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Everything posted by superkaur

  1. Under which president was the news suppressed? I think Sikhs4Justice and other global Sikh organisations need to sue the American govt and any other govt that hindered evidence of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
  2. duh off course i'm a khalistani sympathizer moreover i'm a khalistani supporter and firm advocate for it! Nothing wrong with that you make it sound like its a bad thing, but off course for a hindustani it is a bad thing because you dont want to see other people free from corrupt barbaric braminwad rule.
  3. Both hindtuva and islamic forces have done nothing but harm for Sikhs. When Sikhs ruled over their own homeland every religious community was respected and catered for. That cant happen under islamic or hindutva regiemes they will always want to dominate the religious minorities. So unfortunately for hindu nationalists for yourself you cant persuade Sikhs who are wise to the games both killers of Sikhs play. We dont want to live under your corrupt rule we have our own interests of having freedom independence one way or another.
  4. I agree with one of your points of Sikhs should be converting the muslims to Sikhism. And congress party caters to the Indian muslim vote bank. However BJP and Hindu nationalists were the ones who started the fight between sikhs starting in 1950's right after india alleged independence. And it is for Hindu nationalists to give Sikhs their area of Self rule and self respect in a federal India so that Sikhs can be free to live under their own autonomous area of self regulation trade, governance,etc.
  5. eh? no way son we should be urging armed self defense against anti-sikh islamic jihadi's and creating an area of Sikh rule in pakistan not running away like coward hindu's until there is no place left to run because islamics would have demographically outnumbered non-muslims once you stop running away. Dharam yudh mentally is the only solution against islamic jihadi's, pitty the stupid brainless british white supremacist christian invaders had to come along and wage war on the Sikh empire otherwise our people would have annihilated islamic rule from asia and arabia given enough time.
  6. Sikhs4Justice need to get off the Muslim lap and be pro-Sikh. I am a firm believer in Sikhs4Justices campaigns except when they fighting for Muslim victims of Hindu state violence. Because that is not our fight and Indian muslims who are (15% of indian population) 150 million strong themselves are not campaigning against modi and BJP. So why should we Sikhs get involved? Muslims never stand up for Sikhs during issues we have with the Indian state. Therefore we should mind our own business and let the Hindtva's and muslims fight it out
  7. As predicted many Sikhs displayed their slave mentality yesterday and indulged in the hindu festival of rakhi. How many hindus take part in our Sikh festivals? Do Sikhs also take part in muslim festivals like Eid? Do christians in punjab celebrate vaisakhi with us? No they keep themselves to themselves in their communities and their grooming vulnerable poor Sikhs to their faiths undercover. We as a kaum need to start to question ourselves what are we doing, are we following other faiths and their festivals more than our own? If so we need to change that. How many gifts we give on christmas, diwali and rakhi? loads! How many we give to each other on vaisakhi? Gurpurbs? Important shaheedi days? We hardly give any gifts or make sense of what our religious dates mean to our people or young folk. The change starts with each individual Sikh.... instead of following what your family is following....ask yourself is this relevant to Sikhi? If not discard it and do something pro-sikh and ensure any gifts given to people are on Sikh religious dates only.
  8. We should put pressure on paul uppal to follow suit that would pile real pressure on cameron and make paul uppal electable again. If he has any brains and sense he will make sure cameron doesn't hide from 1984 issues. Sikhs are waiting eagerly for what the British did to our people in 1984 before and after. We need compensation and we need full support and pledge to recognise Khalistan.
