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Everything posted by Sherdil

  1. Wow...what a mature young man. Truly inspiring. This warms my heart so much!
  2. Where do you get your statistics from? I think you are over exaggerating. Why do you turn every topic into a discussion about cutting hair?
  3. He is Akali Dal. Check out the pics of him protesting. LOL! Dude lives for this stuff. What a clown! Hahaha! Also, notice how in the pics the police are treating him so gently. Why wasn't his dastaar removed? I thought that was standard practice by the bigot Indian police? He's definitely a paid stooge.
  4. People in India are so dumb. What is the U.S. govt. supposed to do about it? You want them to frisk everyone walking down the street? Kudos to the dimwits putting their swords through the American flag and holding up anti-US signs. That is exactly what we need. Please, let's show the world more images of crazed turban people waving swords and lighting things on fire. Puppet Manmohan Singh shouldn't talk. His party attacked scores of gurdwaras across the country in '84, and the leaders of those attacks are now top govt. officials. They are still uncovering mass graves like the one at Hondh-Chillar.
  5. I was watching an interview of the guy who was crouching down and praying in the pictures. He had headphones on. He was saying that his mother kept telling him on the phone, that "They are still out there". Other eyewitnesses also said that there were 4 shooters. Too many shootings recently, with anti-gun laws trying to get passed. The guy was also psychological warfare soldier. Don't you have to be mentally stable to be one of those? How did this nut job slip through the army's screening process? Unless he was brainwashed after he joined. It is psy-ops after all. If anybody could brainwash anyone, it would be those people.
  6. Isn't sky news a British channel? Was the guy British? It's a lot tougher for Sikhs in the states than it is in UK.
  7. Everybody wants to know about Sikhism now. My professor is gonna organize a multicultural day at my college. He wants the Sikh students to wear dastaars.
  8. Isn't Akal Security run by the 3HO people? Maybe gurdwaras can contact them for their services. It's probably better to deal with people who know how a gurdwara is run. http://www.akalsecurity.com/
  9. No, I read somewhere that he is a white guy. They described him as a stocky guy, with a shaved head, and he was wearing a sleeveless shirt. Probably a skinhead. I forget where I read it. I'm so sick and tired of people mixing us up with Muslims. I mean, how come gurdwaras are always targeted? Even when the sign in front clearly says "SIKH TEMPLE". Don't they know how to read? Honestly, I've never heard of anyone attacking a mosque. It's always a gurdwara. It doesn't make sense. PS: I'm not saying attacking a mosque is okay.
  10. I agree with RebelSingh ji. I think parchaar needs to be done in English. Maybe have programs on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday will be in English and Sunday can be in Punjabi. Sikhi needs to be explained in a way that these kids can apply to their lives. Show them that Sikhi has the answer to their problems and they can benefit as a person if they apply Sikhi. Don't criticize them. When I had cut hair, the last thing I wanted was some bloke running after me telling me that I should be ashamed of myself, blah, blah, blah. Many Sikhs stop coming to gurdwara for this reason. They don't want to have to suffer the holier-than-thou naggers. Instead, be a good example and you will see that people will try and emulate you. Yogi Bhajan had a katha where he told his students to "Be the Lighthouse" that the ships look towards during the storm. It's about time that we have granthis who are born and raised in the UK, US and Canada. I feel these people will best be able to relate to today's youth. I recommend that these people be young gursikh professionals, and that we should allow them to run the Saturday English program. They should be role models that the kids will want to emulate. My two cents.
  11. Things that affect the development of the baby in the womb are called teratogens. They could be drugs / medications or genetic occurrences. They could even be viral infections or pre-existing conditions of the mother (like diabetes). Malnutrition of the mother can play a part. The baby could also get wrapped up in its own umbilical cord and have problems because of that. It could be a failure on the doctor's part because he/she is supposed to monitor these things. Babies that are born disabled have a medical reason why they are born that way. It has nothing to do with their karma. People do develop disabilities later in life as well, but I don't think it's because they deserved it for their karam. That usually has a medical reason behind it as well. Maybe God sends these people to show us what real strength and courage is. Maybe it's to make us appreciate the things we take for granted and to stop us from complaining about our comparatively insignificant problems. God bless.
  12. 18 pages and we still can't even agree on what sachkhand is, let alone who or what is living there. This discussion just keeps going on and on and on..... Nobody can be proven right or wrong, because none of us have actually been to sachkhand, or are in a sachkhand state.
  13. About 2 years ago, I had a conversation with a businessman from Punjab. He's an Amarinder supporter, and he was telling me that they are working towards getting Jatts OBC status. This way, they will get special treatment from the government. So, Jatts were actually pushing for this. They don't really care about the "backwards" tag that comes along with it. I wouldn't be surprised if other groups now follow suit. KAPOW! DISHOO DISHOO!
  14. I agree with UKLondonSikh ji. Every saakhi you hear isn't real. Honestly, I've never heard of the saakhi that Rebel bhaji has mentioned. Yes Guru Sahiban were very enlightened people, but let's not get carried away. God isn't fair. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. All the people who died in the Japan tsunami weren't moorakhs.
