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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. He's not going to be able to take veiled digs and passive-aggressive shots at fellow LGBTers on an exclusively gay forum. This place is a good opportunity to exorcise his various frustrations at who he considers to be the root cause of the various problems plaguing his existence, i.e. religiously-inclined straight males, because we've apparently crafted the society and the conditions under which fellows of his ilk are suffering.
  2. As for Ajeet, I'm not one to kick a man when he's down. I still maintain he's a decent guy who's made some poor decisions when faced with the unenviable issues in his life pertaining to his sexuality and related matters. Regardless of the belief that homosexuality is attributable to nature or nurture, the fact is that he IS gay, and I can only imagine the struggle of trying to come to terms with it all while trying to also deal with uniquely cultural and family issues impacted by his turbulent mental state. The daily constant battle going on his mind is probably unbearable for most people. Where I diverge from his point of view is with his decision to seek a wife in order to satisfy the expectations of his parents. I would not have brought a woman into the situation (and I certainly wouldn't have borne an innocent child with that woman). Regardless of the pressure from external parties, I'd have been more than ready to labour under the mental anguish of my issues completely alone before I'd ever drag somebody into my conflicted life under duplicitous circumstances. I could never do that no matter how strong the forces acting upon me. Now that he finds himself in a situation where I sense he feels suffocated and pressured into an ever stressful home life, I worry what he may resort to. Someone of a volatile emotional nature - such as effeminate gay men and shortsighted women - resort to desperate yet ill advised acts in the mistaken belief that they will find a solution to their problems. I can only advise that he doesn't increase the karmic burden on his shoulders in any way. I believe he's incapable of toughening up his state of mind because if it was on the cards it would've happened by how or at least the early stages of the process would've been instigated. Latching onto corrupt, decadent and misleading western ideologies is of no purpose to someone in his situation. He'll never find the answers in what passes for internet-fueled liberalism in this day and age. I wish him the best. I hope God blesses him with a solution to his problems.
  3. To summarise: "I see the various deficencies in myself that are raised during the discussions that people like Misterrsingh contribute to, but I'm so heavily in denial and afraid of the process of change and improvement I'd be forced to undergo that I'd rather pretend the people raising these issues are misinformed and ignorant than confront those issues in myself and become a better person. I'm also envious of people like Misterrsingh but I can't bring myself to admit such a thing because it would reveal various insecurities about my intellect and limited understanding of the world around me."
  4. They don't like the Dravidian strand, lol. I had to explain to a few old-school Japs regarding the circumstances that lead to the formation of Sikhs and our faith in general, and they were impressed with the fighting spirit and rest of it, but generally from my experience the older generations, i.e. 30+, consider Indians to be weak and unclean. There's very little respect there due to the repeated invasions and conquering.
  5. Soy-infused Sikh males can't muster the courage to tell them to cover up. ?
  6. I agree with the social skills aspect of the discussion. It's essential to be able to engage in conversation with anyone of any background particularly in a professional environment where even the slightest verbal interaction is noted as an indication of ability even if that idea may not be entirely accurate. What I don't agree with is unnecessary small talk and feminised banter / gossip which has the potential to spiral into problematic situations. Maintaining a respectful distance without coming across as arrogant or uncooperative is key.
  7. If he's been reading Sun Tzu lately, which he has, he's probably been inspired by the strategies contained in the writing. I wonder if he's playing his wife off against his parents to engineer conflict, while he benefits from the fallout by encouraging a situation that either leads to divorce or something a lot more malevolent and permanent for somebody...?
  8. Lovely photography skills.
  9. Best get cracking if Japan is a potential site for parchaar, because the Marxists at the UN are currently bombarding the Japs with propaganda for the purpose of them accepting low IQ Muzzies and Africans to replenish an aging and declining population. Once these folks get a foothold in the country, we'll be shunted to the back of the queue as usual. Also, the Japanese mindset considers races and tribes from the Indian subcontinent to be inherently inferior. So, that sales patter better be slick, because it's going to be an uphill struggle to convince a proud, dignified race with centuries-old culture and traditions -- that was ONLY brought to heel during a war when it was partially destroyed by two NUCLEAR BOMBS -- that we have anything to offer such a people. They may be under the cultural and militaristic boot of the Americans -- for understandable reasons -- but that doesn't mean they'll open their legs for us. The arrogance and delusion here is hilarious at times.
  10. A key event will be when the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution will be repealed under the pretence of a great step forward for democracy. When that occurs i think it's safe to say the countdown to the end is well and truly on. I'm beginning to now understand why a population should be armed and not be at the mercy of its government. That way lies oppression, internment, and death. They're already heavily leaning on NZ gun-owners to turn in their weapons since the Christchurch shooting earlier this year. Those of us in Europe where even god forsaken butter knives are considered a danger are going to have to get creative for defence purposes.
  11. MisterrSingh


    Mods can easily check whether I've ever liked one of my own posts. I have never ❤ one of my own posts. So, they can also check it for you, too. Also, you played yourself. Why would you assume I was referring to you if you don't have a guilty conscience?
  12. MisterrSingh


    People who ❤ their own posts should be banned, lmao. Not cool.
  13. They're labouring under the dangerous idea that their hard fought middle class existence will shield them from any potential unrest; that's it's only going to affect the ghettos and the rough areas because that's where the "undesirables" live. They hold the people who are slightly rough around the edges, or those who've fallen through the cracks, with contempt -- although they'd never admit it -- yet funnily enough their misplaced faith in the "system" will send them into an existential crisis when the false safety net they cling to is going to be withdrawn. As much as I'm not anti-white or any of that pallaver, apne of a certain social status in Western countries have too much faith in the sincerity and the integrity of the White establishment. These people have sold out the fellows of their own race; ain't nobody give a jack about us. Sink or swim.
  14. I advised him not to marry because I knew it wasn't a wise decision based on his situation and mindset, BUT when it was done, I assumed he'd step up and take on his responsibilities as a husband and potential father. It's not a novelty; gay men throughout history have lead harmonious and productive family lives despite their leanings. They step-up and realise what's at stake, and then proceed to make the necessary sacrifices to make things work. I realise that takes a particular personality to execute that brand of situation. I assumed the lad would follow that example.
  15. Good luck to you, bro. Don't be disheartened by my frank take on this situation. It's not my intention to dissuade. You wish to learn a noble art for the furtherance of Sikhi, and that should be wholeheartedly encouraged. Do a benti and keep plugging away in your own time. If man does not offer support and guidance, seek the help of the one who never turns his back on his Sikh.
  16. For NRIs it's not really practical is it? I suppose if the desire is present them nothing can really dissuade a student. But it does ultimately boil down to the paise issue.
  17. Not in this day and age. It's either pay top dollar for tuition or receive subpar instruction that's reflected in the lower price. The so-called premier ustaads aren't interested in pro-bono or discount prices. The arts have become the plaything of a wealthy elite and well-connected minority even in our community. If you manage to find an old-school teacher who isn't eyeing you up for how much cash he can wring out of you, you'll be very lucky.
  18. We'd be a race of literal spastics otherwise. It's your decision, your life. Do what you feel is best according to your situation.
  19. Why are you jumping to the worst possible scenario so quickly? How did bibiya in the cavemen days give birth to healthy kids who subsequently perpetuated the human species for successive generations when they were existing in terribly harsh natural conditions? A virus is nothing to worry about with modern medicine at hand.
  20. You got a demon in... nah, I'm just messing with you, but just chill out, bro. No need to throw the baby out with the cold, cold bathwater. ? Do some paat; ask for guidance and clarity. Hold it together.
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