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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. The point that I am trying to make here is that these kind of girls are notoriously fickle. What they say and what they do are two different things. They will say they don't want a keshdari man and then proceed to go out with a pony tailed/man bun big beard hipster guy. Follow their actions not their words.
  2. I can see the trends in the UK because I am from the UK. There are a lot of people going from mona to Keshdari than the other way around. One must be practical about these things, you are not going to get perfection on these matters. There are certain nuances that you must understand about us UK Sikhs. Preet Gill's father I think was highly likely to become Amritdhari later in life, I could almost guarantee that Preet's father was not Amritdhari when she was growing up. You will notice when a lot of the current UK bizurgs were mona in the 60's and 70's and then grew back the kesh afterwards. There is a difference in the region of the UK where a Sikh resides. There are 2 areas where Sikhs reside: London and the South East Birmingham and the Midlands. Preet is from the latter. She is a Midlands Sikh. In the UK, the Midlands Sikh is far more in touch with their roots and traditions than the London Sikhs (I am generalising here ). So you get the perception that because she cuts her hair that somehow she is lax in some matters. Don't let appearances deceive you. Some of the most ardent pro Sikh Sikhs are found in the Midlands. A mona from Birmingham will have your back more than an Amridhari from London. That is the irony. Numbers do matter but in what context? As a voting bloc yes but it is how you use those numbers. Most of the heavy lifting for our quam is going to be done by a minority, the majority is there for the ride.
  3. Here are some tips for my shy brothers, this should help you become more attractive: 1.) If there are girls who prefer clean shaven men, there is not a lot you can do about that. There are 7 billion people on earth, at least half are women, why limit yourself to several thousand girls of Sikh/Punjabi background who show no appreciation. 2.)start working out, lift weights, train and get in shape. If you ever look at pictures of Sikhs of old, they were always well built. You can't do a lot for height if you are shorter but make the best for what you got. 3.)Take up a martial art, this makes you a more interesting person. It also makes you more confident. 4.)Dress better. If you work out, clothes fit better when you are in shape. 5.) Improve your posture, shoulders back, back straight. Again look at pictures of Sikhs during the gurus times, you will notice that they always have good posture. The perception of people when they see you like this shows you are a competent confident person. 6.)Talk to women,they are not an alien species. Don't limit yourself to our own Punjabi /Sikh women. Black women, white women, Chinese women, older women, younger women, middle-aged women. Talking to them like they are people not as sex objects. If you are at work, just say hello (you don't need to make conversation with them if it is too much for you.) Think how many people the average Parcharak talk to. Learn from them. When you are seen as a man talking to a woman, other women (even the Kesh detesting women from the clean shaven families) look at you differently. Social proof is big thing for women. When a woman finds you attractive, her friends and other women will find you attractive.
  4. Many Amritdhari men lack confidence attracting Sikh women for marriage. They blame it on Sikh women preferring clean shaven men. There may be an element of truth in that but maybe it has to do with other factors. For example our late brother Jagraj Singh of Basics of Sikhi was a very confident man and he had no problems attracting a beautiful Russian Amritdhari woman. His colleague Jagmeet Singh married a French Amritdhari woman. Both Amritdhari men. I think some of our brothers need to look inside themselves. We are coming off wimpy and needy. That does not attract women.
  5. Californiasardar If it was a white guy with a hipster beard, and one of those manbuns, I can guarantee that the Sikh girls from clean-shaven families would be OK with that. The problem is not really kesh and dastaar with some of our Sikh women, it is the perception of what they think it represents. I know of Amritdhari and Keshdari men that have had no problem marrying Sikh girls from clean shaven families. But these Amritdhari and Keshdari (not trimmed beard but proper beard) have had no problems attracting women.
  6. https://talksport.com/boxing/warrior-sikhs-welcome-england-boxings-decision-overturn-beard-ban-180316275760?amp&__twitter_impression=true
  7. If Donald Trump (I know it's a crazy example) had sympathies with Sikhs and went to India, do you think Modi would have snubbed him? Yes I agree with you in part. Canada has a very strong Sikh lobby and Sikh cabinet members. The Sikh diaspora in Canada by and large is very keen for our people's human rights and our self-determination (even more than us in the UK in my view). The Indian state is very threatened by this. Trudeau has not said openly that he supports a Sikh homeland in Punjab(not that I know of anyway), like you said it's a perception. But the undercurrent for India is that by having so many Canadian Sikhs in positions of power, they are in a position to assert their influence. However, look at China, they hold a part of Kashmir (Aksai Chin) which India deems is theirs. They are chums with Pakistan building naval bases in Gwadar in their string of pearls and Chinese incursions in the North East and Arunchal Pradesh I think. If anything they are a bigger threat but Modi would be on his knees grovelling if the Chinese premier visited.
  8. Just checked on the Telford Census, the Pakistani population is only over 2000 making just 1.35 percent of the population. How can such a population so tiny cause so much grooming. If it was like 10 percent, you could make a case. Either they are punching well above their weight or they are coming in from other towns and cities to do the grooming. Birmingham is only 30 miles from Telford. Astonishing.
  9. I am not a Midlander so I do not know much about Telford. However, going on Wikipedia the town is over 90 percent and about 3.8 percent Asian. It's a new town spillover from Birmingham. That 3.8 percent Asian I imagine that the majority of that is Pakistani Muslim. However, it is such a small minority compared to Luton, Bradford etc. How in the heck did they manage to groom so many girls where their numbers are so comparatively small? I am sure the mini-cabbing fraternity is involved somehow. Does anybody know more about Telford?