  15. Reasons for disabled children could be a lot of things. The mother did drugs or alcohol, she was taking a medication she shouldn't have been taking, she smokes, she is malnourished, her gynecologist messed up, the mother is of older age (mid 30's or older), there was a random complication in the development of the child in the womb. So it's really no fault of the baby itself. It's environmental things that could affect it's proper development. Usually the mother's or the doctor's fault.
  16. Nah. That's Brahminism, not Sikhism. Brahmans used to tell lower caste people that they deserved their lowly status because they had committed sins in their past life.
  17. Alright HDSH ji, this is my last comment. People aren't outside enough to make the vitamin D we need. Especially darker skinned people like us who are living in Europe or North America, where sunlight is not as abundant as it is back on the subcontinent. Milk has calcium and vitamin D. Calcium prevents osteoporosis and vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium into the body. There isn't a more efficient food source to obtain your vitamin D and calcium needs than milk. I don't know what research you are citing, but a lot of things can contribute to osteoporosis like menopause, high caffiene intake, hyperparathyroidism, arthritis, corticosteroid medications and smoking. I wonder if all these things were taken into consideration in the study you are referencing. Vegans are the most likely people to suffer from protein deficiency. Every person that eats meat isn't dying of disease. Carl Lewis is a dime a dozen, but how many supplements was he taking again? How many meat eating athletes are there compared to vegan athletes? You could have lost the weight and lowered your BP by cutting down on salt, fat, sugar, and exercising. You didn't have to become vegan. The South Asian diet is mostly plant based, yet we are still plagued by diabetes, high BP, and heart disease. Canines are for ripping flesh. Incisors are for biting into hard fruits. We all know that the best way to get your steak is to chase it down and bite into it while it is still alive right? LOL! I will stick to real food. You enjoy your artificially fortified cereals and vitamins (yummy!). You do you, and I will do me. We can all be a happy family. The End
  18. If you wanna be vegetarian for religious reasons, then more power to you. However, let's not perpetuate the myth that vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters. Vegetarians (vegans especially) have their own health complications because they don't get enough vitamins in their diet. They have to turn to artificial means to attain the same nutrients that meat eaters get naturally. Some of my Hindu friends are vegetarians and they get sick a lot more than the meat eaters I know. No meat? Then you better get your Vitamin B12 elsewhere otherwise you will have trouble with mental cognition and depression. You don't want to drink milk? Then you better be taking vitamin D supplements otherwise you will develop osteomalacia. Yes that is a gruesome video of the butcher house, but what about putting your sword through someone on the battlefield? Killing animals is wrong, but killing people is ok? Waheguru never meant for us to eat meat? Then why do we have canines? Any dentist will tell you that canine teeth are meant for ripping through flesh. If you don't want to eat meat, then good for you. Rabb rakha. But don't act like you are better or healthier than people who do eat meat.
  19. If you cut your hair, it will grow back because it is supposed to be long. It's part of the bana of a human being. Just like stripes are part of a Zebra's bana, or tusks are part of a elephant's bana. God won't be mad at you if you cut it, nor will he be happy if you grow it out. We keep it long because we prefer His roop over the latest "fashion trends".
  20. How come people don't just drop their surname and go by Singh or Kaur? If a group is being discriminated against, then why do they still associate themselves with that name? Even if people intermarry, the surnames will continue. Then people will still say that they are descended from Jatts, Rajputs, Kambojas, etc.
  21. One thing that baffles me about human psychology, is the need to actively search for "miracles" or supernatural ocurrences to validate your belief in a higher power. It also surprises me how easily people are duped by these pakhandi holy men. It's almost as if they know they are being fooled, but they allow it to happen. They collectively buy into the lie and hold onto it like a teddy bear that will protect them from the monsters they think are hiding in the dark. Earth is a spec of dust in the Universe. As far as we know, this spec of dust is the only place in the known Universe where life is thriving. I don't think there is any greater miracle than this.
  22. Those fools marching in the Indian parades are a bunch of uncle toms. Thankfully, they are in the minority. You're right about the Rajoana case. A lot of people in Punjab came out to show their support for Rajoana. India keeps saying that the separatist movement only lives in UK, USA and Canada, but all those people protesting were Indians. It shows you that Indian Sikhs feel the same way we do, but they don't say anything unless their backs are against the wall.
  23. I think the fellow in the above video has highlighted the main reason why other groups are mad at Jatts. It's because Jatts have, in a way, hijacked the politics of Punjab. I don't think it was an intentional hijacking. It just worked out that way because, as land owners, the Jatts wielded the most influence. I disagree with him when he says Punjab would be worse-off if it was independent from India. I would argue that India has designated Punjab to be the agricultural center of the country. If you make agriculture the focal point of Punjab's economy, then naturally Jatts will be the ones to benefit. If Punjab was independent, it wouldn't have to worry about feeding the whole subcontinent, therefore it could focus more on industry. This would lessen the influence Jatts have on the state. As long as Jatts control Akal Takht, I think this problem will continue. Sadly, with the emergence of a Badal Dynasty, I think it could be a while before we see non-Jatts involved in the decision-making process of Punjab.
  24. Lol. No offense to the OP, but why would anybody want that as ther license plate?
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