Only truth can eradicate the darkness of ignorance(black magic/ Kal)
White magic can work slightly but is not lasting, Truth is the highest power ever known- it rises above all siddhis/ white magic.
Naam is Truth- it is the frequency of Truth which is a balanced gyan(God) that applies across a niversal spectrum. When in Truth nothing can harm a person. Living in this frequency allows one to live in(while accepting) gods hukam while remaining detached from the nashas of the highs and lows(good times and bad)- Which is why the brahmgyanis live in Chardi Kala, knowing all is perfect all the time (even while being martyred and tortured) becuase they live in recognition of this state(this state allows one to live like the lotus flower floating above the water hence nothing can harm anyone.)
Black magic, living in kalyug is all our karma, in this age, <banned word filter activated> is everywhere and only naam can ferry one across. Every single thing that happens to us is our karma, the result of our past deeds, good and bad. If your family is suffering from the effcets of black magic, ghosts or anything else, they deserve it- all is His hukam. God's telling you to start living and applying gurbani properly- Dukh is the remedy and sukh is the poison.
Dukh and sukh are fed in equal amounts- it is the law of the universe. Only when one truly lives in in naam/ Truth (True bhagti) does one become exempt from this cycle as living in the balance can only mean there are no highs and lows to be balanced anymore. In this state one begins to discover gyan from within and are able to write such passages as the bhagats in Guru Granth Sahib did- as the discoveries in guru granth sahib Ji become their own, experienced physically, not just read.
Being blessed or healed will not save a person as Maya/Kal will keep attacking one until one embarks on the bhagti path and lives in Truth- The entire world is being plundered as gurbani says and most of us dont even know it.