  9. Everyone knows the corruption of so called punjabi Sikhs. That is a given, what is especially disappointing is that most white westerners who embraced Sikhi are not following Sikhi but some hybrid form of it. We had American white Sikhs like gursant singh who himself is vocally against 3HO type Sikhs and those of SikNet for their corrupt practises. We had french white Sikh who embraced Sikhi now living in amritsar wondering where the Sikhs have gone because they are being corrupted by westernised lifestyles, maya, by hindunisation by the indian majority community and other anti-sikh practises. And the reason why people pick up on "white Sikhs" is because we have high hopes for them we look up to them for having those spiritual sikhi qualities that we want in indian subcontinent Sikhs without all the cultural baggage that isnt part of Sikhi. And when we see the "white Sikh" community member's indulges in anti-sikh activities we are disheartened and think they are just as corrupt as the majority who are not living up to GurSikh path. We can see how parkesh singh badal a so called punjabi sikh leader who calls himself faqr-e-kaum indulge in hindu fire worship and other festivals that blur the lines between sikhi and hinduism. Danger of assimilation for the Sikh community is very real as we only make up 2% of Hindu majority India. This is why Sikhs need to be strict need to disctinct from joining in with other peoples religious festivals otherwise before we know it our fate will be like the yazidi's, paris / Zoroastrians and others who are now nearly in the pages of history.
  10. Does anyone find it ironic and hypocritical of islamic terrorists in Iraq/Syria of Islamic State / ISIS / ISIL accusing the yazidi' of being devil worshippers yet these muslims are doing the very acts that the devil (ie their shaytan) would enjoy and encourage (ie murder of innocents, paedophilia, rape of women and girls, destroying other peoples religious and ethnic heritage, committing genocide/ethnic cleasening, etc.etc) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2721043/U-S-drones-fighters-carry-four-new-air-strikes-protect-stranded-Yazidis-attacks-Islamic-State-jihadists.html
  11. I hate Sikh channels coverage of Kaabadi they put me off watching it. I did however love channel 4's coverage of it when they used to show it a few years back. Kaabdi needs to be played on soil and sand not on grass and not in big stadiums where spectators are miles away from the action. Also hunting and archery and gatka is also sports that Guru Ji's encouraged their Sikhs why aren't they featured? All sports need to be covered the excessive coverage of kaabadi on Sikh channel is beyond absurd and very harmful to the viewing numbers.
  12. Because thats how everyone refers to them and they see themselves as separate from the mainstream orthodox Sikhs and Sikhism. They are hippy new age types and not firm and strong against idol worship, fire worship and other anti-sikh activities. Let me ask you a question since you defending them so you must be part of them. Where did any of our Guru's part take in idol worship or fire worship or say its ok for Sikhs to join in with muslim or hindu practices that they saw was wrong and taking people away from worship of the one creator. Our Guru's spoke out against those elites those priestly classes in power making profit from gullible adherents. Eg giving people "special charms" or other nonsense saying that would bring them good luck... Our Guru's were realists were modern thinkers...were there to free humanity from superstitious backward nonsense that kept people enslaved in the system.
  13. Sikh channels absurd use of kaabadi on their channel and endless use of pre-recorded boring kirtans sung by fat and half a sleep people who look bored themselves to be there and can not sing to save their lives they look as inspiration as a bag of potatoes. Sikh channel management shows they have run out of idea's and clutching at straws with such stupid programmes on. If a Sikh wanted to listen to kirtan they can go gurdwara or go to youtube or other websites and view them, the purpose of a Sikh channel should be to engage with the community to highlight issues to create solutions to keep the community entertained and interested in its programmes. All 3 channels are failing and have failed in key area's. They need to go out of business asap unless they do a radical turn around in their thinking, they need to look at Christian and islamic channels to see how they engage with their viewers. The abrahmics are very good at selling and presenting themselves to their audience.
  14. This is not issue of 'White' Sikh or Punjabi Sikh or 'Black' Sikh. This is an issue of core beliefs and fundamentals of Sikhi. Didnt take long before a hippy came to defence of another hippy neglecting what stance our Guru's and gurbani takes against idol worship and other things they rejected or did not par take in because Sikhi is a different and unique spiritual path. A Sikh follows the Guru's path not makes up their own as they go along adding new age, buddhist and hindu rituals and religious beliefs as part of their lifestyle set up that is what you call a fake sikh.
  15. There are a few white american Sikhs that practice authentic orthodox Sikhism for example gursant singh he is very proactive against 3HO type fake Sikhs. And always exposing them in his websites, facebook and youtube videos. The founder of SikhNet is from jewish heritage, not a bad thing but he has been raised by yogi bhajans hippy nutty ideology and not authentic Sikh core beliefs. If it came down to a war for Sikhi these type of Sikhs will run away or convert to another faith they would not fight with arms and proclaim proudly they willing to die for Sikhi. This is when we know a community is true Sikhs or fake when they willing to fight and lay their lives for defence of the faith against non-sikh aggressor forces.
