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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. It's not about being jealous of their unscrupulous methods. It is understanding their unscrupulous methods and countering them. Even better still is to put things in place to make it difficult for those unscrupulous methods to transpire in the first place.
  2. Here is another example for GurjantGnostic. The Hindus used to have rules for warfare. They were only allowed to fight when it was daytime when it was light. Once it got dark, they put down their weapons and went back to camp and then fought next day. This did not work when the invading muslims came because they did not follow those rules. They took advantage and attacked at night. When you come against a foe who does not follow your rules, you are fighting at a disadvantage no matter how noble you are.
  3. The ascension happened when we took on the temporal element and combined it with the spiritual element and became sant-sipahis. The adoption of the temporal side is when we became sant-sipahis rather than merely sants. It made us more complete.
  4. How do you think power was seized during the times of the misls? You seize on opportunities. Seizing on opportunities is not necessarily manmat. Building and going out there to create the apparatus that comes with creating Khalsa Raj is Gurmat. Being proactive rather than reactive is Gurmat.
  5. Hindus and Muslims understand power and politics. We don't. What do you think it means by Khalsa Raj? Maharaj helps those who help themselves.
  6. Political power means everything. This is what happens when other people have power over your sovereignty. You will also be beholden to them. Even then, they can take everything from you. If you have political power, the only one that can take it away from you is Maharaj.
  7. Hukam might not be one choice, but be multiple options and choices with multiple results but all leads to one single hukam in the end. So it starts as one, branches out and then comes back to one again. Ultimately we don't know what the hukam is, we just do. We as humans, will call it hukam if we cannot explain it.
  8. It's like AI. Most computer programmes are set of instructions that it follows to do tasks. However, the goal for AI is for it to make it's own decisions. There needs to be some kind of framework to essentially to make this happen. Maybe hukam at some level is framework.
  9. How do we know that what we can control to do is not also hukam.
  10. I agree. There is a big difference between East Coast Sikhs and West Coast Sikhs.
  11. If you think about it, dishes like aloo gobi never existed until the potato was introduced.
  12. https://www.hindupost.in/dharma-religion/37453/ (Please excuse this being from a hindutva website, but they have done some research on this): Prarthana and “Changai” Sabha The biggest way of spreading of Christianity is prayer meetings. It is called “prarthana sabha” in Hindi/Punjabi. The biggest highlights of these prayer meetings are the fake miracle cures. Thousands of people are brought to such meetings on false promise of cure. Ailments of all hues such as infertility to cancer are “treated” in the name of Jesus there. Apparently, Punjab government should close all hospitals and let them cure all patients by prayer. However, it seems that COVID is beyond the “power of Jesus”. Of course, the paid actors show how they are cured and innocent people donate for prayers to Jesus. Inevitably, most of them are not cured and many die. But by then, the members of family have been thoroughly brainwashed into Christianity. This dangerous fraud, which harms people’s health and sucks money from vulnerable poor, is allowed to continue and the coffers of fake religious figures continue to be filled. In recent times, mediums such as YouTube and Zoom have also been utilized for this scam.
  13. It seems that the Valmikis and other communities are leveraging their position by going their own way and creating their own adi -dharm. They are doing a lot of outreach in these communities, helping with books and education etc. If this is a pattern that is emerging then it means converting to Christianity is no longer a preferred option and Evangelicals and other christian denominations are becoming irrelevant. That is because the evangelicals and missionaries cannot bribe their way into converts. Combined with Ghar Wapsi (I think Modi understands the intra-Hindu game being played here), there is a harder push to get these 'Christians' back into dharmic fold. I think this why the Christian churches in Punjab have shifted their priorities to target our Sikhs and other Hindu groups. The shooting in the Church looks increasingly like a power struggle to get the converted Valmikis into adi-dharm or into mainstream hinduism.
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/didnt-get-minority-status-so-embraced-hinduism/lite/ Some of the Valmiki group who were Christians became hindu and even converted the church to a mandir
  15. Valmiki community members announce: Valmiki community members announce to give up Hindu religion over TV serial | Chandigarh News - Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/valmiki-community-members-announce-to-give-up-hindu-religion-over-tv-serial/articleshow/59746822.cms This is how empowered some of the lower strata of hindu society is becoming. They no longer need to convert to Christianity, they just form their own dharm.
  16. The lower castes in Punjab are asserting themselves and that is good (not in this murder but in terms of organising themselves and uplifting themselves) The missionaries source of converts is going to dry up and that could be where the conflict is coming from.
  17. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2020/10/27/suspected-hindu-radicals-open-fire-in-christian-church-in-india-killing-one/ According to this, it was 2 brothers who were part of some Valmiki Samaj group.
  18. There is another well known cult in Punjab that likes to whisper things in your ear.
  19. There are so many different denominations of Christianity but the church is Pentacostalist. I have heard of it, but never knew what it actually is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentecostalism This particular brand of Christianity is not really about the bible, but it seems to be more believing in the spirit of Jesus and uttering words or something and baptisms. I have provided the link, but it would be interesting that other than the money/bribe aspect, what kind of things would entice Punjabis into Pentacostalism. This whispering uttering of certain words and having spirits entering you and excorcising spirits seem to be very popular in Sub-Saharan Africa, sounds very shamanistic. From a Punjabi context, what existing practices would find similarity with this brand of Christianity that Punjabis would be enticed.
  20. After the aggressive proletysation that has been taken place in Punjab, it would seem that it's inevitable that there was going to be kind of push back. However, we do not know who the assailants were and what the motives would be.
  21. I've seen this one before. However, all that is going to happen is less people wanting to join the police. More crime and people will be crying for the police. I imagine it is damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  22. Well it depends on those neighbourhoods, they can be like war zones.
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