. What u having? 94268[/snapback] NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!
  17. Fateh Dont get your question, akaal is different to akaal? (you have put the same word in twice hence dont get it?)
  18. Beautiful story phenj. Do i have ya persmission to put on the site since u did promise me this article such a long time ago!!!!
  19. sorry its late, i have only just got home (left the house at 3.30 this mornin for amrit vela...) CONGRATS PHENJI!!! remind me again, whats the sweetest thing you will ever taste in this world???? heeheehee im now going to bed 100% chardi kala to know today, more Gursikhs have been born and i have more bros and sisters out there WJKK WJKF
  20. WJKK WJKF Basically there is a show on 2moro from 10am-11am on physical appearances and stuff in general. They are gona talk about Sikhs, Muslims and if they can get a Hindu into the studio they will but main regards is to Sikhs and Muslims as we stand out in the crowd ( We have dastar, they have hijab). They will also be talking about Sikhi, bit of a background to Vasakhi in genral as some listners maynot be that clued up. Amrit Sanchar and what it means to keep Rehat and Guru Ji's Roop. Its open discussion so welcome to phone in on air and speak.. Any specifics people want mentioned on the show? One of the guys is going in as a guest.. Some questions are why do we keep our Kesh, How does wearing a Dastar impact on your daily life (ie do you think people look at you differently? and treat you like you are not the same as them only because you look differently??) Was initially an interview but as its Vasakhi, Deol has posted she prefers a discussion. Please post your comments and anything you think should be mentioned!!!!!! Please also listen if you can, its Vasakhi so non of you should b at school or work!! We get given a day off of easter and xmas, non Sikh Festivals, the least we can do is phone in sick for one day for Sikhi Celebrations!!! (or take a day off those of you who dont mind using holidays!!) WJKK WJKF
  21. if u find a site let me know!!! doubt you get a site tho, coz they better custom made aint they? ie they fit better???? and the taylor cuts to your specifics..
  22. The Bana from what i have seen is the same in effect, most people jst have bits on em like the things on the shoulders and pockets. Mine doesnt have either but is the longer one (made by nihangs in india i been told - was given to me) If you talkin more battlefield bana then u need to make sure you have long keshara on!! coz that bana is not very long at all!! comes above the knee as opposed to under it. Im sure you all know the site for a picture.. Go with dark blue tho, looks the best!!
  23. Shuda jst smacked him when he left work then say, "If you have a LONG beard, it cushions the blow!"
  24. Though missed most of the thursday show! Was still good!!!! Todays (Fridays) should be heavy!!! Makesure you all tune in!
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