  10. It is more like the mainstream media on the left wing of the political spectrum that is more likely to whitewash this like BBC, Guardian, Independent, Channel 4.
  11. "I've been getting these emails saying that it's not my position to judge anybody. I want to make it quite clear that I didn't judge him. I know God is the only judge we have. I just set the appointment up." -Steven Sandison on the murder of his child molester cellmate
  12. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/5733533/bill-turnbull-prostate-cancer-bbc-breakfast-host/ Even though this is an article from the Sun and there was something on the news the other week about how Prostate cancer is a bigger killer for men than breast cancer for women, I think this is something we should be aware of.
  13. More Sikhs in the cabinet will put them in the public eye. Being in the public eye means more media scrutiny. That means the media will try to dig and smear as much as possible. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory. We as Sikhs need to have thicker skins.
  14. I don't know whether you have been to Canada but in my observations is that the Canadian Sikhs in general are much more cohesive politically than UK Sikhs. The Canadian Sikh lobby is much more effective than our lobby in the UK. They are way ahead of us in many respects. For all the infighting you see among Sikhs in Canada, they stick together far more than we UK Sikhs.
  15. Bhai Mokham Singh was the exception. Some Hindus are more kanjoos than others. Gujeratis are those type of Hindus. I heard a Hindu Punjabi Brahmin of all people tell a Gujerati how tight his people were. It was quite an.eye opening experience. I think we as Sikhs don't look how non Sikhs see us. I think that these Gujerati Hindus see us intellictually inferior, big and dumb but cannot figure how come these Sikhs make such a great success of themselves if they are so dumb. They think to themselves , " What is it about the Sardar's religion that makes them this way." They see something in us that we don't and it scares them. We are hated by higher caste hindus because in the caste system they are the rentier castes. They feed off the lower castes like a parasite does. We as Sikhs by an large produce and create our own value and distribute it and create more prosperity all round.we operate outside the caste system, it does nothing for us, there is no need for it. We Sikhs have chardikala spirit and therefore we have more energy to take risks. We don't over -think things like a lot of these highly intellectual Hindus who create paralysis by analysis, we just do. And when we create wealth out of it, it gets right up their nose.
  16. The Hindu Gujerati seems to be the most virulently anti Sikh part of the Hindu strata. They are the most staunch hindu yet seem to be the least dharmic of other hindus. Their values seem to be the antithesis of our values of Sikhs. I have some theories as to why the Gujerati is like this and why it contrasts with Sikh values. They feel the most threatened and jealous of Sikhs for some reason. I think that it has to be with geography. We Sikhs come from Punjab and it is a green and fertile land. We are shaped by our geography and combined with Sikhi, we have an abundance mentality. When you have an abundance mentality, you are more generous and share. That is why in Sikhi we have vand shako. Gujerat is a dry parched region. Because of this Gujeratis have a scarcity mentality, that is why they are less generous and are generally more stingy. It would be difficult for them to accept Sikhi because vand shako means to share and they have to be hoarders as their environment dictates. That is my theory anyway.
  17. The proliferation of these chicken joints is a big part of the problem. It is chicken that they want to dominate. It seems to co-incide with Nandos being established in the UK and the popularisation of peri peri. After that they want to try to ban pork based products. My old local Safe ways (as when they used to exist) had seriously reduced their pork based products. It was soon discovered that the muslim lobby steathily attempted to ban pork based products. What you find very interesting is that in a non muslim dominated area, muslim based restaurants don't even display the halal sign. Whether that means they use non halal meat, I cannot say. A lot of cafe and diner based restaurants are dominated by Turks but they don't even bother with halal, it seems to be something Pakistanis are more stringent on. I suspect it has to do with displaying their Islamic credentials being that they are seen as lower level muslim in the ummah. But there does seem to be more and more opposition to halal and more openly so. There is a midlands based website the displays all the restaurant that serves halal and non halal food. When I was listening to the LBC talk, there were concerns regarding the UK hygiene health and safety laws. I expect that this will get louder.
  18. https://medium.com/incerto/the-most-intolerant-wins-the-dictatorship-of-the-small-minority-3f1f83ce4e15 Interesting article from Nassim Nicholas Taleb regarding how halal has got it's way in the UK. It is quite long though.
  19. There are plenty of old school practicalities that are time tested. There is an old saying that goes , " When you see a girl for marriage, look at the mother first because that will tell you what the girl is going to be like". The problem men have is when they are going to see a girl, probably the first thing you think is she pretty. We can bypass a lot of other things as long as she is pretty. But like you mention about taking a lot of other factors into consideration. One of the issues you get is that when people go to see a prospective spouse for marriage,people will be on their best behaviour. It is only afterwards that you see the true colours. That is why it is important to read between the lines.
  20. Big Tera You need to be more firm and assertive when dealing in these matters. Hope you have learnt some lessons here. These type of life changing decisions cannot be taken lightly. Still, it could have been worse. I heard of a situation some years ago where the groom was waiting for his bride in the anand karaj and the bride bottled it. Her sister stepped in and married him instead. Still, if you are thinking of going to India for marriage, there are still plenty of fish (metaphorically speaking). Being a foreigner/westerner going to India for marriage is a buyer's market (sorry for this term). The reality is that you can turn one girl down and there are 20 to take her place. Keep this in mind if you are going back there for marriage. You dictate the terms to the vachola and don't back down. That is the langauge they understand.
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