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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. Let it go. On a general note, I do sometimes wonder whether looking too deeply into things that some may describe as harmless fun is the right thing to do. I don't know the true intentions of the people creating that type of content. Are they truly creating films and TV shows as throwaway entertainment that is purely escapism and fantasy (not literal fantasy like dragons, etc), or is there something more insidious at play, such as a hidden agenda that's included in these various mediums to gradually chip away at young minds? Of course, equipping children with the necessary knowledge and support at home means any hypothetical attempts at social programming will be rendered moot, but that takes time and effort on the part of parents.
  2. That's my feelings on what most likely occurred. He lost it. Snapped.
  3. Yes, that's exactly what crossed my mind. Clearly, I don't agree with the daughter's actions in any way or form, teenage rebellion or not, but her death was avoidable if the cops had been a bit careful.
  4. I'm very surprised at the lack of discretion and awareness of certain Islamic cultural issues on the part of the police officer who reported the daughter's crime to the father. You'd think he or she has read the newspaper or seen the news to realise there's quite a few cases where Muslim fathers have been known to kill their young daughters over matters such as these. The cops get in touch with the parents and just blurt out, "Your girl's been caught nicking jonnies." That's just careless. Why not tell the parents she's been done for theft and leave the prophylactic tidbit out of the conversation? Very strange.
  5. That's very true. I don't agree with it, but it's something that is becoming prevalent in the mentality of a certain type of female.
  6. There is one guaranteed way. But I won't be the first to mention it, lol...
  7. I see the long game as well, but what are we gonna do, run around protecting them from the big bad world? That's impossible. There's so many of us, lol, we can't shepherd everyone. The days of our community being tight-knit and almost homogeneous are long gone. We've developed that, "Every man / woman for themselves" mentality. Nobody wants to be told, even if it is for their benefit.
  8. So has there been a noticeable shift towards the Right in terms of the white population's attitudes towards ethnics in Canada, be they settled communities or newcomers? The media usually has had a part to play when something like that occurs.
  9. Wants to make a bit of money, gain notoriety, have some fun I suppose. Standard stuff.
  10. Some Muslims believe Hitler was one of the prophesied Anti-Christs, most likely due to his policies against the Jewish.
  11. Yep, absolutely. These prophecies have been around for thousands of years, and I assume they'll continue to run for thousands more. In the end life goes on as it always has done, save for a few minor upheavals and changes which are to be expected through human existence.
  12. Per your definition, someone worse than Christ, lol. He will speak the language of peace and unification, but his true goal shall be to destroy. It's fantasy IMO, but a lot of fun.
  13. Nah, there's a Semitic one supposedly. I've been reading about him since I was a kid. Prophecies about wars between nations and religions and all that. I was semi-serious, but some of the things I've been reading on the net in the past 13-14 years seemed far fetched at the time (they were stable middle-eastern countries back then), but gradually the names of countries that I read back then are now destabilising, and I'm beginning to get a bit tetchy, lol.
  14. Let's hope the Anti-Christ rises and brings about the destruction of the world.
  15. The ones who live and breathe for their Jatha at the exclusion of all balance and fairness. You don't strike me as someone who is blind to someone's value outside of the affiliations they hold, be they sect, religion, race, etc. Not everyone approaches life in that way.
  16. I think we can always ask, but the question is always whether that request will be granted according to what will help us progress, or if someone else is before us in the queue. But then that throws up so many other questions that impact on concepts such as free will, preordained destinies, etc, I think I'd be going OT, lol. Fascinating stuff regardless. I guess we'll find out for sure one day.
  17. This is conjecture on my part, but he was probably a bad 'un before he was born as Prithi Chand, but requested birth in Guru Ji's home as a chance to atone for previous mistakes, so he must've had a few redeeming qualities. Who did he come into contact with that tipped him over the edge? If we are to assume he and Guru Arjan Dev Ji were raised together and spent most of their lives together as children and young adults, why did one go off towards the dark side and the other developed the qualities that would lead him to be chosen as Guru? There has to be something more and deeper than environment IMO.
  18. I'm not blaming. Not at all. That would suggest the concept has defeated me and I'm an unwitting bystander as I make mistake after mistake. Environment has a role to play once we are incarnated, but before that and almost the constant background accompaniment to our lives, I think it's soul experience has a huge part to play. It's terribly unscientific, but I'm okay with that, lol.
  19. The "affiliated" don't like Jugraj Singh, or at least support him openly, because he doesn't belong to any particular Jatha. They'd be crowing about him from the rooftops if he belonged to one of their groups. He doesn't need them. That way lies divisions, and that's not what's needed in these times.
  20. One of a few examples that lends credence to my belief that genetics and "blood" hold little value in these situations, when in fact it's the sum of our experiences as souls spanning lifetimes that impacts why we are the way we are. Of course, nurture also has a part to play, but not as great as it's thought to be.
  21. North American Sikhs think those of us in the UK exaggerate or even fabricate the Islamic menace. The reason they haven't been exposed to that type of behaviour from the Muslims over there is because it's still, comparatively, early days. The Muslims are still acclimatising to the US, getting their feet under the table, testing the waters. Give it another 20 or so years and N.A. Sikhs will be faced with the same issues we've been faced with since the 80's. Admittedly, not all of them are like that, but when they start to increase in number, their true nature shines through.
  22. Singh Ji, I'd hardly call a journey up into the Himalayan mountains regions to Hemkunt Sahib as a "weekend getaway." It's far from relaxing. I spent most of my time up there wondering when I was going to slip and fall to my watery death thousands of feet below. Admittedly, upon entering the actual complex it was a feeling like no other, but getting there and going back down was a tortuous experience.
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