  16. Btw the founders of America george washington etc were firm freemasons and freemasons are known to hate Christianity So what we have going on in middle east is one hell of a ideological battle for control. The Christian influence is being reduced because it is no longer useful to control the masses, land and resources. So they know the next logical step is to take over islam, hijack it and there for muslims are easier to control by their imams so thus they are to be placed in charge for the freemason elites to control via their proxies. Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan were not attacked by the freemasonic western powers for no reason....there is always long term strategic planning going on knowing full well the likely fallout and the impact it would have on their interests.
  17. Mongols under genghis khan and his successors did exactly the same thing as what the blood thirsty islamic barbarians of ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State/Whatever name they invent next.................. are doing They are basically destorying not only christian and non-muslim heritage sites and people but also muslim and abrahmic hertiage ...key important tombs and shrines of prophets important to 3 abrahmic religions. The mongols later were converted to islam and became mughuls they did what they did spreading their carnage east towards india. Similarly we have the modern day mongols of Islamic state they arent technically Islamic because they would kill their prophet muhammad within a second if he stepped out of line or they thought he was some kind of murtad hieratic. so now we have to find out who funds them and supplies them with resources and you find its the house of saud and other arab elites and who controls them? well its the neo-cons the war hawks in the shadow american government that can and has taken out foreign regimes to their rule bar russia, north Korea and Iran so far. The islamic state mafia will be used to control the masses and attack any country that doesn't comply with what the elites want unless they can be stopped now and exterminated out of existence with a sustained multi-national military campaign. For us Sikhs it would be wise to get our people in indian subcontinent prepared for what may come their way.
  18. shes not a sikh girl her surname just sounds punjabi. Theres loads of punjabi christians, ravidassia cultist's and other hindu punjabis just because someone has an indian punjabi name dont make them a Sikh or a particular religion. Also that guy being a model he will probably dump her after cheating on her or finding someone better looking lets face it she isnt really model material now is she lol Admin should delete or rename the thread to say "punjabi girl"
  19. We need to make rakhi into an insult so that when rakhi is tied on a Sikh it reminds them of slavery in hindustan rather than any rakhi of their sisters.
  20. How do islamic and Christian TV channels fund themselves? They do it through advertising not begging for donations from their viewers and community. The only donations they ask for is when they need charity work or appeals in diaster relief or towards converting others to their faith. Sikh channels should shut down asap if they cant fund themselves through advertising and other good business models. Anyone who donates to any Sikh TV channel that doesnt listen to the sangats wishes and needs is a fool wasting their money.
  21. Just hope she doesnt fire and idol worship like some other white fake sikhs that been exposed lately who are conning westerners with fake version of sikhism mixed with new age nonsense.
  22. Tomarrow hindustani slave mentality sikhs will be celebrating rakhi to show they are not free. Lets see which so called Sikh will become victim to hindu assimilation.
  23. I witnessed alot of that activity. Once during the end of the vaisaki nagar kirtan I saw two pakistani muslim freshie looking guys smoking near the sangat in a mocking and confrontational manor. I saw some Sikhs walk past and say nothing, so I decided to walk up to them and tell them to move themselves from the area if they wanted to smoke as it was disrespectful.... they werent pleased but they knew if they tried anything on the sangat would smash them up so they left grudgingly. Sikhs need to stand up for themselves and be much more pro-active and aggressive when dealing with anti-sikh elements. We need to back up Sikhs if they got in trouble rather than look away.... as the saying goes united we stand strong but divide we all fall. As for the Palestine and israel issue. I stand with the innocents which ever innocents getting killed we should stand against the attackers.
  24. She is just another muslim standing up for muslim issues. Whereas our anti-sikh people in Punjab, india or British parliaments are standing up for their parties agenda's rather than for Sikh issues and our kaum.
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