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  1. There is too many of them Punjab spectrum does a good job of exposing the ones on fb
  2. I don't watch any of that crap anyways. About the movie being banned not surprised one bit, truth is always suppressed in India. Movies like Punjab 1984 there was fuss anywhere about banning it. Shows you what type of movie that actually was but our people were jumping up and down like monkeys supporting it.
  3. Hahahaha If that wasn't even remotely true you wouldn't have seen every sikh screaming free rajoana two years ago like they did
  4. Can't wait to see how many clowns say happy Independence Day on the 15th
  5. Wls get a one way ticket and head over to Israel Vada aya
  6. Just go on any FB sikh page which has posted Sant Dhandrianwales reply to sikhs who tie rakhris and many so called sikhs are throwing so much vitriol his way.
  7. Check out this guy HumbleArts on facebook, his work is awesome
  8. Wow! I'm so shocked they dropped this case! (Hope you guys got the sarcasm)
  9. Brother, how many signatures did we get for the 1984 yes its genocide campaign. Where did it all lead to? I already signed this petetion but just being honest. We are to small of a community for anyone to care and thats why we get it from all sides. Another thing is we are not united, once we all become united then something can happen. All you have to do is just hop on to the Sikhs for justice fb page and see how many "sikhs" oppose this petetion.
  10. Basics of Sikhi just did a really nice video on this issue
  11. Petitions aren't going to do anything, let's be serious here. India and the US are trade partners whatever bad blood they had towards modi was gone the minute he was elected PM
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