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Everything posted by Kira

  1. Dhadrianwaley is nothing more than a mindless drone in white clothes, Taksal is a mess right now. But Dhadrianwaley is doing more harm than they are.
  2. Dasam Granth is proof of that. Along side various scriptures written by Sikhs in the 18th/19th century. But of course, all those people are wrong. You're 100% right, I mean what would they know? Maha Kavi Sankokh Singh Ji spent 40 years researching and gathering all the information, but of course he decided to become a Hindu and write it all about Hinduism, I mean let's just discard it and throw away all our history. That was the order of the 5 Pyare you dolt, They told Guru Sahib he had to survive and hide. Which he did. Are you going to argue against Gurbani that calls Guru Nanak Dev Ji through to Guru Arjun Dev Ji as being God? wow. I see how it is, you think you know better than Gurbani. This alone speaks volumes of how little and narrow minded your brain is. Firstly the giving of the head was an excuse to orchestrate the fall of the Mughal empire, in-fact that marked a turning point. Suraj Prakash Granth. If you want to argue against it, argue with the Historian who compiled it, I would love to see your pHD and research into puratan Sikh sources. The smallpox was an EXCUSE to pass on the Gurghaddi, for a simpleton like you that's a difficult thing to understand I presume. It's hilarious that, this simple explanation blows your mind. Will you now doubt that Baba Deep Singh Ji fought without his head? that Guru Nanak Dev Ji mad Mecca revolve? They encouraged the Nirgun worship of God but Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji outright even states Guru Nanak Dev Ji was God. ਗੁਰ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇਵ ਗੋਵਿੰਦ ਰੂਪ ॥੮॥੧॥ ^ if you think that line is wrong and completely false then you may stop calling yourself a Sikh. Do you even know what it means? not the translation but have you actually done an in-depth study of it? Oh boy if I didn't know any better this is just Sukhvirk changing facades again. Mool Mantar addresses the Sargun AND Nirgun aspects of God. If believing that God resides in everything and everyone is Hinduism then please, you're in the wrong religion. Frankly every ancient text in Sikhism proclaims Guru Nanak Dev Ji was aap parmeshwar, but let me guess. All of them are wrong and you're right. Brahmgyan eluded the sikhs of old but somehow Guru Sahib has impart it onto you so you can help all us mere mortals.
  3. That source is something I was aware of but have never seen, would be amazing if you could link it for me too. Preferably the chapter and so on, I'm not doubting your knowledge. I just wish to expand my own in this.
  4. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said he wasn't Bhai Lehna anymore But Guru Angad Dev Ji, he was merely another form of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Are you going to call him a liar? Gurbani also testifies to this. Pretty sure it was a willing sacrifice for the greater good. His mission was to demonstrate that Brahmgyan can come in any form and at any age. Guru Harkrishan Ji also cured thousands of people with smallpox, how stupid for you as a sikh to say they contracted it and had no power to stop it when he was actively purging it from everyone around him. The Guru Sahib's wives were incarnations of Adi-Shakti, I'll explain this concept to you since you'll have a heart attack and call it Brahmvaad. Adi-Shakti is the primal energy of Akaal Purkh, his power. The Sahibzaade were probably bhagats in previous lives. He never followed anything the mughals said? have you ever read Batiichtar Natek? Guru Sahib did as he pleased and that annoyed the mughals. Are you really this dense? Guru Sahib didn't visit one place and suddenly its all hell breaks loose. In-case you missed the memo he was arming sikhs, he had other things to contend to. Guru Sahib never even attempted to enter Harmandhir Sahib. So let's all reject all the old texts that atest to this. Let's reject all the Gurbani that even goes out and says "Gur Parmeshar eko jan" and countless other verses all stating that Satguru Ji was Akaal Purkh's avataar, all because some neo-liberal hippy who's never read into Gurbani says so. You can call me Hindu all you want. But you're the one peddling that God is separate from creation. So very christian. Come back to the table when you can actually understand the concepts of Sargun and Nirgun. Which are integral to Sikh philosophy.
  5. that's pretty common, dont pay heed to it and just focus on Naam.
  6. The Spirit behind the forms was still Guru Nanak Dev Ji, why they came in 10 forms is something you should ask them Sargun/Nirgun principle. God exists as both Nirgun (without form, attribute etc) but also as Sargun (with forms e.g the universe). Bhai Lehna Ji was a hindu, Guru Angad Dev Ji was not. Guru Arjun Dev Ji disappeared into the Ravi river, as for SatGuru Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji Maharaj, he merely had the executioner touch his mortal frame, the head simply fell off. Guru Harkrishan Ji finished his mission, hence why he allowed himself to contract smallpox. The whole universe, every living being is his child. Mool manter describes God in his Nirgun form til Gur Prasad. Then it also inputs God's sargun aspects as well. So it all fits perfectly.
  7. That's true but Angels are perishable, Shaheed Singhs are not. The fact remains this story has dubious origins, The Amritdhari Bibi has suddenly become a Christian Bibi. The original name of the woman in that story was Diane, the story started around 2000. That page from sikhiwiki is from 2011. So sources would be good to discern all this.
  8. This one I have doubts about, I'm not saying Shaheeds aren't capable of protecting other sikhs but this exact story is also circling Christian circles too. The only difference is that the Amritdhari Bibi is a Christian woman, the Shaheed Singhs are angels.
  9. 100% the Veggie patrol are just as hypocritical as the Meat munchers. Learn a thing from people like the old taksalis, Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji had so much respect for the Nihungs even though they ate meat. One issue didn't divide them and they were so much more united, nowadays we have psudeosikhs calling others sinners for eating a simple chicken stick, while they ravage their pakoras like no end.
