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Everything posted by jkvlondon

  1. Sant ji I just listened closely to a few different speeches and he says ambritsar i.e. nasal like my daughter ...
  2. veera please provide an example because Sant ji's ucharan was impeccable and I can't think of hearing him with that thick accent to say it that way, maybe I'm wrong because I just loved listening to him I looked passed the distractions and to the message.
  3. Bhen ji, Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru jiki Fateh, I been reading through everyone's posts this week and I must say you seem very troubled ... why are you so angry all the time ?
  4. ik chotti bindi makes a big difference ...you wouldn't want to make that mistake when reading Jaap Sahib or other Dasam bani :biggrin2:
  5. I think that it has to be true because they have to be of that avasta to bring Sant into this world, I think there a loads of gupt Sants . It's their nature anyway ...to detach from recognition.
  6. bcos they are weak kahier adharmi lok who would disrespect Guru Gobind SIngh ji's Mother rather than accept her as so strong a character to stand up to the might of Mughals mentally, physically and spiritually . She was Bhramgiani and was strong enough to see the task through the end ...she didn't stop the flow of bani her whole life ... Know that people who say such BS will pay for it many many janams over
  7. sabji is because we drop the bindi from sabzi just like my Mum saying Jip instead of Zip (evry1 loves that one) Jero instead of Zero ... :biggrin2: gotta love that Gulabi Punjabi
  8. ambar means sky amrit mean without death amar mean immortal also so has amrit gone through amar to ambar do you think ? kind of like how 'El Phanta de Castile ' settled in London during King Henry 8 time and the area ended up through mispronounciation to 'Elephant and Castle'?
  9. maybe my childhood isolation showing ....sikh da kam sikna ...Thanks for the extra dimension
  10. My own experience is making me say that you are probably dealing with an active psychic attack and you did well to do nam jap, if you find it hard to during such dreams try saying mool mantar and concentrating on the meaning of each word. Are you sleeping after doing Kirtan Sohila facing your pillow ? Remember to recite Salok (pavan Guru Pani pita) too afterwards .
  11. Straight chori of golak ...taught to them by Harbhajan ji ...i did read the book by That Gora sikh Gurusant SIngh who realised SIkhi ki cheej aa by being arrested in India and getting stuck , I'm not saying he's a great guy he comes across as very obnoxious at times but he reveals that the followers had to give to the bottom line of the organisation, and he was quite frank about the creative accounting encouraged. They are taught to sneer at Desi sikhs as being not as pure in sikhi but encourage them to give freely as they are quite open-handed when giving to the golak and are impressed with the look of gorey sikhs easily assuming dedication from the bhes.(sounds familiar )
  12. Then that is straight up taagi of golak ...if they are sewadars then be sewadars ...nishkam sewa have they ever heard the concept? if you told me feeding, bedding sangat costs OK I could understand that but, really what contract workers do you need for a Khalsa camp or running programs?
  13. It is a very powerful bani true, but if you are doing the paat with proper viddi should not be a problem , bir raas yes , crazy naahh kittey . My Masi did 40 day paat to dispel some problems in the household , everytime she would start there would be noises in the house but she stuck to her guns and on 40 day she said there was a huge sound like a thunderclap and then all was shant , no pret etc ever again. Don't be scared Guru ji ang sang sahae haiga humese. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh
  14. that's talking old school rivaj aj kal navin viah hoe Bahu beti da chund ki, sharam vi lah sootehaya te bhangra nachdi aa avde viah vich... LOL
  15. If that is the case veer ji they could have played the video straight up I have already seen the full parchaar video ... They have been constantly digging at what he says and does over the past six months , so I'm not stirring up something from nothing.
  16. Maybe that s the solution then Dharam Parchaar in the villages to get Biharis fully into Sikhi , Remember Dhan Dhan Satguru Granth Sahib is jagatguru for them too...na ko vairi nahin begana....sagal sang hum ko ban i eee
  17. no not the same but still satkar yog in the utmost sense they have Baba Nand Singh ji in their lineage and they too have built Gurdwarey here e.g. Karamsar in Ilford and other ones (I am sorry but I am not too familiar with new gurdwardey built , I have been in Baba ji's bhora in Nanaksat That (they are sharats of doing so many paats afterwards- nice way of joining people with bani) and the vibe of naam in there really makes you bairaagi... Seems to me they Sikh Voice want to look like the saviours of the piece by 'warning' against believing any katha/kauthak talked about by any parcharak , they are similar to dhunda in their sneering about simple faith of people in bhagti wale , just cos you can't prove the kamai by counting and certficate They are all guppi and liars , Thakur Singh was ridiculed by them also for saying Sant ji did 101 paat Japji Sahib every day... and other things . They also faked up pictures of Sant Isher Singh ji Rara sahib waley as a hindu looking tapsaya. So childish jinna neh japia soe jaania ...
  18. they go after Nanaksar and Baba Ranjit Singh a lot and since the first reports of the kissing incident they have added pictures which mock Thakur Singh ji openly with kissing scene and big lettering 'I kissed a girl' (as in the lyrics of recent pop song ...next phrase is 'and I liked it'). They think themselves too clever .
  19. they want people who have 'assimilated' to be presenters , most of the people I know working for them are very anti traditional anything, and sniffy about our desire to stay niarey.
  20. my school teacher once said something to me when I got tired of fighting bullies in the playground , "Small things amuse small minds " he was right ...
  21. most of them by a couple of people talking back and forth it's OK there'll be people who gain from it being said out loud ... not point being squeamish and ill-informed . Sikhi is a practical thing not a superstition filled thing. We do actions that help us reach higher and further faster not cower to popular opinion just to stop rocking others boats of complacency. Any way Waheguru sabh uppar mehr karen te Gurmat Buddhi bakshini
  22. Admin Veer ji can we just point Veer ji here to all the previous threads ad nauseum on this topic rather than going through the pointless rigmarole of saying the same things ? iT'S SIMPLE , AS A SIKH: To believe in Jaat Paat- is to call Guru Gobind SIngh's Amrit Water - if you are the Guru's sikh YOU WILL NEVER DO THAT To demand a dowry- Guru Gobind SIngh ji said YOU ARE NOT MY SIKH To celebrate with meat and Sharab and dancing - You will be going against GURMATTA look closely before you leap to becoming down, why not thank your Guru ji who has kept you away from adharmi lok instead of looking on it as some sad thing
  23. No Confusion I know what my bajurg taught me and what makes sense for rules of sucham so no problem in my mind , besides this isn't the first time this kind of topic has been thrown into the arena it happened on sikhnet a couple of years back . Personally I think Hindu boy wants to find points of similarity where his faith is on a bad footing, because all the press this year in the Uk has been Prosikh , for their contributions to the war efforts and also we criticised Gandhi a bit too much for the Government's liking after all their toadying to Modi and Co
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