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Everything posted by jkvlondon

  1. I'm sorry but these rapes left the girls battling for life and made them suffer for their whole lives long with numerous operations just to live , they can never have a normal life either physically, emotionally or mentally ... Our shaheeds knew the risks and accepted them do not diminish them to just victims . Yes I agree Murder is heinous but this is state terrorism which no legal statutes will touch in that country so to sit and protest is a little pointless, it is better to go after the police officers surely there were some people with cameraphones on the scene can we not locate footage to Identify the police officers involved in firing . But the number one culprit is Badal as he gave the police orders to disregard legal requirement of asking permission of onsite magistrate.
  2. if we are talking about the gangrapes of a four year old, a two year old and six year then these are just as heinous as murder and I have no arguments against their coverage, but a homeless man waking up in a morgue in mumbai and some bollywood divorce I draw the line...
  3. last time we channel4 aired about Bapu Surat Singh first then BBc thought oh we missed the boat ...maybe independent channels rather than government or murdoch monoliths should be approached by sikh PA...
  4. in others words forget them and do it for ourselves ...I mean we have coverage in other nations so shame them by using those other channels . Don't hang about with placards , start looking in our midst for the sympathisers of Badal, RSS, RAm Rahim and other dhongis and earmark them for ostracising or eliminating from our institutions . Set up a valid Gursikh political party with full body of expertise , supporting those who have left their jobs for Guru ji .
  5. not many if any , they'll come out with the usual my friends are Sikhs, there are sikhs in my family, Hindu sikh bhai bhai stuff when confronted else very quiet.
  6. A) will do it thinking He's being clever but he's painting himself into the corner as opens himself to dying a political death B) will persuade Badal it's in his interest to distract the populace, thus leaving them free to actually have their agents pay or do the beadbhi C) doubt they have the intelligence and spread to co-ordinate this way, but they also are RSS created fall guys so have served their purpose well D) they are on a sticky wicket and know they have about zero chance of winning in Punjab so would not bother methinks but they will side with BJP on the Hinduvta ticket thus the suggestions of President's intervention E) doubt they can spare resources given the homegrown terrorism and they need a friendly buffer from hindu crazies
  7. if wanting to find out how far the rot is in the situation and rectifying it , is madness than call me insane for sure. We are bleating over beadbhi done by others to our Guru , what about ours by enthroning padd chedd saroops all over the shop ? of having numerous saroops printed and then dumped at Gurdwarey across the globe to deal with like unwanted gifts because the discipline is not there in the families to do proper satkar of Gurbani? All the while more saroops are printed of padd chedd to replace older larivaar saroops under the pretexts of sewa by SGPC. Is there any Larivaar saroops being produced because I have been going back of all the photos of incidents even years back and all are on Padd Chedd birs ? Either Guru ji is trying to grab our attention by sacrificing these saroops or there really aren't many larivaar saroops anywhere... It makes me so sad to think we are cutting our own roots with our own hands because we trusted SGPC to be doing the right thing
  8. nice speech by our Muslim Veers http://dailysikhupdates.com/wow-best-speech-by-muslim-man-in-support-of-sikhs/
  9. looks like BJP hinduvta plans are going forward , best to rethink strategy,Panthpreet is pushing for people to stay on streets again but allow rehdrian to go through in the mornings.
  10. I think if we are to move forwards as a renewed whole undivided panth we have to realise the time we accepted and enthroned Guru ji broken into little pieces by our own chotti matt and hands is over ; we need to make Guru Panth whole again by making Guru Granth Sahib ji whole again so both Guru Granth and Guru Panth has no human made divisions. http://gurmatbibek.com/forum/read.php?3,14969
  11. Khadija was a widow of about forty , it is probable she inherited the business from her late husband , Muhammed worked for her before wooing and marrying her. Arab culture is not respectful of women as individuals now or in the past , usually society improves by realising their shortcomings but this has not been the case in Arabia. The Abrahmic religions are all misogynistic to some extent , perhaps Jesus wasn't as he had female followers who preached but we know his followers post-Jesus set up the bible and church to cast woman in a bad light and to remove them from a central role in Christianity.
  12. I suppose you could understand it as SIngh of the One who achieved after much longing ?
  13. and what did I suggest remove saroops which are installed incorrectly i.e. padd ched and replace by a handwritten saroop created by local sangat after calligraphy training (quadruple blessing of bani pardna, jappna, likhna and vicharna in one), teach them also how to bind, mend and do the turning of pages correctly to prevent tears, this gives them joint responsibility feeling, a community of Sikhs who can do shud bani and raul duties for helping their communities (no need for charges) and we can check there are adequate numbers of people who can do sewa of Guru ji within the community and who can do pehradar duties . Also if we register people who have done this sewa of writing a saroop we will be able to track the Bir and its whereabouts . This is a method of strengthening the listening and reading and vicharna of gurbani within a community. Sure I did say use electronic version too but it can never be the sole version because just putting it on a server makes us vulnerable to losing access for whatever reasons. Also if we use international partnerships we can increase the number of concurrent language translation projects and have them available for checking immediately by gurmukhi scholars so there is no delay in letting the world have access.