  10. my generation is doomed. Nothing more than a bunch of self entitled snowflakes.
  11. The Wikipedia post? that anyone can make? filled with multiple inconsistencies? Their list of notable of people who don't accept raagmala is also dubious. If you're taking wikipedia posts to some form of fact then really, that alone is rather shallow. The fact that every traditional Samparada accepts Raagmala speaks volumes, there's generally only one group that create the Hooha. They know who they are.
  12. Dusht Daman was a Monarch who reigned near current day Hazoor Sahib during Satyug, deciding to meditate on God he goes to Hemkunt Sahib and starts tapisya there to become one with God, he succeeds obviously. During his time there in a different region of the world Durga is battling demons again, the demons overwhelm her and she flees the battle field, from the katha I heard she became so weak she actually lost her corporeal form. Finding a Rishi doing tapisya she begs him to protect her. That Rishi is Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji Maharaj. The Rishi protects her and the demon hoards come to him, demanding he hand over Devi. Rishi Ji is unafraid and prays to Waheguru who sends Dusht Daman to help, Dusht Daman (also being a warrior) razes the demon army along with an army of lions (created by Rishi JI from his lion matt), iirc Durga also takes part in the battle after Rishi Ji restores all her powers. It was during the time of Dusht Daman that Sarbloh Granth was written.
  13. It's best not to, almost all of them are fakes. There's probably a handful of real people who can do these kinds of things, I've never come across them myself. I personally wouldn't make it myself (though you're free to make your own if you wish), I'm not really concerned about the future. As long as one does Paath anything can be removed. I was told to recite Sukhmani Sahib as it provides protection against future events and helps subsidise them, even completely changing your destiny at that.
  14. No one's insulted you. Don't get so triggered over it all. If 1 question from Raagmala has shaken you then really your sikhi isn't all too strong. I find it rather humourus how you didn't flip it around and ask him about the authenticity of the Quran, rather than simply laying back and taking the beating no? Yes they are silly, and really moronic. The arguments against it have been debunked a thousand times. The main frontline argument for it was that Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh Ji didn't believe in it, which was total nonsense as there was even an article published where he stated he accepted it as Bani. All the old Saroops with Raagmala within them have the signature of Guru Sahib in them. One of the Oldest birs (the Kartarpur Bir) also has it within it and this was handwritten by Bhai Gurdas Ji , the arguments are based entirely on the a few that don't contain it. The most important thing is that the oldest birs all contain it. There are birs outside of Punjab, that were isolated from everything. All of them contained it, so the argument that someone went around adding it into every single Bir (that would mean travelling to a remote location and then telling the Sangat what you were going to do) and then altering it. The argument is that Mundhavani is the seal so everything after it isn't Gurbani, which is total nonsense. For the record the writer of the Raag Mala was the 5th Mehl not the 1st. The controversy started because one buffoon decided to take 1 word and blow it out of context. That's how all doubt starts. The same people also advocate to remove Bhagat bani from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, there isn't any controversy behind it. Just some bored keyboard warriors with about as much gyan as a teapot. Sort of like ISIS but with less boom boom sticks.
  15. surprisingly I agree with this, going from a scientific perspective (and then even putting in Karmic principles) there's only a set amount of way anything can go, But the exception to these rules are (as you stated) Guru Sahib and his saints. They're the game changers in all this. There's plenty of predictions about the future, the attack on Darbar Sahib in 1984 was predicted, the partition of India was also predicted and kept at bay by Sant Nand Singh Ji. He asked Akaal Purkh to push it back so he wouldn't have to witness the horrors. There's the Sau Sakhi that deal with it but the issue there is that it's been tampered with..heavily.
  16. you already have your answer. Your muslims friend will bring up more donkey faeces to cover up the fact that historically the chain of authenticity of the Quran was broken, but its still written by Muhammad. The issue of Raagmala was started by a few idiots, you know? the same kind of idiots in Islam that don't buy into the Quran being the word of God or that Muhammad was the final messenger. The fact that it irks you is really rather suspicious.
  17. That still doesn't make anything impressive, it raises more questions about authenticity. Firstly the fact that it was written from memory by a secondary source makes it extremely dubious (any Historian can clarify that). What if something was missed? a significant grammatical pronunciation? a line? and so on, the chain of authenticity was broken the minute Muhammad died. That makes the Quran a secondary source and the alleged works of Muhammad. Sikhs have the entire scriptures handwritten and verified by Guru Sahib, the Quran was written years after Muhammad's demise. Muslims in general get really high and mighty over the Quran, yet these facts from any historian completely destroys their narratives, there's even been accusations against Muhammad (or the people who compiled it) of stealing portions of it from other people. Guru Sahib included bani from Bhagats and left in the Bhagats signatures.
  18. That's a bit rich coming from him. Muhamaad didn't even compile the Quran himself, his uncle did. What's to say he didn't alter it?
  19. Basically a liar liar pants on fire.
  20. Careful bro. You're gonna open up the whole "Meat vs Vege" argument once again.
  21. That isn't a source. Once again that's an observation, really you literally know nothing about how logical arguments go yet you feel the need to act like you do. How embarrassing. But I'll bite. Sikhs also started practising the caste system again, not to mention worship of the Hindu Devtas in the late 19th Century. So by your flawless logic I guess those are all also part of sikhism. Really Sukhvirk the fact that you haven't caught onto what im doing here speaks wonders about you. For someone that loves the moral high-ground you can't defend it for your life.
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