  14. petitions are not needed , they did not quiz him when he was over there did they after the Bapu SUrat Singh petition. it is better to spend time and effort contacting family and friends in India and tell them to secure the Gurbani in their locale and be vigilant against attacks. They also need to make sure 10th November doesn't get blown out of the minds of people it has to happen . Do not trust anyone except Guru ji , there are too many bhekhi sikhs around. Guru ji will help sikhs protect their dharam asthaans , but we have to stop looking to some superhero parcharik to save us , we the panth have all we need , we just have to believe in Guru ji's bachans.
  15. THe BOOK??? you need to get out of this forum now ...you are no SIKH you can learn to read larivaar everyone used to , only lazy giddards like you want to remove all respect for the physicality ...when all saroops are gone the way of the dodo what's to stop someone incrementally changing gurbani ...they already have ...Sant Singh Khalsa has changed the meanings of Gurbani translations for the youth to support anti-gurmat practices . People used to scribe Gurbani to a high level of artistry , paint murals in gurdwarey , know tanti saaz and gurmat sangeet but next you'd be saying why do that , why sing kirtan or learn gurmat sangeet . I want people to up their game and actually go to dharamshaley , make it centre of their lives not an afterthought . I want Dharamshaley to be a place of learning, community, physical training as it used to be : we are too soft a target. It is good to be open hearted but people have taken it too far and not learnt the other advice of Guru Ji do things for yourselves, govern yourselves, if the law is injust ignore it and set up true justice, do not trust people who promise you much they will never deliver.
  16. and predictions in future is that tech will be hit be NWO or EMF will stop us having access too
  17. They have got to be kidding ...that is so patronising that they think anyone least of all us would believe that
  18. Honestly reading these horror stories makes my blood boil , we have to Take the whole of India instead a tiny part of our past homelands ...the people need insaaf and new laws and justice.
  19. I agree we should not be relying on any personalities but Guru ji to save us , and should instead be filling our hearts and minds with Gurbani and simran , becoming rehitvaan , having amrit, as Sant ji said Join the family , become Anandpur vasi , nam japo, dharam di kirt karo, vand chakko, shastardhari banno, and be tyaar bar tyaar
  20. and then what seeing saroops thrown around here there and every where is your akkal in your gitey? already because there are too many padd chedd saroops printed this is happening . I mean the kanjars at SGPC authorised prints of padd chhed by outside agencies and have been dispatching the same everywhere including radha soamis, RSS mandirs etc . Look at all the pictures from beadbhi sites they are all barring one pothi SGPC PADD CHHED saroops .they have been going against the rules for YEARS and not one person complained ....now no one knows how many and where these saroops are installed. Remove and Destroy all non larvivaar saroops is the answer , all saroops should be larivaar only , handwritten and maintained by local sangat, guarded by same . No pothi, steek,or gurbani in any form should be sold only given this is Guru ji's bachan the sooner we return to respecting his wishes and rehit the sooner raj will come. if a dharamshala or gurdwara wants to have a larivaar saroop then they have prove they have means for satkar and security. If we show respect it was not because it was handwritten but because we valued it truly ...watch what happens when you don't value your scriptures by what happens to bibles , they are left in hotel rooms at the mercy of everyone , are subjected to beadbhi just like qurans etc ...better to have electronic apps to teach reading larivaar by perhaps colouring alternating words until you can understand and to do your individual paat from , and make it necessary to go and physically do darshan of Guru ji at a well guarded , manned sikh dharamshala. As far as I know only the Torah is not printed and distributed and there is no problem of beadbhi ...may be we need to go back to our roots not just forward with technology. p.s. destroy all printing press permissions especially the one in China
  21. yesterday Hari SIngh Randhawa and sant samaj were sitting on dharna , as soon as maufnama news came out they wanted to stop sitting ...so a SIngh goes to a local shop buys some choordia and tells them all to wear them you can see the video on Singhs and Kaurs back to Sikhi FB page . Honestly I couldn't believe what I read ... then i read this and it is clear they are playing two games , let me guess they will push for Dhumma to become Jathedar , talk about shuffling chairs on the titanic http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/punjab/community/sant-samaj-seeks-resignation-of-akal-takht-jathedar/139174.html chottepur is also looking to centre to intervene , so that is the answer to the question can we trust AA P....emphatically no http://www.punjabisikhsangat.org/Post.php?pid=876 Dhumma sounds oh so shifty http://www.punjabisikhsangat.org/Post.php?pid=879
  22. you could go to guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College in Chigwell , I think they have a gurdwara still on premises
  23. you're right , I guess they are all messed up anyhow genetically because all their forefathers were bloodthirsty adharmic lok ...they have only ever suceeded by legalising their messedup criminal activities , Queen Liz 1 wrote a special charter to allow piracy in the name of the Queen during her reign and the trend continued even up until now ...robber Queen with stolen Kohninoor on her crown what more needs to be said?
  24. you do realise Anglos actually german in origin ANGLES as in anglesea and other place names .
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